October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

"National Security Whistleblowers" fire broadside against 9/11 Commission Report

Did you see this? It is a month old already, but it may have slipped everyone's attention:

"[...] we, the National Security Whistleblowers, want to go on record
one more time to reiterate the significant issues and cases that were
duly reported to the 9/11 commission by those of us from the intelligence,
aviation, and law enforcement communities, but ended up being censored
and omitted."

Sibel Edmonds and William Weaver enumerate 13 whistleblowers by name who have attempted to testify their knowledge before the now infamous "Ommission Commission". Their details are mindboggling. None of their people were called into hearings by the Commission's own initiative; all of them had to insist being heard and interviewed. Most failed to get a hearing -- and those who did, have seen their testimonies omitted in the final report.. This is truely smashing evidence for a cover up job being well executed by the commission.

Hmm.... maybe I better reproduce a full copy of the original publication in here (with some added highlighting by myself), so it gets wider circulation: (Has this ever been picked up by DailyKos and similar "alternative" outlets?)

The 9/11 Commission: A Play on Nothing in Three Acts

by Sibel Edmonds and William Weaver

A wag once famously said that Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot was a play where nothing happened… twice. The two former co-chairmen of the 9/11 commission report, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, have released a new book, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission. This book goes Beckett one better – it is the third act of veneer over substance, self-aggrandizement over serious analysis, and cliché over perspicacity. It is another calculated attempt by the former commissioners to place themselves in the media spotlight, and to overcome the humiliation of their widely criticized and mostly debunked report. It is a vapid and substanceless attempt to claim moral high ground and present the cochairmen as heroes of honesty. It would be a farce, except that it has no story line, save the aggrandizement of the authors. At least they are consistent in doing nothing and proclaiming that to be a sign of their devotion to the country and the government. Beckett once said that "habit is the ballast that chains the dog to its vomit," and by this measure the chain restraining Kean and Hamilton is a short one indeed.

(more after the jump..)

Worcester Polytechnical Institute Suggests Melted Steel and Silver Dollar Sized Holes Caused by Sulfur Possibly From Acid Rain

Note: This article is in fact over 4 years old, since it has already been posted it will still be listed, sorry for the confusion.

The "Deep Mystery" of Melted Steel - wpi.edu

There is no indication that any of the fires in the World Trade Center buildings were hot enough to melt the steel framework. Jonathan Barnett, professor of fire protection engineering, has repeatedly reminded the public that steel--which has a melting point of 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit--may weaken and bend, but does not melt during an ordinary office fire. Yet metallurgical studies on WTC steel brought back to WPI reveal that a novel phenomenon--called a eutectic reaction--occurred at the surface, causing intergranular melting capable of turning a solid steel girder into Swiss cheese.

Materials science professors Ronald R. Biederman and Richard D. Sisson Jr. confirmed the presence of eutectic formations by examining steel samples under optical and scanning electron microscopes. A preliminary report was published in JOM, the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. A more detailed analysis comprises Appendix C of the FEMA report. The New York Times called these findings "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation." The significance of the work on a sample from Building 7 and a structural column from one of the twin towers becomes apparent only when one sees these heavy chunks of damaged metal.

A one-inch column has been reduced to half-inch thickness. Its edges--which are curled like a paper scroll--have been thinned to almost razor sharpness. Gaping holes--some larger than a silver dollar--let light shine through a formerly solid steel flange. This Swiss cheese appearance shocked all of the fire-wise professors, who expected to see distortion and bending--but not holes.

A eutectic compound is a mixture of two or more substances that melts at the lowest temperature of any mixture of its components. Blacksmiths took advantage of this property by welding over fires of sulfur-rich charcoal, which lowers the melting point of iron. In the World Trade Center fire, the presence of oxygen, sulfur and heat caused iron oxide and iron sulfide to form at the surface of structural steel members. This liquid slag corroded through intergranular channels into the body of the metal, causing severe erosion and a loss of structural integrity.

"The important questions," says Biederman, "are how much sulfur do you need, and where did it come from? The answer could be as simple--and this is scary- as acid rain."

(more after the jump..)

Some of my Photo Collection

If it's not breaking any board guidlines, I would like to post some of my favoutie photos, which I have collected over the years. God that sounds awful, for those who have been truthlings since day one. We need to wrap this up, guys, it's been five years.

How Do You Fight the Creation of Fake Reality?

