July 2007

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

False Flag Terror Drill in Portland, Oregon: Operation Noble Resolve

Portland was already chosen as the site for Mohamed Atta's luggage tags. Is "Little Beruit" in for something more?

MSNBC reported today that: Report: Al-Qaida nears ability to strike U.S
Draft intelligence assessment says group seeks chemical, nuclear weapons

Michael Chertoff's "gut instinct" warns of al-Queda attack in US: "al Queda likes summer"

War "games" are used as a cover for false flag terror attacks. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/07/362110.shtml

This is real. My "gut level" feeling is that Al CIADA might attack Portland's exemplary public transportation system. Let's buy monthly or weekly passes in support of TRIMET, whether we ride or not.

Is this a drill or will it "go live" like the London Bombings and 9/11?
Let's express our concerns to our local Mayor and City Council: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/07/362024.shtml


9-11 Truth Storms Venice Beach Making Contact w/ Surfers, Students, Tourists and Police Truthers

3 Days after Corporal Wave called for the court martial of the 'Commander in Chief' and Michele Phillips, Ed Asner and David Ray Griffin called for people to "get off their butts" in support of 9-11 Truth and Justice activism, a strong and geographically-diverse group of activists stormed the Venice Beach Boardwalk. Thousands of flyers and hundreds of DVD's later, many people had been brought information, inspiration and future pathways for action. Groups came from all over the Greater LA metropolitan area, including Redlands and Rancho Cucamonga.

There were two bullhorns, tens of signs and many banners. A large group of college students of political science had their minds open to the facts of "deep politics." Many locals and tourists got into the action, compelled by the sight of many passionate people having fun whiling pushing forth incredibly important truth. Additional credibility and intrigue were added to the mix by Corporal Wave in his full blues out in the hot sun, and journalist and eyewitness to the NYC attacks, Monica Mercedes Perez Jimenez actively founding the group Rollerskaters for 9-11 Truth.

Contact was made with a police truther and strategy sessions were convened for the coming month. Personally, I think it's time to move aggressively forward on both the criminal case for conspiracy to commit murder front(Police (getting them the info is crucial in all of this), DA) and the Misprision of HIgh Treason front (Judges, Governors) for this upcoming month of action. Let's have a digital strategy session shall we?

Click to enlarge

Trying to wake people up in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

I hung these signs up before work on July 11, 2007. Thanks to my wife who helped paint the signs on my first act of activism. As of today they are still up!

If there are any people out there who live in the same area as I do and want to plan more events please contact me.

Want to Win this Information War Fast?...Here Is How!!!

[GW's comment: I am front-paging this because its the first new idea for activism I've seen in a while. Feel free to debate below about whether or not this is a good idea -- I'm not necessarily endorsing this idea, rather, I'm trying to give it a fair discussion.]

I have stopped wasting much of my hard earned time on educating the general public and have focused it on the Police. Police are the weakest link in the New World Order's plans at total domination.

Without anyone to enforce tyranny, they have no tyranny.

I have gotten a great reception from Police. They are open minded and NEVER give me any crap. I have spoken with dozens of them in the past month and given them 911 Mysteries and Freedom to Facism.



If every single one of you would get the address to your local police station and mail out copies of 9/11 Mysteries and Freedom to Facism to EVERY POLICE STATION IN AMERICA.

Like V mailed out masks to everyone.

Putting Congress On Record For 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Progress Report

Source: http://www.kxmc.com/News/Nation/142505.asp

Putting Congress On Record For 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Progress Report

Jul 10 2007 12:00AM


Yesterday, when I posted about Rep. Keith Ellison comparing the 9/11 attacks to the Reichstag fire, I called on readers to contact their representatives in Congress and get them on record as to whether or not 9/11 was a conspiracy or a terrorist attack. Responses are trickling in, and my wife has taken it upon herself to start a calling campaign of her own, so here are the results so far

Dallas Dealey Plaza Truth Action on 7-11

About a dozen members of North Texans for 911 Truth made a public appearance at Historic Dealey Plaza (Where JFK was murdered) in downtown Dallas on 7-11-07. Thumbs up and peace signs slightly outweighed middle fingers.

John Feal at MichaelMoore.com - "Wield Your Mighty Pen for Us, Mr. President"


Wednesday, July 11, 2007 6:04 PM
Wield Your Mighty Pen for Us, Mr. President

By 9/11 first responder John Feal, founder of the FealGood Foundation

NEW YORK -- A pen in my hands could make some difference in the lives around me, and I work through the FealGood Foundation to make sure the documents I sign relieve some of the suffering of my fellow 9/11 responders. If I could, I would use my pen as you used yours last week. I would save my buddies.

In commuting the prison sentence of your friend Scooter, you said you believed the sentence imposed was too severe. Boy, can I relate.

When I look at the life sentences imposed on 9/11 responders suffering with acute illness, financial and emotional ruin and nearly six long years of neglect by their city, state and federal government leaders, I fill with rage and frustration. You've seen some of us in 'SiCKO,' so I know you are aware of our plight. My pen can only relieve tiny bits of their suffering. Yours could lift much more.

11th Day, JULY 2007 Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, California, 11th DAY EVENT. We're a small group but growing and meeting weekly and working toward 9/11 TRUTH.
