
What rights ??

Upholding a defending our constitution is patriotic duty of every citizen especially those in government who took an oath to support and defend. I haven’t seen any one in congress around the patriot act 1 and 2 hr 6166 { military commission act }saying that we don’t have the constitutional authority, but they are saying we have the right not just to aliens but anyone one the sectary of defense, and the president deems to be enemy combatants. This is not just executive tyranny but also judicial and legislative tyranny.
Ignorance and on behalf of the American people. The people are sitting on there hands not doing anything as hr 6166 was passed. What congress and the president did essentially was to cut the courts rate out of the equation. This bill dismantled the courts out of any supervisory role and if you are a citizen of this country and this administration deems you a enemy combatant there is no court of justice. There is only is a military court for you. Where you are judged by commissioned military officers, in which you have no constitutional rights, tried and judge in military courts.
It was pushed threw congress as on the direct order of the president because his staff and his republican allies in congress wrote it before anyone had the time to even look at the magnitude it had on the rights of the citizenry on the basis of fighting terrorism

The Assassination of JFK Jr.

From the Makers of "JFKII: The Bush Connection" Comes
"The Assassination of JFK JR." Murder By Manchurian Candidate. Overwhelming,
jaw-breaking evidence of foul play in the death of John Kennedy Jr., all based on official government documents:

- the search of the crash site was delayed an incomprehensible 14 hours; - there was, indeed, a flight instructor on the plane, whose body is missing; - It is clear that someone on that plane committed suicide, shutting off the fuel control valve before plunging the plane into the sea. - The prime suspect, George W. Bush, though very publicly running for president, disappeared the day of the murder and stayed missing for 3 days. 104 minutes «





Think you're free?

This is a flyer you can use to inform others about the Military Commission Act of 2006.


How America defeated itself in Iraq -- by believing its own spin. From the non-profit Center for Media & Democracy.

Another Smoking Gun: Condi & Crew Knew!


by Les Jamieson

Famed Watergate reporter Bob Woodward is out with a new book, State of Denial. While it focuses on the lies of Bush and Rumsfeld regarding Iraq, it reveals that Condaleeza Rice was warned on July 10, 2001 by George Tenet and his counter-terrism expert, Cofer Black, that a serious attack was imminent.

In essence, Woodward shows that Condi blocked this key warning with what Tenet called "a brush-off". This is gross dereliction of duty and malfeasance, which are seriously punishable crimes. She then perjured herself in front of the 9/11 Commission, as is seen in the Mitchell article excerpt below, when she said the Aug. 6th Presidential Daily Briefing wasn't specific, was past tense, and only mentioned threats from abroad! After these criminal acts, SHE GOT PROMOTED TO SECRETARY OF STATE! What does this say? It incriminates the whole administration.

So here are some sources:

Book Says Bush Ignored Urgent Warning on Iraq
NY Times, September 29, 2006

The 537-page book describes tensions among senior officials from the very beginning of the administration. Mr. Woodward writes that in the weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Tenet believed that Mr. Rumsfeld was impeding the effort to develop a coherent strategy to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. Mr. Rumsfeld questioned the electronic signals from terrorism suspects that the National Security Agency had been intercepting, wondering whether they might be part of an elaborate deception plan by Al Qaeda.

On July 10, 2001, the book says, Mr. Tenet and his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, met with Ms. Rice at the White House to impress upon her the seriousness of the intelligence the agency was collecting about an impending attack. But both men came away from the meeting feeling that Ms. Rice had not taken the warnings seriously.

(more after the jump..)

Smoke and Mirrors at the Pentagon

Drill day at the Pentagon. I dont even bother with the Pentagon these days, this is probably why. You took your eye off the ball, didn't you?

Of myths and monsters - a personal affidavit.

I have just been watching Dustin Mugford's documentary 911 Revisited, which has multiple video footage of the three towers of the WTC being demolished. I have been a 'Truther' for only six months but have always felt instinctively, since watching it live on TV, that there was something not right about the speed at which the Twin Towers fell. I was not at that time particularly critical of the Bush government. In fact I was unique among my friends in supporting the war in Iraq. I believed that Saddam was a danger to world stability, that the world faced the threat of militant Islam and that we were better off with the United States in charge of the Middle East than without it.

My discovery that 9/11 was stage-managed by the U.S., possibly in conjunction with a foreign power, as a pretext for getting control of oil reserves and a strategic foothold near China and Russia, has changed my whole outlook. I have begun to realise that the U.S.military is not solely or even primarily defensive in its purpose but offensive - why would it not be? America is a powerful country and powerful countries, like individuals, need to build border posts. What is wrong is that America's aggressive foreign policy has been sold to a gullible public as a defensive response to Jihadist attack. There are indeed militant Arabs and they may conceivably have played a part in the 9/11 drama, the unwitting stooges of Uncle Sam. But they did not demolish the WTC 1, 2 or 7. 9/11 is a huge confidence trick played on a public who, out of decent motives, believes their government to be concerned with their welfare.

Michael Wolsey Interviews Jon Gold

Click Here

Long time 9/11 Activist, Jon Gold joins Visibility 9-11 this week.  Jon was a member of the Steering Committee.  He has confronted Rep. Curt Weldon about the inside job of 9/11.  Currently, he has extremely informational blogs available on as well as his own site, the YBBS.

