9/11 Truth

Ron Paul addresses 9/11 truth question during 01-10-08 FOX GOP debate

Just my personal opinion, but I thought Ron Paul handled himself very well with this question. I know you guys don't want to hear this, but anyone who has been paying attention to the recent trends with the issue of 9/11 truth and the presidential race knows well that if Ron Paul had answered any other way, FOX News would never have let him get past it.

I think it says a lot that Ron Paul didn't slander us, or belittle our beliefs, instead briefly saying in a nutshell that he simply doesn't agree with our point of view. And all this to what eventually became an enthusiastic clapping audience in favor of moving on to the actual debate topic at hand.


911 Truth: Dirty and Dusty

When Truth collides with Falsehood, there is bound to be a victim. During the events of 9/11, there was obvious victims. Dead people; In the sky, on the ground, under the ground, and some even died falling to the ground. For a moment, the skies surrounding New York were obscured by the black clouds of smoke from burning buildings and exploding jet fuel. Clouds of powdered cement and pulverized shards of glass billowed down upon the city streets, searching relentlessly to cover any area between the skyscrapers. People ran for cover or huddled in corners as the onslaught of a raging cloud swallowed up the people. The image was played over and over on the television, and the tragedy reached the eyes and ears of fellow human beings around the globe.

9/11 Contradictions: Bush in the Classroom by David Ray Griffin

9/11 Contradictions: Bush in the Classroom

DRG has a new book coming out "9/11 Contradictions". I hope in this one he no longer promotes the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory, or at least acknowledges that it's controversial and not accepted by most people that question the official story. This article in The Canadian is the first in a series, very intelligent analysis of the Secret Service violations of standard procedure in Sarasota.

"The Secret Service’s failure to hustle Bush away seemed even stranger in light of the reports that Vice President Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and several congressional leaders were quickly taken to safe locations. Should not protecting President Bush have been an even higher priority? As Susan Taylor Martin of the St. Petersburg Times put it on July 4, 2004: "One of the many unanswered questions about that day is why the Secret Service did not immediately hustle Bush to a secure location, as it apparently did with Vice President Dick Cheney."

Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery

Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery

anyone recognize these people, besides Feith and PerleHarbor?

California Supreme Court Rules Malls are Free Speech Zones

Please exercise your right responsibly. Thanks to Martin (and WeAreChangeLA) for the heads up

Court Ruling on Protests Curbs Malls in California

SAN FRANCISCO — The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that privately owned shopping malls cannot stop protesters from demonstrating there to urge a boycott of one of the tenants.

In a 4-to-3 decision, the court said a San Diego mall violated California law protecting free speech when its owners barred protesters from distributing leaflets in front of one of the mall's stores, asking shoppers not to give the store their business.

"A shopping mall is a public forum in which persons may reasonably exercise their right to free speech," Justice Carlos R. Moreno wrote in the majority opinion.

Justice Moreno said shopping malls were entitled to enact and enforce "reasonable regulations of the time, place and manner of such free expression," to avoid a disruption of business.

"But they may not prohibit certain types of speech based upon its content," he wrote, like speech urging a boycott of stores.

Some Thoughts Going Into The New Year.

Embracing and holding the thought of energetically calling for the release of the acceleration of the energies that nourish and spark personal transformation.

I believe that this is a key to healing and improving things, all over.

This is the primary thought I held as I welcomed in the New Year. My wife, who is an expert at positive prayer said ; “Every powerful emotion is a prayer “. The thoughts we hold that we hold with powerful conviction are the ones that usually get implemented.
What higher prayer can there be than to know the truth? Truth is the powerful medicine our country needs right now more than any policies, or politician.
We are all doing our parts to bring this about in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Our movement is vital to this nation and the globe because it is about acknowledging the basis for all healthy action. We can see the result of actions that are based on untruths: invaded countries, slaughtered citizenry, a trampled Constitution, torture and general despair. We have an important answer to these problems.

9/11 airport security pariah tries a comeback


Selected quotes from the article:

But in 2000, its parent company, AHL, pleaded guilty to allowing untrained employees, some with criminal backgrounds, to operate checkpoints at Philadelphia International Airport from 1995 to 1998. It paid a $1.2 million fine.

By 2000, AHL was an unwieldy public company made up of many disparate parts and that stock — once at $42 a share — had free fallen into single digits. In December, 2000, Argenbright Security was purchased by a British company, Securicor. Argenbright was kept on as an executive.

