November 2007

(For a historical archive of our old site visit A Response to the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Mark Weitzman

Nov 17, 2007

A Response to the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Mark Weitzman
— Richard Gage, AIA and contributors is extremely concerned about the recent portrayal of our peaceful organization and website by the Simon Wiesenthal Center alongside Taliban militant websites at the recent "Homeland Security Hearing" hosted by Congresswoman Jane Harman. By implication we and other 9/11 Truth organizations are branded as terrorists. We are therefore actively pursuing non-legal and legal remedies. The following letter written to the SWC by John Stevenson is posted in order to also express our concern. We will post updates as events unfold. Thank you for your overwhelming show of support!

Richard Gage, AIA

(edited slightly for spelling, punctuation, formatting...)

From: Nila S.
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:48:07 -0800
To: All
Subject: A brilliant letter

Written, by a friend, to Mark Weitzman at the Simon Wiesenthal Center re: his efforts to equate 9/11 Truth with Terrorism. Should you need to, feel free to forward it verbatim to Weitzman, here:

Better yet, send it to every newspaper or media outlet you know. This really nails it dead center...

Dear Mr. Weitzman,

While I respect your efforts to prevent terrorism in all its forms, your suggestion that the 9/11 Truth Movement is in any way related to terror organizations, or could foment such interests, is ridiculous and dangerous.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is a non-violent effort by thousands (if not tens of thousands) of highly respected professionals in numerous areas of expertise (and potentially millions of other concerned citizens) to demand a legitimate and impartial investigation into the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks. There are countless weaknesses, flaws, and overt misrepresentations in the official account that are painfully obvious to those who actually KNOW something about the Systems and Material science involved in building collapse, as well as the numerous suspicious activities by government and various other domestic groups to suppress and even destroy evidence involved in this crime, for reasons at this point unknown. There are far too many important questions unanswered that can be answered with a legitimate investigation, rather than simply sweep this tragic crime under the rug. Is that what you suggest we do?

UPI Report: "9/11 group mulls anti-Giuliani campaign"

9/11 group mulls anti-Giuliani campaign

NEW YORK, Nov. 17 (UPI) --

New York firefighters and families who lost relatives on Sept. 11, 2001, are considering campaigning against presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani.

They are considering forming a 527 committee that would run issue ads on the terrorist attacks, ABC News reported. Some of those affected by the attacks believe the former New York mayor is exploiting them in his presidential campaign.

"TV made him a hero, and we'll use TV to take him down," said New York Fire Chief Jim Riches, whose son was killed at the World Trade Center. "We don't want him running on 9/11 or the bodies of all these dead people or my dead son saying that he did a great job that day."

Riches and other members of the group plan to meet Monday at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., taking their message to the state that holds the first primary.

Exact Moment Of The Primary Explosion?

Check out the video below! If you pause at 11 sec. you can see the big fire ball coming from the right hand side of the south tower. Then a sec or so later you can catch the plume of smoke that shots out from the left side, shooting debris out. In the clip after that watch the North Tower very closely, around 21 sec in or so, as the South Tower comes down you can see an entire floor of the North Tower erupt in flames. So I'd say that some of the explosives people on ground zero heard that day, as the first tower was coming down, was from the North Tower. The noise from the explosives in the South Tower as it fell would have somewhat masked the noise coming from the North tower.
I have yet to see much talk on this concept, so I thought I'd throw it out there for my fellow truthers.

Spanish truth Pamplet ready to go!!!

I recently finished a pamplet that can be used for educating the spanish population please download the attachment at the bottomif u want me to send it to u. i will take any criticism u can give me

Green Party Announces Their Choice for Presidential Candidate - 9/11 Truther, Cynthia McKinney

Direct from the Green Party's website at

Maine Greens Host Cynthia Mckinney Day After Elections

For Immediate Release

November 15, 2007

Jane Meisenbach, Chair, (207) 883-0509, (207) 841-9138 (cell);
Pat LaMarche, Delegate (207) 671-0190 (cell);

Cynthia McKinney Files to Run for President as a Green

McKinney in Maine raising awareness and funds in the Nation's Green Party stronghold.

Harpswell, Maine - Cynthia McKinney, former six-term Democrat Congresswoman from Georgia and first African-American woman to represent Georgia in the U.S. House, was a guest at a breakfast gathering of mostly Greens at the home of Green Independent Party Chair, Jane Meisenbach. It was one of the first stops on McKinney's campaign tour since filing with the Federal Elections Commission declaring her run for president on the Green Party ticket.

Jarek Kupsc Reports on World Premiere of The Reflecting Pool

Jarek Kupsc in Frorida at the World Premiere of The Reflecting Pool

Just wanted to tell you a little bit about our Florida screening. The
show was a big success - we had a full house (the organizers told us it
was the best-attended screening of the festival). People reacted
vividly to the information and some were shocked they have not heard
anything like that before. After the screening I explained what our
sources were and answered many questions. Most comments were simply
congratulatory - nobody seemed offended in any way. I had an older
Republican woman tell me she felt sorry she'd voted for Bush.
Everybody was asking when the movie is coming out, to which I replied
that we would like to make the movie available on dvd in December.

There was no visible presence from the 9/11 Truth movement.

If the response we got from the audience was an indication how the
general public would respond to our movie, I'm very optimistic.

I'm making some final changes to the movie, including minimizing the
"flashes" and giving more focus to WTC7. We are also adding an audio

Growing Threat of Martial Law Radio Show with Frank Morales Nov 19, 9-11 CST

Frank Morales

Magna Carta

Listen 9:00 pm to 11:00 (CST) to Questioning War- Organizing Resistance on the and to our guest - Frank Morales.

Frank Morales is an Episcopal priest, writer, musician and activist born and raised on New York City's Lower East Side. He is a central leader of New York 9/11 Truth and the foremost investigator on the militarization of the police and preparations for military rule in America.

9/11 Truth movement Is Growing a Progressive Wing

Emailed to 2500 opinion-shapers weekly
Please post and forward as appropriate
There are no secrets better kept than the
secrets that everybody guesses. ~G.B.Shaw


9/11 Truth movement Is Growing a Progressive Wing

[Excerpt from Forum:]

For people who are not much in touch with the ongoing PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZING all over the country, here are what I (and I think most progressives) see as top priority (aside from elections):

1. Grassroots campaign for PUBLICLY FINANCED POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS at all levels of government. Sound hard? It is: but there is already great progress toward this in Maine, Arizona, Portland OR, and elswhere, and a grassroots groundswell for it. Also can be googled as VOTER OWNED ELECTIONS.

Ever Taken The Time...

To read through every single word of this compilation?