Guantanamo From Both Sides of the Wire

On Tuesday 20th of January 2009 the Cageprisoners "Two Sides, One Story -- Guantanamo From Boths Sides of the Wire Tour" -- a tour to mark seven years of unlawful detention, abuse and torture, came to Sheffield, UK. Christopher Arendt (former Guantanamo guard, Iraq Veterans Against War), Moazzam Begg (former Guantanamo prisoner, spokesperson for Cageprisoners) and Omar Deghayes (former Guantanamo prisoner, Save Omar) were introduced by Jillian Creasy on behalf of the Sheffield Guantanamo Campaign. It was an outstanding and very moving event and an audio recording of the meeting and some photos can be found on Sheffield Indymedia and The A-Infos Radio Project.

Omar Deghayes, Moazzam Begg and Christopher Arendt

Downvote Bots Fight Propaganda War

Government propagandists, their hired private contractors and useful idiots are creating "downvote bots" or scripts to bury stories which question the government.

Anyone who has posted news items questioning the government's version of 9/11, the government's unquestioning support for Israel, or a host of other topics has probably noticed that all of their recent stories get downvoted virtually simultaneously, which defies the laws of probability.

One free, simple scripting program to create automatic downvotes of certain topics or news posters is called "Greasemonkey", which is commonly used on large social news sites such as Reddit.

Now is the Time to Find Out If Continuity of Government is Still In Effect

Now that we have a new administration, it is the right time to find out whether the United States is still in a national state of emergency as declared on 9/11 and whether the unconstitutional continuity of government plans are still in effect.

Someone please submit freedom of information act requests to find out.

NEADS Operator at 9:16: Be Careful What You Say on Tape

I've been listening to the NEADS tapes again and I came across this:

At about 9:16 one of the operators says, "Be careful what we say on the loop, because these are being recorded and these tapes will be handed over."

This is from tape 15, about 38:00.

Anthony Cipriano 9/11 first Plane witness

Anthony Cipriano was working at Madison Square Garden on the morning of september 11th 2001. He witnessed the first plane fly over his head and hit tower 1. Several weeks later he worked clean up near ground zero. He recalls his thoughts about the steam that was rising from the pile in mid October the plight of the first responders and the need for a new investigation into 9/11.

All the best


9/11 Suspects Declare Guilt at Gitmo War Court

Posted Jan 20, 2009 By BEN FOX, Associated Press Writer Ben Fox, Associated Press Writer

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba – Two alleged orchestrators of the 2001 attacks on America casually declared their guilt on Monday in a messy and perhaps final session of the Guantanamo war crimes court. This week's military hearings could be the last at Guantanamo — President-elect Barack Obama has said he would close the offshore prison and many expect him to suspend the military tribunals and order new trials in the U.S.

Ramzi Binalshibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed architect of the terrorist attacks, were unapologetic about their roles during a series of outbursts as translators struggled to keep up and the judge repeatedly sought to regain control.

"We did what we did; we're proud of Sept. 11," announced Binalshibh, who has said he wants to plead guilty to charges that could put him to death. The judge must first determine if he is mentally competent to stand trial.

Mohammed shrugged off the potential death sentence for the murder of nearly 3,000 people in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Alternative Live Broadcast of Presidential Inauguration of Obama on No Lies Radio Tuesday, Jan 20th at 5am Pacific – 8am Eastern

Presidential SealPresident
Click Here To Listen --

Coming up LIVE Tuesday, Jan 20th at 5am Pacific - 8am Eastern - 13:00 GMT
Historic Live Broadcast: The Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama

Highlights will be archived here after the broadcast.

No Lies Radio will broadcast LIVE the Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama and complete inauguration day coverage. This is Pacifica Radio Network's exciting live coverage of the inaugural including alternative viewpoints of the process with special progressive guests and analysts. HOSTED by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.

Call in your thoughts and feelings on this historic day: 1-800-737-3030 TOLL FREE

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence By Rev. Martin Luther King 4 April 1967

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence
By Rev. Martin Luther King
4 April 1967
Speech delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on April 4, 1967, at a meeting of Clergy and Laity Concerned at Riverside Church in New York City
A Time to Break Silence Part 1

A Time to Break Silence Part 2

Richard Gage, AIA Publicly Thanks FBI for Endorsement of "Controlled Demolition" Analysis

Richard Gage, AIA founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth discusses a welcome letter of response from Michael J. Heimbach, Asst. Director in the FBI division of Counterterrorism.

On Nov. 7th the FBI received a registered letter from Harold Saive - founder of Saive referenced evidence presented in Richard Gage's 2008 video release of "9/11: BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH".

On Dec 22, 2008, Saive received a letter of response from Michael J. Heimbach thanking Saive for "offering to provide information to the United States Government".