
Defense Experts Warn of Dangers in Trial of 9/11 Mastermind By Catherine Herridge June 01, 2009

Defense Experts Warn of Dangers in Trial of 9/11 Mastermind
The U.S. government must determine the best manner of trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the public face of the 9/11 conspiracy and the confessed mastermind of the attacks that killed 3,000 people.

By Catherine Herridge

Monday, June 01, 2009

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE -- With Usama bin Laden and his top deputies in hiding, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is the public face of the 9/11 conspiracy. But the U.S. government has no good options to try the confessed mastermind of the attacks that killed 3,000 people.

Defense experts say that bin Laden's former propaganda chief will use any public platform granted him during trial to attack the U.S. and inflame members of Al Qaeda.

"He has a massive ego and he will use any criminal trial or commissions or federal district court as a soapbox to spew his hatred of the U.S. and the West," said Cully Stimson, former senior Defense Department official for detainee affairs.

The Ameros: Free copies of Zeitgeist at this Saturday's Show

The Ameros are now giving away free copies of Zeitgeist parts II and III with every CD sold.

Saturday, June 6th
Tess' Lark Tavern, Albany
453 Madison Ave.
8 p.m.
$5 Cover

We'll be having a great time. Come get your truth on. Collaborating with the Campaign for Liberty.


Arnaud de Borchgrave presented with 9-11 truth on C-SPAN

Today on C-SPAN, a caller asked a question about the presence of thermite in the World Trade Center dust and its implications for American foreign policy. I wrote the entire program up as an entry for a diary on OpEdNews. The last graph contains the 9-11 question.

New Middle East war on the horizon, says foreign policy expert

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, Monday, June 1, 2009--In a revealing and informative interview, journalist and foreign policy expert Arnaud de Borchgrave said today there is no relief in sight for what ails the Israelis and the Palestinians, and that a war involving the two parties was all but inevitable. He also said Iran was close to obtaining a nuclear weapon, but that military action against that country by the United States or Israel was not a realistic option.

Cheney Blames Tenet For Creating The Iraq-9/11 Link

How can that be? I thought, "The Bush administration put relentless pressure on interrogators to use harsh methods on detainees in part to find evidence of cooperation between al Qaida and the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s regime." Tenet once said that he would not be the "Fall Guy." Maybe now would be a good time for him to nail Cheney to the wall. - Jon

Waterboarding was ‘well done,’ Cheney says


Published: June 1, 2009

On Iraq and 9/11: ‘That’s not something I made up’

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is usually very careful at choosing his words.

Perhaps not so today. In a speech Monday at the National Press Club, continuing along familiar themes of terrorism, Guantanamo and his hatred for The New York Times, Cheney spoke defensively of the administration’s practice of water-boarding detainees.

