October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

A cool way to Hide your trail.

Okay, I thought this was pretty cool.... After seeing all of the crap on "Enemy Combatant" and how we could all be labeled as that as of now. I took the advise of one of the blogs on here and downloaded FireFox and added the TOR program (Download TOR first then download TOR BUTTON) that hides your IP by routing through proxy servers. I had to see if this works...and it does. Today when I was on here earlier, I googled "MY IP ADDRESS" and the first time my IP came up from somewhere in Germany, and now as I am typing, I checked again and my IP address shows somewhere in France. Pretty cool if you want to be stealth. It is a hair slower then going through Explorer, but wow, talk about secure........ I just checked my IP again, and now my IP is routed through Stanford University. I am impressed.....good luck chasing my IP.

Just wanted to give you guys a heads-up on how good this works.

Is the Media REALLY Involved in the 9/11 Attacks?

Is the Media REALLY Involved in the 9/11 Attacks?



It is the duty of the press and TV networks to report the news to the public. It is their job, their responsibility.


What does it tell us when certain stories are withheld? What does it tell us when CNN/FOX/et al report on nothing but Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson, Terri Schiavo, and runaway brides, for hours on end? Surely there are more important issues to discuss. What are they hiding?


The mainstream media are part of the 9/11 cover-up and therefore complicit in the attacks. If they weren’t, they would have reported on this May 2006 Zogby poll revealing that about half of America wants a new investigation, including the investigation of government officials for possible involvement.

"Cui bono? WTC" to be screened at the West Chester Film Festival

Cui bono? WTC to be screened at the West Chester Film Festival

"West Chester Film Festival has accepted Cui bono? WTC for showing in West Chester, PA which is just outside of Philadelphia. The entire festival is October 6-8 and Cui bono? WTC is scheduled for screening on both the 6th and the 7th.

Our little 9/11 truth documentary has some decent legs both on the net and festival circuit lately. We still and always will strongly urge people push this film in any way possible. The short length of Cui bono? WTC (11mins) has proven extremely effective at getting more people to open up to watching an alternative viewpoint. Hopefully in the near future we will no longer worry about the most recent Zogby poll of how many Americans believe there is a 9/11 cover up, it will simply be common knowledge someday soon."

Congratulations, Erratik!

Download Cui Bono at the Erratik website; Link

Rumsfeld, Ashcroft Said To Have Received Warning Of Attack

Source: McClatchy Newspapers

By Jonathan S. Landay, Warren P. Strobel and John Walcott
McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and former Attorney General John Ashcroft received the same CIA briefing about an imminent al-Qaida strike on an American target that was given to the White House two months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The State Department's disclosure Monday that the pair was briefed within a week after then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice was told about the threat on July 10, 2001, raised new questions about what the Bush administration did in response, and about why so many officials have claimed they never received or don't remember the warning.

One official who helped to prepare the briefing, which included a PowerPoint presentation, described it as a "10 on a scale of 1 to 10" that "connected the dots" in earlier intelligence reports to present a stark warning that al-Qaida, which had already killed Americans in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and East Africa, was poised to strike again.

Former CIA Director George Tenet gave the independent Sept. 11, 2001, commission the same briefing on Jan. 28, 2004, but the commission made no mention of the warning in its 428-page final report. According to three former senior intelligence officials, Tenet testified to commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste and to Philip Zelikow, the panel's executive director and the principal author of its report, who's now Rice's top adviser.

911 truth in Pravda

Don't get mad. Get even

The number of Americans who believe the 9/11 'terrorist' attacks were an inside demolition job is now rising to 50%. Many citizens are raising hell for a real investigation into what the 9/11 Commission refused to explore. Many maintain that the 9/11 events were planned by government as a protection racket to instill fear into the population so that the fed could invade Middle Eastern countries to control oil sales and to vastly decrease the rights of the citizens so that more tyrannical and confiscatory laws could be passed in the name of protecting Americans from the 'enemy.'

Many apathetic Americans have gone along with this massive sellout of their rights and children's futures by buying the government's fantastic conspiracy theory of boxcutter-wielding morons hijacking and then piloting sophisticated jumbo jets that few commercial airline pilots can handle. They are so misled that they won't even believe their own eyes when they saw the WTC Towers fall at the speed of gravity, supposedly by two small fires. Never before in the history of the world has any skyscraper collapsed because of any fire, even a big one. We are now just beginning to witness the outcome of believing the lies of government and its head-embedded media: the parasites in Congress, drunk with unprecedented power that they seized are totally ignoring the U.S. Constitution that they swore on a Bible to obey and defend.

