July 2007

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Useful bits from Ahmed Rashid's "Taliban"

Ahmed's Rashid's "Taliban" is an oft-cited history of Afghanistan that chronicles the rise of the Taliban. Along the way, Rashid drops some useful information that he has gathered during his on-the-ground, on-the-scene journalism expeditions:

"...in 1986, CIA chief William Casey had stepped up the war against the Soviet Union by taking three significant, but at that time highly secret, measures. He had persuaded the U.S. Congress to provide the Mujaheddin with American-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down Soviet planes and provide U.S. advisers to train the guerrillas. Until then no US-made weapons or personnel had been used directly in the war effort. The CIA, Britain's MI6 and the ISI also agreed on a provocative plan to launch guerrilla attacks into the Soviet Socialist Republics of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, the soft Muslim underbelly of the Soviet state from where Soviet troops in Afghanistan received their supplies. The task was given to the ISI's favourite Mujaheddin leader Gulbuddin Hikmetyar. In March 1987, small units crossed the Amu Darya river from bases in northern Afghanistan and launched their first rocket attacks against villages in Tajikistan. Casey was delighted with the news, and on his next secret trip to Pakistan he crossed the border into Afghanistan with President Zia to review the Mujaheddin groups.

Thirdly, Casey committed CIA support to a long-standing ISI initiative to recruit Muslims from around the world to come to Pakistan and fight with the Afghan Mujaheddin. The ISI had encouraged this since 1982 and by now all the other players had their reasons for supporting the idea." p.129

Possible New Message From Osama Bin Laden

With the recent reports from Chertoff, GOP Congressmen, etc. it seems all the pieces are in place, enter the boogeyman.

ABC: The Blotter

July 14, 2007 3:37 PM
Rhonda Schwartz and Hoda Osman Report:

A brief clip of an older-looking Osama bin Laden is contained in a new al Qaeda videotape praising al Qaeda martyrs posted on jihadi Web sites early this morning.

Experts who study al Qaeda videos told ABC News they had not previously seen the clip of bin Laden, which was released with little fanfare and contains no date references, but say it is most likely an unreleased portion of an earlier message.

The al Qaeda leader speaks of martyrdom for roughly one minute as he addresses an unseen group in a mountainous location, wearing fatigues, a watch and ring, and with extensive gray in his beard.

The clip is part of a 40-minute film "Scent of Heaven" from al Qaeda's as Sahab video propaganda arm discovered on the Internet by Laura Mansfield of Strategic Translations.

What I think about Homeland Security and the New Supposed Threat

"I don't believe there is an Al Qaeda threat, more than likely the inside chicken hawks have another bombing planned for the US in the near future."

These are not my words but this guy speaks for me, via liveleak

C-SPAN: Interview with WTC Witness - 9/12/01

Broadcasted: September 12, 2001

The following is a short interview from CSPAN with a witness to the World Trade Center attack on 9/11. Very interesting to say the very least.

Collapse of WTC7 As It Happened - from Brooklyn

Listen for the reporter on the radio talking about WTC7 starting at 6:40 in.

"I turned to see what looked like a skyscraper implosion.......looked like it had been done by a demolition crew"

"The whole thing just collapsing down on itself...."

"Thats #1, #2, and # 7 that have come down from these explosions"

Interview with Mike Ryan a Dying 911 First Responder

Mike Ryan, a former detective and first responder on 9/11 discusses his experiences after the attack, the toxic dust that engulfed New York, surveys his own medical treatment and the similar conditions amongst thousands of other first responders. He also touches upon the collapse of Building 7, which is hardly acknowledged by the government's official account, yet appears to be a controlled demolition.

This very personal interview gives an account of one 9/11 hero amongst many left in the shadows and sometimes forgotten in the aftermath of the fateful attacks of September 11.

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

George W. Bush

When I think of "Bush", I don't think of George W. Bush. I think of the entire Bush Administration, all of the corporations they represent, and the members of the House and Senate that allow this insanity to continue.

It would be impossible for me to post everything I have related to Bush, however, these are all of the articles I have with his name in the title.

Bush Vows to End "Tyranny in Our World"

Bush Proposes $2.5 Trillion Spending Plan

Bush Makes $82 Billion Request For Wars

Private Tapes Shed Light On Candidate Bush

BREAKING NEWS: Man Charged In Alleged Plot To Assassinate Bush

Bush Wielding Secrecy Privilege To End Suits

Intel Official: Bush Knows Where bin Laden Is Hiding But Chooses Not to Capture Him

Intel Official: Bush Knows Where bin Laden Is Hiding But Chooses Not to Capture Him

by Jon Ponder | Jul. 14, 2007

Apologists for Pres. George W. Bush routinely lay blame for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the Clinton administration, purportedly because they failed to capture Osama bin Ladin when they had an opportunity in the 1990s.

But since 2005, at least, the Bush administration has known the whereabouts of bin Ladin as well as the much of al Qaeda’s senior leadership, and yet the president refuses to send forces in to get them.

In congressional testimony earlier this week, intelligence officials admitted that bin Laden and his gang are in Pakistan and gaining strength, but that the Bush administration refuses to go after them because the Musharraf regime won’t give the United States permission to conduct operations in the region:

US Politics blog "The Politico" covers Ron Paul's terror warning

Ron Paul warns of staged terror attack

By Dan Reilly
July 13, 2007

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, said the country is in "great danger" of the U.S. government staging a terrorist attack or a Gulf of Tonkin style provocation, as the war in Iraq continues to deteriorate.

The Texas congressman offered no specifics nor mentioned President Bush by name, but he clearly insinuated that the administration would not be above staging an incident to revive flagging support.

"We're in danger in many ways," Paul said on the Alex Jones radio show. "The attack on our civil liberties here at home, the foreign policy that's in shambles and our obligations overseas and commitment which endangers our troops and our national defense."

Paul was asked to respond to comments by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan that the U.S. is in danger of a staged terror attack or a provocation of an enemy similar to the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 before the Vietnam War.

During the radio interview, Paul said the government was conducting "an orchestrated effort to blame the Iranians for everything that has gone wrong in Iraq."

The comments come as several prominent terrorism experts have warned the U.S. is facing an increased risk of attack this summer. Earlier this week, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said he had a "gut feeling" the U.S. would be attacked again.

The remark angered some Democrats, who criticized Chertoff for being too vague. And some pundits seized on his remarks, saying the vague warnings were meant only to revive flagging support for the war in Iraq and Bush’s larger war against terrorism.


(Speaking of politics, you know those McCain 2008 ads that pop up on occasion down on the left-hand side? They are randomly generated by the "Ads by Google" block that crawls the blog text for keywords. I wonder which keywords? "False Flag Terror" or is it "9/11 is an inside job"? Is McCain a closet Truther? I doubt it. FYI, 911blogger.com does not endorse McCain. -r.)

The United States Dollar

You obviously couldn't "wage war" without 9/11. - Jon

I doubt it was the only reason, but it may well have played a significant role in our motivation to wage war.

- Ron Paul

The Money Masters
Part I
Click Here (Video Google)

Part II
Click Here (Video Google)

A friend of mine tonight brought up the declining dollar. This is the first time I'd heard someone other than myself, and a few others mention it. That, to me, suggests that the collapse of the dollar may be upon us. I am by no means a financial expert, however, I am someone that follows the news. It doesn't take a financial expert to see what is happening to the U.S. Dollar. I don't know what to say other than hope for the best, and expect the worst.