October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

U.W.-Madison Professors Refuse to Debate Barrett, Fetzer Thurs. 10/5/06

Gutless UW Profs Won't Debate Barrett, Fetzer Thurs. 10/5/06 - indymedia.org

by Kevin Barrett

It appears that Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer will debate two empty chairs Thursday, October 5th, 2006 at 6 p.m. at the Curti Lounge, 5243 Humanities, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The History Students' Association tried to find one or more U.W.-Madison professors willing to defend the 9/11 Commission Report in a debate with Barrett and Fetzer, to no avail. This seems odd, since UW Political Science professor Donald Downs has claimed that Barrett's views are preposterous, while Physics professor M.F. Onellian has engaged in childish name-calling: http://mujca.com/groucho.htm

The fact that not a single U.W.-Madison professor is willing to defend the 9/11 Commission Report in public speaks volumes. The cowardice of professors who call names, but won't debate the facts, is astounding.

Ironically, the Oshkosh Northwestern just ran an editorial bemoaning the fact that no academics are willing to debate Barrett:

Thanks, Daithí.

Ashcroft Stopped Flying Right After CIA Warning

A post at Daily Kos points out that former Attorney General John Ashcroft stopped flying commercial airplanes immediately after receiving the warning of an imminent attack from CIA director George Tenet.

"The White House is in full panic mode trying to find a way to spin the now-admitted fact that George Tenet did indeed brief Condi Rice on July 10, 2001 about the terror threat. The latest damage control approach has been to claim that the report was "nothing new".

So how come when then-Attorney General John Ashcroft heard the same warning a week later, he immediately stopped flying commercial aircraft?


July 17 -- Ashcroft briefed. July 28 -- Ashcroft flies in a charter, leased, according to the article, earlier that week.

Seems to me this could be another blockbuster. If Ashcroft decided that commercial flights were too dangerous based on the same warning as Rice (who presumably wasn't flying commercial flights either) ignored, we have ourselves some rather dramatic
evidence ...."

Here's the original story on Ashcroft staying off of commercial airplanes.

Dr. Bowman on False Flag News - 10/3/2006

Yesterday, Dr. Bowman was interviewed on Dan Abrahamson's "False Flag News" radio program. They talked about 9/11, military exercises and Iran;

"...according to the Nuremberg Principles, which we wrote... which are enshrined in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, every person in the military must obey the Nuremberg Principles... according to those Principles, we in the military not only have the right, but the duty, to refuse an illegal order... and what I'm saying is, those guys up there in the nuclear chain of command, if they get an order to nuke Iran, they must not only refuse to carry out that order, they must arrest who gave them the order as a war criminal." - Dr. Bob Bowman, Oct. 3, 2006

Archived here: Tue., October 3, 2006 (interview starts around 25 minute mark)

If you can, send Mr. Bowman some money for his congressional campaign!


Support Guns and Butter on KPFA Today & Hear "9/11 And American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out"

Guns & Butter

Wednesday, October 4th, 1:00pm

Five years on the air and still going strong, Guns and Butter is the only show on KPFA that has consistently provided in-depth coverage of alternative 9/11 analysis.

Please show your support by calling in a pledge at 800-439-5732 during air-time today, from 1-2pm (or any time, but reference Guns and Butter!). If you don't want to or can't afford to pledge, you can still support us by calling the listener comments line at 510-848-6767 x 622 and saying something nice about the show.

Today's show will be highlight's from the recent event held in Berkeley: 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (event info below). This was a riveting and informative event, so don't miss the show!

Airing live at 1pm on KPFA 94.1FM Berkeley, and streaming and archived at www.kpfa.org


9/11 & American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out

A KPFA original event gathering scholars who confront the unspeakable:

DAVID RAY GRIFFIN - Professor Of Philosophy and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont Graduate University. He is the author or editor of some 30 books, including The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005) and Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006)

911 Thought Experiment

Just thought some of the readers might be interested
in this piece I put together to help those who are still
inclined to the official story see things a bit more clearly.

