October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Google Censoring 9/11 Stories

Prison Planet points out that Google appears to be censoring 9/11 news.

Today's Prison Planet article focuses on Google's censorship of Alex Jones' Terror Storm film, Charlie Sheen's statements about 9/11, and the website SpaceWar.com.

Action item:

"Please e mail Google and ask them why they keep trimming the viewership figures for Terror Storm. Demand an answer as to why they are unfairly blocking Terror Storm from reaching large numbers of people. We appreciate the great service that Google Video provides for free but what are they so afraid of that they would deliberately alter viewership totals and suppress the impact of this movie?"

Payne Stewart

I've looked closely into the Payne Stewart intercept and determined that it took an hour for f-16s to intercept his lear jet. So that talking point should really be dropped and the question of whether interceptions of the hijacked planes should have occured in a more timely manner reexamined.


Pentagon officials said the military began its pursuit of the ghostly civilian aircraft at 10:08 a.m., when two Air Force F-16 fighters from Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida that were on a routine training mission were asked by the FAA to intercept it. The F-16s did not reach the Learjet, but an Air Force F-15 fighter from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida that also was asked to locate it got within sight of the aircraft and stayed with it from 11:09 a.m. to 11:44 a.m., when the military fighter was diverted to St. Louis for fuel.

VIDEO: James Fetzer and Kevin Barrett @ UW in Madison WI. Oct 1st

From WokenSheeple.blogspot.com

posted by woken sheep
Thursday, October 05, 2006
James Fetzer and Kevin Barrett @ UW in Madison

Well IM back after my 8 hours of driving from Madison. It was a good day beautiful day to be exact. Fetzer and Barrett put on a great presentation for the people of Wisconsin. They were handing out terror storm DVD's, deception dollars and media about 911 veterans for truth. 911 vets paid for the whole thing BTW. Including the check donated by fetzer.
I captured the video and audio from an analog video camera so theirs a bit of a hiss in the audio, and I forgot my tripod but the video is still pretty steady. Its all there anyway. I hope you guys enjoy this as it was a pain in the ass holding that camera up for as long as I did.
after it was all said and done some reporter told me "I should sell the tape" I said "nah it'll be on the net for free tomorrow" she then asked me where and I told her " conspiracycentral.net and wokensheeple.blogspot.com". She wrote down the url's and thanked me for the links and I took off for another wonderful 4 hour ride home.

Click here for video.

(Also check out Reprehensor's blog "More press coverage of UW 9/11 lecture!" and "Victory for Kevin Barrett!" for more information regarding this story)

Video: Japanese 9/11 TV coverage

William Rodriguez is off to Japan to speak with Jimmy Walters and others at the 911 Truth Conference in Tokyo.

Before he left, he sent us this compressed .wmv of a pro-9/11 skepticism segment he consulted on for Japan's "Asashi" TV program. Rodriguez says the program got great ratings.

Domo, William!

6 MB - WMV

New wtc7 footage

Sorry if this has been posted before but everyone must watch this video. I didnt even know it existed.

Integrating perspectives: 911 according to anti-neocons.com

My comment: I don't neccessarily agree with everything Ryan says 100%, but there is a lot he is 100% right on, and a lot of it is missing pieces in the PNAC area. Gleen and digest

by Ryan Dawson

Some 911 was an inside job camps like to lay out 4 scenarios. Briefly they go as follows.

1 Is the official story.
We got caught with our pants down and terrorists did 911. And the wars in the Middle East are part of the greater war on terrorism.

2 The incompetence excuse
There was information available about the coming attacks but because of our incompetence we failed to see it. Terrorists attacked the US. And the wars in the Middle East were based on mistakes (more incompetence) but now we got to stay.

3 They let it happen
They knew full well about the coming 911 attacks but allowed it to happen in order to use it as a pretext to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan as it was in military and corporate interests (particularly oil) to do so.

