October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Fox wishes Foley were a Democrat

Check this "mistake" by the fox news imaginitive screen propaganda graphic boys


user posted image

Well Oct 5th is here?????

Well, the day is here..... October 5th. If you are on this site, and believe in the cause then this is the day.
We have little time to act, and this is the time. Burn CD's and DVD's late into the night. It is on!!
Hand them out like crazy.

My question???

Are you going to involve yourself in the Demonstration?


Pedophiles in Congress

With the brew-who steaming over the Foley revelations. I thought it would be appropriate to shine the light on recent discovery by myself. Many of you I am sure are aware of the Franklin Cover-up.

Below is an interview that Alex Jones gave Senator John DeCamp author of the "Franklin Cover-up" back in 04. See the sick F_CKS at work.

Besure to check out:
History Channel Mind Control: America's Secret War - 53 Mins
Documents how for decades, top secret government projects worked virtually non-stop to perfect means of controlling the human mind. Though for many years the government denied that these projects even existed, the details have long been preserved in thousands of pages of now declassified government documents reluctantly released through the Freedom of Information Act. LSD and electroshock therapy in huge doses given to unsuspecting citizens are only a part of this unbelievable program. A former head of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Ewen Cameron, is one of many highly respected doctors who erased the personalities of thousands of unsuspecting victims, while many in the profession simply turned a blind eye.
WantToKnow.info/mindcontrolinformation, WantToKnow.info/060501conspiracyofsilence

U.S. Government Caught Red-Handed Releasing Staged Al-Qaeda Videos

This could be big, post your thoughts in the comments below.  If this turns out to be ironclad, we can organize a major campaign to the media and members of congress. Thanks to Boast for the scoop:


Immediate Congressional investigation demanded, media oversight of clear and deliberate psychological warfare against American population non-existent

Revelations that the US government had been in possession of footage released on Sunday depicting alleged Al-Qaeda hijackers and Osama Bin Laden since 2001 and evidence that the footage itself was filmed by security agencies, went unquestioned by the media - who blindly towed the official line that the tape was released by Al-Qaeda. This is smoking gun proof that the U.S. government is staging the release of alleged Al-Qaeda tapes and it demands an immediate Congressional investigation.

Segments of the video that were interspersed with footage of the "laughing hijackers," Jarrah and Atta, showing Bin Laden giving a speech to an audience in Afghanistan on January 8 2000, were culled from what terror experts describe as surveillance footage taken by a "security agency."

Oil, Smoke and Mirrors

Oil, Smoke and Mirrors' is an independent 50 minute documentary on peak oil, 9/11 and the war on terror.

Check it out here:


Thanks to Ronan for sending this in.

Did the 9/11 Commission make a deal to keep some facts secret for 5 years?

For a reminder of the 911 Commission's mandate, click here. And yet they have agreements to keep things confidential for 5 years? Thanks to Ron for sending this in...


Not many people noticed this during Mr. Ben Veniste's interview in the wake of the Clinton-Fox News Sunday interview:
"BLITZER: Now, I read this report, the 9/11 Commission report. This is a big, thick book. I don't see anything and I don't remember seeing anything about this exchange that you had with the president in this report.

BEN-VENISTE: Well, I had hoped that we had -- we would have made both the Clinton interview and the Bush interview a part of our report, but that was not to be. I was outvoted on that question.


BEN-VENISTE: I didn't have the votes.

BLITZER: Well, was -- were the Republican members trying to protect the president and the vice president? Is that what your suspicion is?

BEN-VENISTE: I think the question was that there was a degree of confidentiality associated with that and that we would take from that the output that is reflected in the report, but go no further. And that until some five years' time after our work, we would keep that confidential. I thought we would be better to make all of the information that we had available to the public and make our report as transparent as possible so that the American public could have that."

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS): Chairman of the Senate Cover-up Committee

As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen. Pat Roberts’s (R-KS) duty is “to provide vigilant legislative oversight over the intelligence activities of the United States” and “to assure that such activities are in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States.” But on the most important intelligence issues facing Americans – such as the manipulation of Iraq intelligence, warrantless domestic spying, and torture - Roberts has transformed his committee into a “Senate Coverup Committee” for the Bush administration.
Roberts has made clear both his support for Bush’s warrantless domestic spying program and his contempt for those who question the program’s legality. On March 7, his committee once again abdicated its oversight responsibilities and “voted against an investigation of the president’s warrantless domestic spying program.” Roberts instead made a deal with the White House to “allow wiretapping without warrants for up to 45 days.” Ranking Member Jay Rockefeller called the move “proof that the White House controls the Intelligence Committee.”

Roberts Believes In Virtually Unlimited Presidential Power. Tim Russert asked Roberts on Meet the Press, “Do you believe that the Constitution gives the president of the United States the authority to do anything he believes is necessary to protect the country?” “Yes,” Roberts replied, “but I wouldn’t say anything he believes.” “I think you go at it very, very carefully, and that’s been done by every president that I know of.” [Meet the Press, 2/12/06]

WTC Collapse Examined By Live Video - See For yourself!

This video straight up defies what the "official" 9/11 commision report says about the 47 Steel beams in the center of the towers not even being there... Notice a few of them still standing after the rest of the building fell?

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

Why Progressives Need To Drop The Foley Outcry

I know most of us here have a sour taste in our mouth regarding both Democrats and Republicans. Bare with Mrs. O'Connor. She's trying to make the most of the available system, and I understand that. Please be fair with your commentary.

By Donna Marsh O’Connor,
Mother of Vanessa Lang Langer,
WTC Tower II, 93rd Floor

It’s only just over four weeks to the day of truth for America and its civil liberties, the day through which we will finally know if there are free and fair elections in the United States of America. That is, above all, the number one crisis of our time and progressives, progressive Democrats and plain old centrist Democrats better know it. If we don’t take this election our wars will grow bigger, our children will be fighting them in greater numbers and there will be very little potential for resistance from the middle class.

This week Bob Woodward’s book hit the pages and the television screens and proclaimed loudly that the Bush administration is a “state of denial” about all things wrong with the war on Iraq. Too coded for my taste, Woodward, hedged and distinguished between Bush’s personal optimism (he truly believes in this war) and his and his fellow criminally negligent (at the very least) cohorts—Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Card, etc. But we and most Americans know the truth. Bush lies. He lied about Iraq. He lied about Katrina. He lied about September 11th, 2001.

The Divide ~ 911 Music Video

Music Video by VOICE & FluxRostrum
Click Image to Download the VIDEO 19 mgs 5 minutes
Here's a Big Phat Version 69 mg ~ A Torrent Here's a Crappy Bandwidth Challenged Version 3 mgs .rm
This video is also available on Google, YouTube, MySpace, Veoh

Music by VOICE L Burner Records

The true culprits of September 11th 2001 must be publicly punished to the fullest extent of the law if we are to ever be free again.