An excerpt:
Scale this whole thing to a useful size for some more ideas, that's what's so beautiful about thought experiments, you can do all this stuff - imagine a box in your driveway or something about 10 feet tall and 2 feet square of the same matrix like steel construction, with that core and walls of steel, and 'floors' of crossbracing every inch or so, anchored firmly to a cement foundation a few inches under the cement driveway - and then I give you a somewhat elongated cigar tube of about an inch in diameter and a foot in length (and remember, scaling everything, the 'walls' of the cigar tube will be sort of the thickness of a sheet of paper or something like that), a hollow lightweight aluminum tube (imagine it with appropriately scaled wings if you like). Your instructions are to imagine loading that hollow tube into an elephant gun or something, and firing it into the ten foot tall steel matrix somewhere near the top, and thinking about how much structural damage it would cause to your ten foot by two foot by two foot steel matrix anchored below your cement driveway. Look at that one inch tube in your hand, and that ten foot tall steel box in your driveway. Think about it. Are you getting some idea of the scale of things, the actual size of that airplane compared to the WTC? If you were a betting person, would you bet on that cigar tube initiating a 'global destruction' sequence - or not?

9/11 Bloglines (10/04)

9/11 Bloglines (10/04)
October 4, 2006

* LC Forum promotes ny911truth's RollingStone protest
* "Why Does Al Qaeda Sound Like The DNC?"
* Rodriguez will visit Walter's Japan 9/11 Truth Conference
* New TV piece about Rumsfeld's "9/11 souvenier"
* Killtown on Jack Blood (Archived)
* Protests, insults (.U.S. did 9/11) disrupt Kristol 9/11 speech
* RandiForum Rants: "Alex Jones did 9/11"
* 10/05: 9/11Mysteries on AirAmerica Phoenix
* SalonBlogger: Oliver Stone rejects 9/11 conspiracy theories. Troofers crushed
* More LIHOP Relaunch: C.I.A. Chief Warned Rice on Al Qaeda
* Canadian Action Party calls for Royal Commission to investigate 9/11
* 9/11CitizenWatch pushing "Rumsfeld/Ascroft" warnings
* Memo contradicts Rice on 9/11 hangout claim from Woodward
* Sensationalism Heneghan back with Justice Dpt. Mossad Story
* Flashback Video: Summer 2004 at Ground Zero with John Albanese
* PeggyCarter: The Perps Deny Everything, even the "hang-out." Media.
* 10/04: ny911truth protest at Rolling Stone
* New Debate on Pentapoles vs. PentaRoute

9/11 Survey

To better understand the psychology behind 9/11 denial - that is, the psychology behind those who still believe the official fairy tale about 9/11 - I'm doing a survey. The survey seeks responses both from people who do and those who do not believe the official version.

If you're not sure why psychology may be important to spreading 9/11 truth, watch this interview with Watergate-whistleblower and former White House counsel John Dean; and see this essay.

I am not a psychologist or sociologist. However, I know some very high-level folks in these fields who are 9/11 truthers. Once I compile the data, I'll get it to them, so that they can figure out whether there is a more effective way to reach the large sector of the American public who still buys into the 9/11 fairy tell as told by the 9/11 Commission.

This survey is totally anonymous. Email your responses to georgewashington.911blogger@gmail.com, and I will destroy the personal information and email after I count your response data. You can always use a one-time webmail address to send me responses. (Please don't post your responses below, as this will probably lead to a childish thread. Instead, please limit this thread to comments about the survey questions themselves,and the worth of gaining psychological and sociological insight into people who accept the 9/11 Commission's story.)

New Poll in Wisconsin

My son who lives in wisconsin went to Jim Fetzer & Kevin Barrets lecture on Sunday Now the online newspaper is running a Poll

Recently politicians called for a University of Wisconsin professor to leave because he is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Should teachers and professors be allowed to share political views in class?

We need your help to vote the right way


A soldier for Truth

Protests, insults disrupt Kristol 9/11 speech

Protests, insults disrupt Kristol 9/11 speech

A speech by William Kristol, former chief of staff for former vice president Dan Quayle and editor of The Weekly Standard magazine, turned hostile Tuesday when students began hurling insults at Kristol, alleging his and the U.S. government's complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks.

"9/11 is your Pearl Harbor," said one student protestor, referring to a pre-Sept. 11 statement released by the Project for a New American Century, a conservative think tank Kristol chairs.

In a Sept. 2000 report titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses, " the group wrote, "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."

Some of the student protestors are members of the new UT student organization, Project for the New American Citizen, but the group did not officially organize the protest, said founder Matt Dayton. The nonpartisan, anti-imperialism group encourages people to seek out truthful information regarding the U.S. government's policies and actions, said Dayton, an art studio and radio-television-film junior. The group's name is a counter to Kristol's neoconservative think tank...


Better get used to it, Kristol. Thanks, Steve.

All right, Tokyo!

911 Truth International Conference in Japan - Oct. 7, 2006

Event web page:

Host page: "Global Peace Campaign":

Campaign co-founder blog:

William Rodriguez will be at the conference!