4 They made it happen. (They meaning just vaguely the Bush Admin)
The Bush government either helped protect the terrorists or simply used them as patsies, and assisted the plane crashes effects with bombs placed inside the towers prior to 911. The wars in the Middle East were about oil.

The 911 was an inside job camps then say the evidence must land you somewhere between 3 and 4 with more research dropping you firmly on 4.

Let me now throw in a 5th scenario

5 The Neocons Made it happen with the assistance of a foreign government, the same government where PNAC was first written, and who we have caught spies from who have been stealing secrets from us about Iran, and who made up the shadow government of the OSP which is who cherry picked and fabricated the lies told about Iraq in order to start the war. The Wars in the middle east were for separate reasons, Afghanistan was about a few pipelines as noted but more so about controlling large quantities of un-tapped uranium (a reason for both the Russian and US invasions) and secondly for controlling opium as the CIA uses drug money to fund it's off the book black operations such as the now known massive secret prison systems, (torture camps and human medical/scientific testing). Location-wise Afghanistan is coupled with other color coded revolutions to circle China and Russia with US bases and puppets, (add to that the lesser known negotiations with Japan to allow nuclear subs into the Japanese Sea [pointed at China] in exchange for moving troops from Okinawa to Guam). The main goal however, which the PNAC think tank states, is to keep the eye on the pie: Iran, which Afghanistan and Iraq both boarder. The invasion of Iraq was to solve Israel's oil crisis and stop the threat of a secular Middle East which would become a true economic player and was a threat to the aggressive state of Israel.

The evidence if it was ALL being stated, especially pertaining to the war in Iraq, would land you somewhere between scenario 4 and 5 and more research would land you firmly in 5.

A lot of people have written about and shown the problems with official 911 story. There is the demolition of building number 7, which the 911 commission didn't even address, there are the firemen's reports that the fires were almost out, there are numerous reports of secondary explosions etc. Because it has been said on radio and more so because people have made films about it, many people can recite the arguments for the inside job in their sleep. But what has been hidden from you and the dots which have not been connected in any 911 films is the Israeli connection. 911 was an inside job which was part of a larger plan for perpetual war hatched in Israel. 911 and the wars in the Middle East were carefully planned attacks carried out by a faction of Zionist Neocons and the Israeli Mossad. I would like to focus more on who did it rather than just that it was done. We will start with PNAC and then jump and work backwards from the Iraq War to 911.

A lot of people know about PNAC, but very few people have taken a hard look at its origins. People have also gotten confused between the actual authors and people who just signed their letters. Rumsfeld for example is not part of the special in-group as its chairman William Kristol revealed, irronically on the Colbert report. PNAC was co-authored by the same people who have been caught lying about the Iraq War's pre-invasion intelligence. We are talking about only around 25 people who helped fabricate evidence and pass it off to the president and journalists. PNAC's ideas and statements stem from Israeli policy papers. In fact, PNAC's papers were written by the very same people who wrote Israeli policy papers and hold dual citizenship with Israel. The war in Iraq and control over energy resources ect is all lined out in Israel's A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" which was written by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. That is just one of many papers this little blood for money cabal cranked out. The IASPS (Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Science) also wrote a paper called the ]Afghan Vortex a year before the invasion. Note also that the US had ships already in place set to invade before 911. In 1992 Paul Wolfowitz wrote the Defense Planning Guidance, with his former Student Lewis Libby:

This time its google that think Foley is a Democrat

Heres another one, just saw it on crooks and liars.




this is clearly deliberate now

Some Evidence of Planted Plane Wreckage @ WTC Site






Source: "We Have Holes" by Dr Morgan Reyolds, March 2006

Highly recommended reading

VIDEO: William Kristol Confrontation

"We know that y'all did it!"


Aaron Dykes & Kevin Smith/ JonesReport.com | October 5, 2006

William Kristol, chairman of the Project for a New American Century (founded in 1997) spoke at the University of Texas in Austin about the current political climate and the "new order" or "new world" that emerged after 9/11. He was confronted by a large number of protesters who carry banners and question his role in 9/11. The event was covered by the Daily Texan.