The short answer is to ignore it. The simple act of acknowledging a fake reality by contesting it immediately raises its mass from 0 to something capable of germinating and sprouting legs. Lesson number 1 in the reality wars is never acknowledge the fake reality unless you have to for some reason, i.e. because it is being acknowledged by enough other people that your ignoring it raises questions. The 9/11 perps, who would like to give the impression that their guilt in their own conspiracy is itself a fake reality tried that for a while and having failed, switched to the less ideal strategy of contesting it. Truthers, who know the OT to be a fake reality, never had the luxury of ignoring it--this is the advantage that goes to White in chess, that of making the first move. Our moves in response to the first move however can realistically involve ignoring some aspects of the OT's fake reality, especially those that are added daily in support of the teetering OT. Some of these are easy to ignore, like the distractions of pedophiles and child murderers. These are tragedies, sure, but they do not rise to the level of national importance that begs for front page coverage. Others, like a new "al Qaeda" tape du jour, are trickier since ignoring them runs the risk of allowing the public to add it, as the perps would like, to the support structure for their own realities that are by now pretty much dependent on the OT. In order to determine whether or not to dignify a piece of disinfo with a response, we should weigh the potential effectiveness of it in the construction of our adversaries' fake reality.

Why Didn't The President Receive "Air Cover" On 9/11?

By Jon Gold

I saw someone mention tonight the fact that the Secret Service didn't bother to protect the President on 9/11, and this question occurred to me. "Did the President receive "Air Cover" at any time during his time at Booker Elementary?"

So, I set out to see when the President received "Air Cover." It made sense to me that during a time when America was "under attack" from kamikaze hijackers in commercial airliners, that the President of the United States would receive "Air Cover." Especially considering there was an international airport not 5 miles away. Makes sense, right?

Thanks to Paul Thompson's GREAT WORK, I found the following:

(More after the jump..)

After reading the Jersey's girls reply, I researched this Agent

Harry Samit is a Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent based out of the FBI Field Office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is a former United States Navy naval aviator, Naval Intelligence Officer, and a certified private pilot. He is most noted for arresting Zacarias Moussaoui on August 16, 2001.

Samit became aware of Moussaoui because of Clancy Prevost [1], a certified flight instructor at the Pan-Am International Flight Academy in Eagan, Minnesota. Moussaoui had enrolled for training in a 747-400 simulator at the school on August 13 but his behavior during instruction alarmed Prevost, who did not believe that Moussaoui was just a wealthy individual interested in flying jumbo jets. At Prevost's urging, the flight school contacted the Minneapolis FBI Field Office, and Samit was one of the special agents assigned to investigate Moussaoui.

Moussaoui was arrested by Samit for a visa violation on August 16 but, because the arrest was effected outside the Residence Inn where Moussaoui had been staying, Samit had no legal right to search the hotel room and its contents without Moussaoui's consent. Moussaoui denied consent, so Samit could only search Moussaoui and his car. Samit found a small knife in Moussaoui's left pocket and another knife in the car.[2]

9/11 Widows Lash Out Over Tenet, Rice Meeting

The Jersey Girls are lambasting the administration and the 9/11 Commission for failing to prevent 9/11 and then covering up what really happened.

Raw Story has the 9/11 Widow's statement:

"Statement Regarding al Qaeda Threats
October 5, 2006

Astonishingly, five years post 9/11 the public is made aware about an urgent July 10, 2001 meeting that took place between former CIA Director George Tenet and then, National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. This information comes from Bob Woodward's newly released book, "State of Denial".

Despite this Administration's rhetoric that they had "no warnings" leading up to 9/11, it has become abundantly clear, that key Administration officials were made aware of the vast array of Al Qaeda threats and warnings that existed in years prior, and more importantly, in the weeks leading up to September 11, 2001.

When we add the July 10, 2001 meeting to the plethora of other clear warnings that our government had, a very concise view of the al Qaeda threat emerges. Those other warnings include, but are not limited to:

(More after the jump..)

Ashcroft blasts 9-11 Commission (a commissioner blasts back)


Juicy tidbits here, as well as lots of finger pointing and distancing, eh?

"Ashcroft also writes that the commission's hearings "were not so much about discovering the truth as they were about assessing blame and grandstanding," adding that they "degenerated into show trials."

"Ashcroft "may very well have been the worst witness we interviewed," he said, adding he was "very unresponsive and unhelpful.""
-- GOP Commissioner Slade Gorton

"The day prior to Ashcroft's testimony, the man who had been acting FBI director throughout the summer of 2001, Thomas Pickard, told the commission that Ashcroft had told him during a briefing covering counter-terrorism that "he did not want to hear about this anymore," and had refused a request for additional funding for FBI counter-terrorist activities."

Yet Ashcroft stopped flying commercial aircraft in the weeks preceeding 9/11 in response to a warning given by DCI George Tenet!


Analysis: Ashcroft blasts 9-11 Commission
UPI Homeland and National Security Editor

WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 (UPI) -- Former Attorney General John Ashcroft this week became the only Cabinet-level Bush official to attack the Sept. 11 Commission, writing in his memoirs it "seemed obsessed with trying to lay the blame for the terrorist attacks at the feet of the Bush administration, while virtually absolving the previous administration of responsibility."

Peter Gabriel Comes Aboard

Musician Peter Gabriel (the force behind the rock band Genesis and one of the people, along with Paul Simon, who was key in popularizing the genre of music called "World Music") has come out for 9/11 truth.

Here's Peter's My Space blog.

Big props to Peter!