On the Way to the Gas Chamber

On the Way to the Gas Chamber

Michael D. Morrissey
Oct. 7, 2006

May be redistributed for non-profit purposes, with copyright acknowledgement. Orig. place of pub. is

On the way to the gas chamber,
the Congress of Cowards lying down for Patriot Acts 1 and 2,
the Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act,
and now the Military Commissions Act of 2006,
trashing the US Constitution, the Geneva Conventions, the UN Charter,
the Nuremberg Principles, and all sense of decency, morality,
reason, and concern for civilization and the perpetuation of the human race,
I draft a little statement, as modest as can be,
considering the circumstances, and ask the "9/11 truth" researchers--
there are thousands of them, hundreds of websites,
polls showing more than a hundred million Americans agree
in contradistinction to the mainlining government-addicted corporate-fed media--

I ask them, can we please stop bickering about planes or no planes
or whether it was the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, Zionist billionaires,
the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission,
the High Cabal, the military-industrial-complex, or the CIA behind it all

"Cold War Shivers": War Preparations in the Middle East and Central Asia

"Cold War Shivers": War Preparations in the Middle East and Central Asia

by Michel Chossudovsky

October 6, 2006

It is essential that people across America and around the World take cognizance of the dangers of a Middle East war directed at Iran and act decisively to challenge the US military agenda and reverse the tide of war.

The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, "a long war", which threatens the future of humanity.

This article documents recent developments, focusing on military deployment and preparations in the event of a US led war on Iran. This text follows a number of earlier reports published by Global Research pertaining to the War on Iran


The entire Middle East Central Asian region is on a war footing.

US-NATO naval deployment is taking place in two distinct theaters: the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean.

The naval armada in the Persian Gulf is largely under US command, with the participation of Canada. Both the USS Enterprise and Eisenhower Strike groups have been dispatched to the Persian Gulf. in a a massive display of US military might.

Report: Thousands wrongly on terror list

Police State and Homeland Terror

Comment:Despite being imperfect, with the inherent obvious flaws & the numerous past violations the lists are in widespread use. the inaccuracies should encourage those concerned with human rights to call for their abandonment. There are no statistics as to the number of "terrorists" that have been thwarted through using these lists, but there are countless stories of innocents being the victims of these lists.

The use of annotations applied to the database and issuance of cards to 'pre-approved' low risk travellers, in order to indicate that certain people shouldn't be stopped is a violation of civil liberties. The identification of the entire general public as potential terrorists underscores the aim of Homeland security in criminalizing the innocent to further their police state aims.


By LESLIE MILLER, Associated Press Writer

Original Article here.

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people have been mistakenly linked to names on terror watch lists when they crossed the border, boarded commercial airliners or were stopped for traffic violations, a government report said Friday.

9/11 Bloglines (10/07)

9/11 Bloglines (10/07)
October 7, 2006

* 9/11 FAA manager Ben Sliney interviewed
* 10/06 Chomsky: 9-11: Institutional Analysis vs. Conspiracy Theory
* RandiForum: Diggin through the dirty history of "Khashoggi-Gray-Truth Movement"
* PDOnline/Flight93 Plume Blog: ""Blogs Shoot First, Ask Questions Later""
* Atta/AQ Tape linked to Rumsfeld/Venzke
* "at the Department of State"
* Randi Forum invades 9/11 TV Fakery petition
* 9/11 Collapse Footage by Dr. Mark Heath
* 9/11Co.UK: "Planes Yay or Nay"
* Jolly Roger apparently left 9/11 Truth Action
* Luke Radowski: 9/11 Truth Update
* DailyKOS diary rules about 9/11
* Kristol 9/11/PNAC confrontation makes YouTube waves
* Some 9/11 Truth Photos on FlickR
* OnlineJournal: The real state of denial
* Alternet-Derkacz Blog on Ashcroft: "9/11 Conspiracy Friday"
* A blogger responds to Cockburn, Re: 9/11
* ConspSmasher's daily Rants: The 9/11 conspiracy theories are not just loony, they are morally detestable.
* Hangout articles on 9/11 Prior Knowledge could affect elections Interviews

Since there has been a mass influx of people into the 9/11 Truth Movement, I thought it would be a good idea to let people have the chance to talk with those who have contributed so much to this cause.

I have sent out an email to the people I think people could learn something from. So far, I have received 3 gracious responses.

They are:

Janice Matthews - Executive Director for
Dave Slesinger - Activist from
Kevin Ryan - Whistleblower from Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Those who are willing to participate, will set a time for when they are available, and it will be posted here. This thread will be moderated. If you are disrespectful, your comments will be deleted.

This is meant to be a way for newcomers to learn from those who have been doing this for so long.

Please try and take advantage of the knowledge from this thread. It will be invaluable.

Make sure you use paper balot to vote if you can

especially if the diebold machines in your county do not have a paper trail

The Diebold Memos' Smoking Gun
Volusia County Memos Disclose Election 2000 Vote Fraud

By Alastair Thompson
Read The Book…Support The Cause - Order Your Copy Today

"DELAND, Fla., Nov. 11 - Something very strange happened on election night to Deborah Tannenbaum, a Democratic Party official in Volusia County. At 10 p.m., she called the county elections department and learned that Al Gore was leading George W. Bush 83,000 votes to 62,000. But when she checked the county's Web site for an update half an hour later, she found a startling development: Gore's count had dropped by 16,000 votes, while an obscure Socialist candidate had picked up 10,000--all because of a single precinct with only 600 voters."
- Washington Post Sunday , November 12, 2000 ; Page A22
Yes. Something very strange happened in Volusia County on election night November 2000, the night that first Gore won Florida, then Bush, and then as everybody can so well remember there was a tie.

Something strange indeed. But what exactly? In the above report ( click for full version), written days after the election, hotshot Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank goes on to attribute the strange 16,022 negative vote tally from Volusia's precinct 216 to an apparently innocent cause.

Go, Garrison

Here is a short little something you all may find to be good reading: