WeAreChangeLA infiltrates Sarah Palin's Kool-Aid Convention

On October 4, 2008, Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin made an appearance in Southern California. Stewart Howe, of WeAreChangeLA, was on hand to bring the message of 9/11 truth peacefully to the event.

Has Troy Sexton crossed the line yet?

I rarely visit the Screw Loose Change blog for reasons I'm sure would be obvious to most. However, after following up on a comment here which linked to SLC, I took a moment to skim the front page. On October 26th, Pat Curley posted a link to a video made by the notorious Troy Sexton, aka AlexJonesWrongAgain, of Hurricane, West Virginia. Troy had posted a video on October 26th of his trip to the big city of Cincinnati, OH for Richard Gage's recent presentation there. I assume that Troy notified Curley soon after posting his video since Curley's post was made the very same day. Curley thought highly enough of Troy's pitifully juvenile antics to consider it "good entertainment value," worthy of a blog post at SLC.

They Made a Killing - (Insider trading and CIA coups.)

They Made a Killing
Did people who knew about secret, CIA-led coups use that information to game the stock market?

By Ray Fisman - Oct. 28, 2008

... [Following the CIA-led coup in Guatemala in 1954] ... With a U.S. puppet back in the president's mansion, UFC's profits were safe. But it appears the company wasn't the only beneficiary of this Cold War cloak-and-dagger diplomacy: A recent study by economists Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan, and Suresh Naidu argues that those in on the planning process also profited handsomely. By tracking the stock prices of UFC and other politically vulnerable firms in the months leading up to CIA-staged coups in Guatemala, Chile, Cuba, and Iran, the researchers provide evidence that someone—perhaps one of the Dulleses, Cabots, or others in the know—was trading stocks based on classified information of these coups-in-the-making.

Previously unreleased 9/11 video footage of WTC7 and North Tower spire posted on Veoh

Some previously unreleased videos of the North Tower collapse, with a long shot on the "spire", and a slightly different angle of WTC7. Posted on Veoh, 10.31.2008. (Footage is bigger at source pages: North Tower - WTC7.

Watch North Tower Collapse in How to Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Watch WTC7 in How to Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

This Isn't Right

If you are a 9/11 family member, I don't recommend you watch this. There is coverage of Ann Coulter's hateful comments regarding the "Jersey Girls", Glenn Beck's hateful statements, and my confrontation with Dom Giordano.

I also recommend you watch this.

New England Strategy Session for 9/11 Truth

November 15, 2008 - 9-5pm Keene Public Library, Keene NH

9/11 Truth activists of New England are cordially invited and encouraged to attend a one-day Strategy Session to be held in Keene, NH on Saturday November 15, 2008 from 9am to 5pm. This day-long Strategy Session of open discussion among New England 9/11 Truth activists is designed to strengthen our existing activities, evaluate our resources, and develop new plans that we can immediately implement locally and as a region. Everyone is encouraged to bring your ideas. RSVP would be helpful, but is not required.

This is going to be the most important organizing and planning discussion we've had since the first strategy session at the Democracy Center at the original Boston 9/11 Truth Tea Party in 2006. Important ideas were hatched then like, Truth Squads and campaigns like the 11th of the month were inspired from it. Don't miss it!

To RSVP or for further information contact :Boston or:
Keene NH

Going To Be On The North Virginia Patriots Show - Monday 11/3/2008 - 6:20PM EST

The North Virginia Patriots show is an interactive, live Internet political talk-radio show that focuses on libertarian views. Host Bryan and Ray cover all the topics going on in todays political world. The show airs Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM Eastern time. The show is hosted on http://www.rtrradio.com

Restore the Republic Radio is a free, web-based platform that is broadcasting the message of freedom to a republic that is starving to hear something other than the spoon-fed propaganda controlled by the five major media corporations. Providing you with engaging hosts and up to the minute live coverage from events and actions across our republic. RTR Radio is your one stop shop for the latest news from the freedom movement. The stream can be heard 24 hours a day at http://www.rtrradio.com

Et Tu Lindorff?

Facts to the contrary, there just are no conspiracies

David Lindorff has finally stuck his foot in his mouth, over at Commondreams.org, a notorious anti-truth gatekeeping site. I suppose we should all just abandon even the hope for justice, truth and reconciliation and take orders from the establishment Democrats?

Lindorff mixes irrational hyperbole with some revisionist whitewashing, all in an effort to put those pesky "conspiracy theories" behind us -- in the service of "the left." This tactic was employed previously by Alexander Cockburn among others, and is quite simply shameful.

Hope for Change or Change Your Hopes? - by Michael Collins

(With the Presidential election on the horizon, I asked Michael Collins, who is a serious student of the Fraudulent elections of the past few years, to pen a short piece for visitors of 911blogger, summarizing the dangers of Election Fraud... not "Voter Fraud"... Election Fraud. -rep.)

Hope for Change or Change Your Hopes?

Elections and Voting in a Dissociated State

by Michael Collins, 10.31.2008

"Some say" that no matter who gets elected we're still going to be in Iraq, the bailout will continue, and there will be no drawdown of the bloated budgets, particularly the military, that feed the defense contractors their daily ration. We're not getting national health, rather an electronic exchange and so forth down "the middle of the road" of national leadership.

Here's some news from the election fraud segment of our precipitous decline thanks to greed and avarice, not to mention stupidity, on the part of the ruling elite. Everyone of the problems mentioned could be solved without much cost in a few months. Everybody in power knows that and only a few officials act to serve citizens. They're rarely rewarded and frequently punished and marginalized for their service.