November 2007

(For a historical archive of our old site visit

Uncut unedited raw 9/11/01 satellite feed WTC collapse video

Raw CBS news feed from September 11/ spinning graphics, flashy text, dramatic music or talking points. (Warning: some profanity can be heard.)

Pentagon attack debate (CIT vs The Frustrating Fraud)

Props to Caustic Logic, creator of The Frustrating Fraud blog for agreeing to accept my challenge to a recorded debate. He has declined to discuss the info over the phone in the past but the fact that he finally agreed does add a notch of credibility/legitimacy to his truth seeking efforts in my opinion.

I must admit it was strange to hear him verbalize his contradictory explanation for the north side evidence.

Although he is a self proclaimed LIHOPer he has stated that he believes the most likely scenario is that all of the CITGO witnesses are part of the conspiracy and are planted operatives put out to spread disinformation that proves the official story false.

The irony in this is that he has to accept this wild conspiracy theory (with no evidence) as a method to dismiss what he asserts is a wild conspiracy theory (that is supported with strong evidence).

Sibel Edmonds & Many In Our Government Know It

I'm not sure if this has been posted before: Everybody knows about the details of Sibel Edmonds' case. Except the public. Call Waxman, demand hearings. (202) 225-3976

Musicians for 911 Truth

Musicians for 911 Truth

Welcome to This website is still in it's initial planning stages and I am in the process of gathering musicians to sign up in support of 911 truth. This website IS a discussion outlet and a place for like minded musicians to explore and share the idea of supporting a REAL investigation into the events surrounding the 911 attack. Popular Mechanics, The 911 Commission Report, NIST and others have not answered the important questions regarding the attacks on 9/11/01. This site will contain music, links, ideas, and real discussion about 911, the war in Iraq, and the Patriot movement as a whole. Please leave your comments and suggestions below as this site gets built.

Send me an email and I will add a link to you or your band's website:

Send me an email at:, in Conjunction with Launches New Campaign -

Visibility 9-11
in conjunction with
proudly announce the formation of the new action campaign Mission Statement:

In the six years since the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, the mainstream media in America has largely been a mouthpiece of the Bush administration. All of the major networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and others had until recently, been silently complicit in the cover-up of the events of that day, the un-Constitutional wars that would follow, and the steady erosion of our Constitutionally protected rights.

Naomi Wolf on the Current State of Tyranny

Author Naomi Wolf draws parallels between nascent fascist states and the United States. This is not necessarily a 9/11 video, but the relationship should be obvious. This recent interview sums up her point of view, very interesting and informed perspective. Here's a little photo essay to go along.

Two Letters Added to the Journal of 9/11 Studies

Two frequent contributors to have published letters in the Journal of 9/11 Studies: George Washington and Reprehensor.

"The legal principle called "burden of proof" can help 9/11 activists to be more effective in promoting 9/11 truth and in obtaining justice against all of the perpetrators of those attacks." -- found in "Burden of Proof" by Geo. Washington:

A new topic has been opened in the Letters section of the Journal to encourage well-written letters to Senators and Representatives. Reprehensor's "Open Letter to Jane Harman, Re: Terrorism and the Internet" is an example of such a letter. It is found here:

The editors of the Journal of 9/11 Studies encourage submission of well-researched and written articles such as these, to commence the peer-review process. All papers are peer-reviewed, unless an exception (very rare) is granted by the editors and then a disclaimer is added to the posted paper. Information on where to submit papers is found here: .

New 911Truth Internet Radio it Out.

I am asking for the group's comments and constructive suggestions for the 911Truth Internet Radio
Station I set up last week, It is still in "beta" testing and I am making changes as we go based on actual results and feedback. Please take a few minutes if you can and listen in and tell me and the 911Blogger group what you think!!! It runs 24*7. And if you like it, please tell your friends. Lots of cool music and relevant talk. We are hoping that newcomers to 911Truth will find it enlightening and entertaining without being bored. And that the converted will adopt it as their own. Lots of potential here....more announcements and changes to come as we quickly adjust to actual results and your feedback.



Allan Rees


The empire’s operatives exposed: The Krongards, 9/11, and Blackwater/Iraq By Larry Chin Online Journal Associate Editor

The empire’s operatives exposed: The Krongards, 9/11, and Blackwater/Iraq

By Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

Nov 19, 2007, 01:18

New bombshell testimony before Congress has revealed that Alvin B. “Buzzy” Krongard, the former CIA executive director connected to 9/11 insider trading, is a consultant and advisory board member of Blackwater USA, the New World Order’s leading intelligence-related corporate mercenary death squad now under investigation for war crimes, murder, arms smuggling, and fraud in Iraq.

“Buzzy” Krongard’s Blackwater role was confirmed by “Buzzy”’s brother, Howard “Cookie” Krongard, who (not ironically) is the Bush/Cheney administration’s State Department’s inspector general, and the official under fire for stonewalling and quashing attempted probes of Blackwater’s operations.