The Stickers on a Plane Saga, Delta 1165
I had no idea what chain of events would follow the placement of handwritten stickers on Flight 1165 on July 30th, 2008. The action was impulsively carried out after being overwhelmingly disgusted at the absurdity of the world created in the aftermath of the events following September 11, 2001. This insanity stares us in the face not just at airports but in the form of death, destruction, tyranny and torture in the wake of an agenda furthered by that false flag event.
For a multitude of reasons I understand that 9/11 was a carefully orchestrated conspiracy with predetermined media manipulation, enemies and policies. From the shocking revelations of World Trade Center 7 and William Rodriguez to Nanothermite and unprecedented failure by NORAD, I am confident any person can see we have been lied to.
Spread The Word, TONIGHT!!!!
Remember to drop flyers, stickers, and DVDs into Trick or Treater's bags tonight!
911 Truth, North American Union, Ron Paul, whatever the topic, we can reach hundreds of thousands of people tonight with very little effort. Here are a couple of flyers to consider, post your own flyer ideas in the comments below and I'll update the main thread:
You can find the 8 individual 9/11 info flyers (PDF files) on blog...
Mark Dice's 9/11 Truth Jam Contest (TulsaTruth's Entry)
-Blockbuster DVD Jam
-Drive Through Sticker Jam
-Side Walk Chalk Jam
-9/11 Memorial Jam
-Traffic Jam
-Banner Drop Jam
Thank you "Antipas" for making the second TRUTH JAM happen.
9/11 Car Decals on the Road
One of our users submitted the above image to us this evening. He had the above decals created by Fast Signs for $45 dollars.
I wanted to submit my recent photo's I had made at Fast Signs for 45 bucks. I've gotten some great feedback so far. I was hoping the posting of these pic's might generate some other's to continue a push in this direction.
Big thanks to Brad for this submission!
Stop Sign Activism
I had a thought that stop signs could be used to great effect by the 9/11 truth movement seeing as how they are everywhere and are uniform in text and color. I have made a few stickers that can be applied to stop signs underneath the word stop, like so:
The stickers I have made so far are these:
The original photoshop file can be found here
If you have any suggestions for new stickers please post them or any other comments you have below.
9/11 activism is essential to bring the truth to light. These stickers offer a simple yet effective way to deliver the message to large numbers of people. Please circulate widely.
9/11 Truth Ribbons and Stickers
UPDATE: We heard from and were told that the actual ribbon design is copywritten by them, however, you can contact them for custom designs and bulk orders. Please do so and do NOT use or alter their designs in any way.
Seeing a "support our troops" sticker on a car gave me the following thought: why not create 9/11 truth ribbons?
Order ribbons and stickers (or make your own), and put them on your clothes and your car. Put them on your website. Paste them into emails.
Get it? Got it? Go!!!
The copyright for the above images is not owned by me. The copyright for the actual drawings is probably owned by, where I mocked them up. But no one can own the copyright to such a basic idea as a "support" type ribbon, so let's get busy!