October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Response to Cockburn's "Theory of the WTC Collapse" Part 1

In the most recent issue of the newsletter Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn published another rant against those who would question the official story of 9/11.

Cockburn begins his most recent hit piece by claiming that “9/11 nuts proffer…disturbing questions though they disdain all answers but their own," however as one reads it becomes clear that it is in fact Cockburn who prefers his own answers to questions raised by the impudent “nutters.” After all, Cockburn agrees with Michael Neumann's remark that there isn’t “a single serious question about 9-11,” and with Neumann's claim that whatever lingering doubts might remain in the minds of “nutters” derive from the same kind of irrationality that perpetuates beliefs in “angels, creationism, and…channeling.”

Putting aside the fact that both Neumann and Cockburn evidently fail to understand what a logical argument is as they both blithely engage in the fallacy of association, what is especially worth noting is that the most prominent source of disturbing questions about 9/11 is the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 independent commission. The family members of the victims of 9/11 had and still have many legitimate questions about 9/11 including why jets were unable to intercept the hijacked planes if they were airborne within eight minutes of notification? And the question of why NORAD apparently waited until after the second plane hit the WTC to try and prevent possible further attacks, and why the fighter jets that tailed flights 11 and 175 as they crashed into New York’s WTC were not rerouted to intercept flights 77 or 93, before they crashed into the Pentagon and Pennsylvania?

Some Things the 9/11 Commission Didn't Want to Know About

In case you missed it, here's a great quote from this week:

J. Cofer Black, the State Department's Coordinator for Counterterrorism, who was the former point man for the U.S. government's international counterterrorism policy in the first term of the Bush administration, says that "there were things the [9/11] commission wanted to know about and things they didn't want to know about."

November Surprise Welcomes The Democrats To Congress

I'm not fan of Democrats but I think we have a good chance of getting impeachment underway after November 7. If we get that then the least we will get is a huge impeachment style cover-up which sucks...but it's better then nothing.

Think about it. November 7th crowds greet the democrats to office with impeachment messages ringing loud. They will be forced to deal with the situation!

Is it possible to organize in just over a month? Converge on Washington DC for the "November Surprise".

Think about it. 9/11 Truth and other indy media needs to start advertising an event ASAP!

IT WENT DOWN in Portland

Again...as I search the MSM of course NO COVERAGE of this event. It went down in Portland...here is the link brothers.....
In our area this was HEADLINE NEWS here, and No spin was put on it as I watch the news here...just straight reporting of what was going on. Would love to see links from around the country in your city. I have googled many times for different cities news and come up with nothing, so show me please...


The game is ON........

We have 3 weeks before the ships arrive to bomb Iran...we need to act.


Send these facts to everyone.....

We can do it brothers....we need to stop this.....it is you & me & your family & anyone you care about. If I get taken away to one of the camps, all I ask is that you fight to get me out.

Could This Be Rove's Sick "October Surprise"?

If you are still living in a sick neo-con christian-fascist bubble (as is George Bush), what is the next best thing to serving up Osama Bin Laden as an October Surprise? My guess is it will be serving up Saddam's head on a stick (remember: "he tried to kill my dad!". Especially considering UBL is probably already dead or is still on the CIA payroll.

We all know how much the Bush cabal likes parading the carcass of so-called "evil doers" all over for the world to see. Remember Uday and Qusay? This is a sick bunch of wannabe cowboys.

But there may be a heavy price to pay for Saddam's blood. As the following article illustrates, if Saddam (or should I say WHEN Saddam) is found guilty and sentenced to death, Iraqi law requires that his execution be carried out within 30 days. I bet these sick sons of bitches are ghoulish enough to actually do it on Halloween (Oct. 31).

There is little doubt but that they do plan to "off" Saddam. They have to! He knows too much. But at what cost? Plus, the way things are going in Iraq... there is a realistic chance that the world may rally and actually call for his return to power. Something Bush would never allow to happen. But things are getting so unbelievably bad, perhaps the only way to avoid that eventuality is to kill him. And my guess is that's exactly what they plan to do.

Quick Note on New CAPTCHA System for Anonymous Comments

Just a quick note about the new CAPTCHA system I just enabled..

We got hit with about 35 or so spam comments today from spambots. In order to continue to allow anonymous comments we had to put something in place that would prevent these spambots from coming back more and more frequently. The CAPTCHA system we put in place will ask a simple math question to anonymous users before they can add a comment in order to show they are a real person and not an automated script. I went with the math question over the typical distorted image because frequently those can be a pain to work with.

Hopefully this won't cause anyone any issues, but should get rid of the spambots.

p.s. the content of this site is now 100% indexed (and updated every other hour), so the search abilities on the site are totally killer now, be sure to try it out next time your looking for something.

Update: I decided to switch to the image mode instead of the math questions since apparently some might think the math question was completely pointless and not realize what it is for.

USA = Dopey and Sleepy

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 3:00 pm
Harry Shearer is, well, you know, Harry Shearer—man of a thousand voices on The Simpsons, host of the NPR radio show Le Show, author of the just published Not Enough Indians, former cast member of Saturday Night Live, bass player for a little band called Spinal Tap that changed the face of entertainment. Besides all that, and blogging, Harry, who splits time between homes in New Orleans and Los Angeles, does a lot of live performance, like his upcoming gigs at Cal State Long Beach’s Carpenter Center.

OC Weekly: My daughter saw you perform in Scotland in something called This Is So Not About the Simpsons. Is this going to be that show?

Harry Shearer: No, that was something I did with my wife. This is going to be more of me talking, probably a little less about performance. It will be a monologue with a little musical piece at the end. There will probably be a video piece also. Then I’ll probably ask for questions from the audience and ignore them.

October 5th SUCCESS

Well, Headline news on all stations, Police broke up the protest at 3:30 PM 7 people arrested for sitting in the street and not ebeying police. Check out our news stations. Portland , Oregon

these are 2

please post your stuff from around the country. The media is spinning it a little, but the word is out!

Whatever happened to the WTC hard drives?

German Experts Press For Truth
Of Pre-911 Stock Activity
By Erik Kirschbaum



PIRMASENS, Germany (Reuters) - German computer experts are working round the clock to unlock the truth behind an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center on September 11.

Were criminals responsible for the sharp rise in credit card transactions that moved through some computer systems at the WTC shortly before the planes hit the twin towers?

Or was it coincidence that unusually large sums of money, perhaps more than $100 million, were rushed through the computers as the disaster unfolded? A world leader in retrieving data, German-based firm Convar is trying to answer those questions and help credit card companies, telecommunications firms and accountants in New York recover their records from computer hard drives that have been partially damaged by fire, water or fine dust. Using a pioneering laser scanning technology to find data on damaged computer hard drives and main frames found in the rubble of the World Trade Center and other nearby collapsed buildings, Convar has recovered information from 32 computers that support assumptions of dirty doomsday dealings.

Turns out Kristol got off easy.

Kristol should be happy. The Minuteman Project got rushed off stage!
