October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

The Foley-911 Connection

The media storm surrounding the Foley-pedophile story is understandable, but a huge distraction from the more important story of 9/11. Even veteran reporter Robert Scheer (formerly of the L.A. Times) has said that the administration's foreknowledge is more important than Foley-gate.

How do we connect 9/11 to the media-frenzy du jour, the pedophile scandal?

Two words: Denny Hastert.

Remember that former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, who the Department of Justice's Inspector General and several senators have called extremely credible (free subscription required), said "If they were to do real investigations we would see several significant high level criminal prosecutions in this country. And that is something that they are not going to let out. And, believe me; they will do everything to cover this up". She also is leaning towards the conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job.

9/11 Freeway Blogging - Boston, MA - 10/5/06

Posted signs on 4 bridges this morning in the Boston area. Here are 3 of the bridges...

Woburn, MA
9/11 Freeway Blogging

(more after the jump..)

Netherlands International Conference

Hey, we missed blogging on this one! I saw this over at Rick Siegel's 911eyewitness.com, it took place Saturday September 16, 2006. Better late than never. The international scope of 9/11 skepticism is truly amazing.

16 September 2006
Jaarbeurs Convention Centre
Utrecht, The Netherlands
International 9-11 Truth Conference


Pics and report at link.

9/11 Conspiracy Myths: Truth Under Attack

Ignoring the evidence, conspiracy theorists invent elaborate 9/11 fantasies. America has much to learn from the events of 9/11, but conspiracy mongering poisons the discourse and dishonors the victims of a national tragedy.

Source: popularmechanics.com

Please be sure to read "Popular Mechanics Debunked", and "You're Dishonoring The Family Members".

By Senator John McCain
Published in the September, 2006 issue.

No American living today will forget what happened on September 11, 2001. Each of us will remember how the serenity of that bright morning was destroyed by a savage atrocity, an act so hostile we could scarcely imagine any human being capable of it. The realization sank into the heart of every one of us: America was vulnerable and under attack. On September 11, evil literally took flight.

Amanda Keller Changes Story.

From Southwest Florida's Herald Tribune:

For five years, Amanda Keller has been portrayed by conspiracy theorists as Mohamed Atta's lover.

But the former Venice stripper now says her boyfriend was another flight student not connected to 9/11. And, for the first time, federal investigators say she's right.

"There's nothing there to corroborate the relationship between the two," a New York-based FBI counterterrorism agent said recently after reviewing 9/11 case files.

Here is an interview from a few years ago of Amanda talking about Mohammed.

What does this all of this mean?

14 9/11 Hijackers are on CURRENT No-Fly List

According to CBS News, "14 of the 19 dead 9/11 hijackers" are currently on the no-fly list.

This could obviously be due to bureaucratic bungling and mistakes. On the other hand, it has been widely reported that many of the 9/11 hijackers are actually still alive.

If they are still alive, then it would make sense that they would be on the no-fly list today, wouldn't it? As just one possible reason: if surviving 9/11 "hijackers" flew into the U.S. and talked to the U.S. press, that might shake hundreds of millions of Americans out of their blind acceptance of the official story of 9/11.

Interestingly, the CBS article also states:

"But the names of some of the most dangerous living terrorists or suspects are kept off the list.

The 11 British suspects recently charged with plotting to blow up airliners with liquid explosives were not on it, despite the fact they were under surveillance for more than a year."

Could that be because the liquid bombing plot was a scam, and many other alleged "terrorists" are intelligence-linked patsies? I'm just asking.

Alexander Cockburn, the Established Left, Woodward's book

I've written an essay in response to Alexander Cockburn's latest hysterical rant against those who doubt the official story of 9/11 which appeared in the Counterpunch newsletter, and I'll be posting my essay here either tonight or tomorrow. It's stunning how the established voices of America's far left are amongst the most adamant defenders of the Bush administration's handling of 9/11. Perhaps Woodward's new book will change that to a degree?

Al Qaeda Tapes: Direct Link To Military Psyops And Donald Rumsfeld

The Watson brothers, Paul and Steve, have been all over the "new" Al Qaeda videotape. Here's the latest report from Steve Watson. Well worth a read.

Personally, the angle I [GW] think we should take when discussing the videotape with those who are naive about psyops is:

• There's no soundtrack, so no one can say what the people portrayed said; and

• The Pentagon has had the tape for 5 years, so it is nothing new.

If people are more sophisticated about video psyops, then you can get into the whole issue of fake Al Qaeda tapes.

What do you think?

Why flights 77 and 93 anyway?

There is one question that really puzzles me about 9/11 and as a
new member of the truth fraternity I havent found the topic covered
anywhere so maybe you guys can help me out.

I am certain that the twin towers were systematically demolished
in a shock and awe style psy-op for the benefit of the millions watching
but my question is this: Wasnt that enough?

Why would they bother with the other two flights and a relatively minor
incident at the pentagon and a "crash" in Shanksville?

The perpertrators of 9/11 had an incredibly complex plot to deal with already
and a massive cover-up to organise. I dont understand why they would
complicate matters with these rather pointless additions.

Alex Jones interview with Kevin Smith and Aaron Dykes

From www.jonesreport.com:

Part two of the William Kristol affair, in which Kevin Smith and Aaron Dykes discuss the details and the things not caught on camera.