9-11 Truth March 10-11-08 Santa Monica Part 3 FIREFIGHTERS


This amazing march through Santa Monica found its way to Firestation A, where we paid tribute to the firefighters who died on 9-11, and to First Responders who are still dying today because our government lied to them about the horrendous quality of the air at ground zero, and because our government continues to ignore them.


Congratulations To Cynthia McKinney For Getting 144,286 Votes

That means 144,286 people didn't follow the norm and vote for the "lesser of two evils." That means 144,286 people probably thought it was more important to find out the truth about 9/11 than making sure McCain didn't get into office. That should say something. Congratulations to Cynthia McKinney on her run for President.

9/11 Hero Speaks to thousands at The 2008 Global Peace & Unity Event

Press Release


A total auditorium capacity crowd of 42,000 at London’s Excel Centre listened to 9/11 Survivor, William Rodriguez, during the international two-day Global Peace & Unity Event , organized and sponsored by the Islam Channel. This was William Rodriguez’s third appearance at the GPU event . During his visit to UK he made appearances in National Media and held meetings for activists and celebrities.

Details Emerge on New WTC Collapse Videos

Details Emerge on new WTC Collapse Videos
The Corbett Report talks to source connected to the footage

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
06 November, 2008

A source connected to the previously unreleased footage of the collapse of WTC1 and WTC7 which suddenly appeared on internet video-sharing site Veoh.com last weekend has revealed details about the footage to The Corbett Report.

According to the source, the videos available on the internet come from a DVD that was compiled from raw footage taken in New York on September 11. The video on the internet has not been edited or manipulated in any way from the footage on the DVD, although the 'replay' of each collapse has been slowed down by 50 percent. The source indicated, however, that the raw footage had been edited before it was put on the DVD, thus explaining the sudden cut from a close-up of the North Tower to a long shot of the entire building with the collapse already underway.

Lawyers for 9/11 Truth

An impressive, if small, group of lawyers has signed a petition calling for 9/11 truth at a new website called Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, at http://www.L911T.com.

If you know any judges, law professors or attorneys open to 9/11 truth, send them that way.

Here's what their home page says:

Why Lawyers for 9/11 Truth?

Lawyers are trained to value the Constitution and the rule of law.

Is Obama Serious About Protecting Our Liberty?


Obama, a former Constitutional law professor, promised during his campaign to curb the unconstitutional practices of the executive branch.

If he is serious about this, he must appoint vigorous advocates for constitutional principles and the rule of law to serve as heads of the following agencies:

  • Department of Justice
  • FBI
  • CIA
  • Treasury (which oversees the Secret Service and - of course - the bailouts)
  • NSA

The Sec Def should similarly be someone who respects the rights of civilian populations.

Our first order of business must be to pressure Obama to make decent appointments in these areas, in order to insure that liberty is restored.

David Ray Griffin Debunks Popular Mechanics

David Ray Griffin Debunks Popular Mechanics
from the Osaka 9/11 Truth Conference, November 1, 2008


Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse


Now that a Democrat has been elected president, the Democrats in Congress have no excuse. They can no longer pretend that they have to "hold back" to win the election.

They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and company for Iraq.

They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges for torture.

They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for spying on Americans.

They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for 9/11.

Now is not the time for Democratic machine politics. Now is the time to implement true American values - cherished across the political aisle - of liberty and justice.

There can be no liberty in America unless the tyrants who have tried to imprison us and enslave us are prosecuted.

There can be no justice in America unless the high and mighty are held accountable for their actions.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is President Obama

I didn't post this before because I saw it as an opportunistic policy decision for the election. Of course, now that he's presumably won, well... - Jon

Obama backs 9/11 health bill

Source: downtownexpress.com

By Josh Rogers

Barack Obama’s campaign said last week that he supports an $11 billion bill to provide care and monitoring to anyone who is having health problems because of 9/11.

“Yes, Obama does support the bill,” Blake Zeff, New York communications director for the presidential campaign, wrote in an email to Downtown Express last Thursday. Obama’s support for the bill was first reported at downtownexpress.com later that day, Oct. 2.

The bill would reopen the 9/11 victims compensation fund to provide health money for people who can demonstrate health problems from the toxic chemicals and dust that covered Lower Manhattan after 9/11.

Philip Zelikow: Confronted By Lone Lantern - Chicago 9/11 Truth Activists

Philip Zelikow was in Chicago on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. He spoke at the Chicago Council on Global Domination, um, I mean Global Affairs. This is another name for the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations.

Lone Lantern - Chicago 9/11 Truth activists were there to accost him as he arrived.

After the confrontation, two activists infiltrated his speaking event and sat through his creepy speech on global governance. However, their cameras were prohibited and held at the front desk.