Argenbright Security's past came to haunt the company after 9/11. Ashcroft and other government officials repeatedly brought up the Philadelphia case as part of a successful move to federalize screeners and create the Transportation Security Administration, which now performs screening at American airports.

Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job

From a site that I am not familiar with, RINF Alternative News: http://rinf.com/alt-news/911-truth/expert-blows-the-cover-on-911-inside-job/1619/ . See the original for links.

Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job

Meet Torin Wolf. He has a broad and varied background as a US Army Combat Nurse during Operation Iraqi Freedom,….

building construction contractor, certified structural welder, certified asbestos and hazardous materials worker, experienced demolitions expert, teacher, radio show host, and well studied 9/11 truth activist. Torin knows how to put a building up, and bring the same building down in its own footprint. Torin’s free presentation, “Taking the Red Pill” was hosted by Brave New Books on 1904 Guadalupe in Austin last Saturday, June 23rd at 7 pm.

Rob Kall of Op Ed News asks for an "Impeachment Truth" movement


December 21, 2007 at 11:17:25

How About an Impeachment Truth Movement?

by Rob Kall

Oh, by the way, the term "Impeachment Truth" is a meme inspired by 9/11 Truth. There is every reason to believe that impeachment hearings could be used to open up blocked passages to getting answers abou 9/11. I would think that 9/11 Truthers would jump on this bandwagon enthusiastically. Then, we already have the Kucinich people on board. But what about Ron Paul supporters? Why aren't they, why isn't Ron Paul clamoring for the truths impeachment hearings could bring? Ron Paul is a truthy kind of guy. Maybe he needs to be asked-- by the tens of thousands of supporters who have contributed to his campaign. A bi-partisan support for impeachment hearings would be a good step forward.


I'll probably take a little bit of heat for this post but it has to be said...

Ron Paul makes his stance on 9/11 clear...again:

Glenn Beck is right, a lot of people believe that Ron Paul secretly thinks that 9/11 was an inside job but won't say it because he doesn't want to ruin his chances of getting elected, etc. This is simply not true. Look folks, Ron Paul is great, I really like the things that he has to say, and he is one of the three truth tellers in this race (the other two are Gravel and Kucinich). However, if you want to support a 9/11 truth candidate, Ron Paul is not your man.

More Naomi Wolf 9/11 Comments- intvw w/ Ian Masters Dec 16

Look for the "pod cast" link near the top- the whole thing is worth listening to- her interview starts about 1:03, 9/11 comments start 1:42-

i'm paraphrasing- she says with the destroyed CIA tapes, the whole Commission Report is in question and there needs to be a new investigation, she doesn't take a position on the "9/11" issue, but doesn't put anything past the Bush Administration, talks about how Christie Whitman's lies injured her son as proof they're willing to injure/kill people, ends with positive message; when millions of people support truth and justice, the powers that be can't stop it. Masters comments that Hamilton and Kean are now distancing themselves from the report.

Seven Senior Federal Engineers and Scientists Call for New 9/11 Investigation

Seven former senior Federal engineers and scientists call for a new 9/11 investigation and denounce the official account of 9/11 as: "impossible", "hogwash", "fatally flawed", "false", "does not match the available facts", and "politically driven".

The full article can be read at http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_alan_mil_071211_seven_senior_federal.htm

Dr. Bob Bowman urges 9/11 activists to be professional, responsible and courteous, not obnoxious

Lt. Col. Bob Bowman, speaking on Kevin Barrett's "9/11 and Empire" radio show on WTPRN Radio Network, Dec. 11th, 2007 in Hour 1 of this 2 hour show.

Dr. Bob Bowman urges activists to "be as professional, responsible and courteous as possible, as opposed to obnoxious, if we're going to make more inroads!"

Partial transcript follows.

Kevin Barrett:

Dan Rea's NightSide on WBZ News Radio 1030, to provide 9/11 Truth a fair hearing

Dan Rea's NightSide to provide 9-11 Truth a fair hearing -
Friday December 14th, 8:00pm on WBZ News Radio 1030, Boston MA

Call In @ 617-254-1030

In the tradition of his courageous journalism career, WBZ AM 1030 talk host Dan Rea (http://wbz1030.com/pages/1019394.php?contentType=4&contentId=979299) will be interviewing three prominent speakers from this weekend's Boston Tea Party and Conference for 9-11 Truth. The interview will be broadcast live this Friday at 8:00 p.m..