Counterpunch special investigation: Why did the World Trade Towers fall?

Does anyone here subscribe to Counterpunch? They are advertising the following story for subscribers:

Special Investigation: Why Did the World Trade Towers Fall?

Would someone please post the story?

American: Patriot to Profiteer - Aaron Russo

The Movie That Will Cause the Declaration of Worldwide Martial Law.

That's my review of Aaron Russo's Masterpiece of Rights. I cannot put it more strongly or simply. One way or the other, this is the movie of your life. The movie will make you sick to your stomach and aware of what the US government is doing by documented evidence of Both Political Parties' activity. We must act now or forever live in fear.
''America: Freedom to Fascism''' (A:FtF) is an extremely needed exceptional movie for the exposure and reform of this government's abuse of America. As one of the many activists that try to stay current with all areas of the Constitutional abuses of this government, enthusiastic surprise and relief overtook me as a post revealed "Aaron Russo's -'' America: Freedom to Fascism - Full Version - For movie screening only" on google video. Finally, here was the movie in which many are placing their hopes for release and discovery of much needed information available for mass consumption.

My anticipation was gleefully rewarded as the illegal IRS government scam was thoroughly shown as the defrauding of US citizens by the un-Constitutional and illegal actions of both parties, the judiciary of this current government and all past 'representatives' of the People since 1913. The IRS aspect consumes about 2/3rds of the movie time. In the remaining time it progresses to the private bankers that set the stage for the IRS deception via the private Federal Reserve Bank corporatists.

Ex-CIA Analyst Bill Christison Talks About How He Came To Question 9/11 - Audio Download

The Case For Intellectual Integrity - electricpolitics.com

It would be refreshing to find somebody who doesn't agree with 9/11 conspiracy theories (so-called) who was willing to debate them in a civil way. And I don't mean the editors of Popular Mechanics, either. Perhaps the civil ones are changing their minds? One such is Bill Christison, the distinguished former CIA analyst and popular author of progressive political essays. Within the past year Bill has changed his mind about 9/11, from rejecting conspiracy theories outright to thinking that the standard story is not what it seems. In this conversation we talk a lot about what happens when one rethinks something like 9/11, less about the facts in question. I'm very grateful to Bill for talking with me and I hope this conversation helps those who are still sorting things out. Runtime of about an hour and nineteen minutes.

Thanks Carol for the heads up!

More press coverage of UW 9/11 lecture! (Kevin Barrett)

From MUJCA newsletter;

MUJCA News: BBC, WI, alternative media cover UW 9/11 lecture!

Mainstream media coverage of 9/11 truth events is rarely what it should
be, as I have complained on more than one occasion... But I have to admit
that the local media did a pretty good job covering the recent
U.W.-Madison event “9/11: Folklore and Fact.” Once again, the
left-liberal-leaning Capital Times led the way with a
balanced, accurate, elegantly-written article, while the conservative
Wisconsin State Journal and Badger Herald also produced good, balanced
articles. Here they are, along with the text of my talk “A Folklorist
Looks at 9/11” and the wonderful pieces from 911blogger and Gaelic
Starover. The BBC documentary on “9/11 conspiracy theorists” is due for
broadcast in January. (Hope I won’t have to pen another complaint.)

Capital Times:
9/11 conspiracy theories aired

Wisconsin State Journal:
Barrett plays bit part in lecture on 9/11 theories

Badger Herald (U.W.-Madison student newspaper):
Barrett. Fetzer discuss attacks

Cui bono? Screening at West Chester Film Festival - West Chester, PA

West Chester Film Festival has accepted Cui bono? WTC for showing in West Chester, PA which is just outside of Philadelphia. The entire festival is October 6-8 and Cui bono? WTC is scheduled for screening on both the 6th and the 7th.

Our little 9/11 truth documentary has some decent legs both on the net and festival circuit lately. We still and always will strongly urge people push this film in any way possible. The short length of Cui bono? WTC (11mins) has proven extremely effective at getting more people to open up to watching an alternative viewpoint. Hopefully in the near future we will no longer worry about the most recent Zogby poll of how many Americans believe there is a 9/11 cover up, it will simply be common knowledge someday soon.

For more information and to watch the video FREE, visit http://www.erratikproductions.com