Senator for New 911 Investigation

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A new species is arising on the planet.
It is arising now, and it is you.
```Eckhart Tolle

New York Senator Gillibrand Supports New 9/11 Investigation May 30, 2009

This video was premiered on our new live video show [1] its rebroadcasting right now.

Tune in every Sunday 3pm eastern to get the latest CHANGE news from Robert Wanik and Luke Rudkowski live.

Source URL:

The last place on earth I expected to find 9/11 misinformation

"Consider a conspiracy theory like the claim that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax or that 9/11 was secretly planned by President Bush or that the Holocaust never happened. There are such conspiracy theories and they are believed by a reasonable number of people, but all of them require a large number of unproved and individually extremely unlikely assertions to be true simultaneously."

The preceding passage appears on page 105 of a book called, incredibly, Critical Thinking, Logic, and Argument by Eric Dayton. He's a professor of philosophy.

Making 9/11 skepticism the equivalent of Holocaust denial is a tactic usually reserved for the most pernicious forms of misinformation. This philosophy professor lets the above sentence stand without any explanation.

Letter to the Editor: There's more to the story [about 9/11 and torture]

There's more to the story

Published: May 31, 2009

Barrie Dunsmore's article of May 17 was basically saying that torture has been used for centuries and that Cheney and the CIA claim that torture works. The FBI disagrees. Dunsmore quoted Cheney as saying it has "kept America safe from further major acts of terrorism" (presumably like 9/11).

After describing the pros and cons of torture, Dunsmore said: "I get very nervous when I hear talk of punishing high-ranking members of the Bush administration for war crimes. … The resulting congressional gridlock would inevitably impede Obama's important agenda on which the country's future greatly depends."

WeAreChange: New York Senator Gillibrand Supports New 9/11 Investigation May 30, 2009

WeAreChange: New York Senator Gillibrand Supports New 9/11 Investigation

May 30, 2009

This video was premiered on our new live video show its rebroadcasting right now

tune in every Sunday 3pm eastern to get the latest CHANGE news from Robert Wanik and Luke Rudkowski live.

Abu Hamza and More – Additions to the 9/11 Timeline as of May 31, 2009

Several of the new entries in the past couple of weeks concern leading radical cleric and British intelligence informer Abu Hamza al-Masri and his activities in Yemen. Despite having been an informer for the British security services since early 1997, in around June 1998 he concluded a training and funding agreement with the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic Army of Aden (IAA), which by this time had already become irksome to local authorities. He issued a warning of an attack in Yemen in October, and a series of bombings was planned.

The Trauma of 9/11 Is No Excuse By Richard A. Clarke

Richard Clarke, Bush's Counterterrorism Czar and a holdover from the Clinton Administration, weighs in on the Bush Administration prior to and after 9/11, and recent attempts by Rice and Cheney to spin the events and their actions. Clarke gives his own spin, essentially labeling Bush Administration principals as negligent, but not calling for accountability, merely a slight correction of perspective and course. Clarke, in his book and in testimony, is one of the people who placed Cheney in the PEOC while the attacks were in progress (Against All Enemies, 2-19). Here he recalls, "Once in the bomb shelter, Cheney assembled his team while the crisis managers on the National Security Council staff coordinated the government response by video conference from the Situation Room." and quotes Cheney's recent admission that he was, without noting that this contradicts Cheney's and the 9/11 Commission's timeline; "'I'll freely admit that watching a coordinated, devastating attack on our country from an underground bunker at the White House can affect how you view your responsibilities,' Cheney said in his recent speech."

Op-Ed News to marginalize 9/11 Truth

In case anyone here has not been following the developments this week at OEN, a large scale purging of the members most vocal about 9/11 has occurred and Rob Kall himself has stated that Truth will now be considered an 'edge' issue. I guess the hypocritcal Mr Kall has gotten what he wanted, using Truthers to inflate his site stats to the point he'd be recognized by the MSM befofe dumping them so he doesn't look like a 'kook'.

Terrorist Pianos of Doom!

Terrorist Pianos of Doom!

Arthur Silber

May 29, 2009

Toward the end of last month, a noteworthy incident occurred in the classical music life of Los Angeles:

this would be his last American appearance -- in protest of the nation's military policies overseas.

In a low voice that could not be heard throughout the auditorium, Zimerman, universally considered among the world's finest pianists, made reference to Guantanamo Bay and U.S. military policies toward Poland.

"Get your hands off my country," he said.

Opportunity For Civil Informationing Campaign for America’s Future


Last year I supplied a friend with 300 DVDs to take to the NETROOTS Conference in Austin. They were quickly dispensed.

America's Future Now!
The world economy is in crisis.
Conservative ideas
have laid waste to our country.
Now progressives are on the move.
In 2006 and 2008, we began to

Our new mission:
mobilizing a progressive majority
to shapeAmericas Future Now!

June 1 - 3, 2009

Omni Shoreham Hotel ♦ Washington D.C.

Welcome to the Campaign for America's Future

We live in a remarkable political moment: precarious, yet potentially transforming. At the Campaign for America’s Future, our daily work is to bring about the progressive transformation.

After three decades of conservative dominance in American politics, we Americans are threatened with economic disintegration, environmental devastation and international

"The Bush Family Has More Links To The Bin Laden Family" Than Saddam Hussein

One of my favorite talks was given by Dr. Michael Parenti entitled, "Terrorism, Globalization, and Conspiracy." In it, he says, "he (Saddam Hussein) didn't have links to that guy (Osama Bin Laden). The Bush family has more links to the Bin Laden family." I laugh every time I hear it, but in actuality, it's very sad. Thanks to

1988: Bin Ladens Bail Out George W. Bush?

Justice Dept Attempts to Block 9/11 Lawsuit Against Saudis; 9/11 Family Members Speak Out

Statement On Behalf of the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism In Response to the Solicitor General's Refusal to Support The 9/11 Families' Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the Supreme Court

(In Re: Thomas E. Burnett, Sr., et al. v. Al Baraka Investment & Development Corp., et al., Case No. 03-CV-9849 (RCC)In Re: Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001, MDL 1570)

WASHINGTON, May 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is a statement of 9/11 Family Members: Mike Low, Father of Sara Elizabeth Low, AA Flight 11; Bill Doyle, Father of Joseph M. Doyle, WTC North Tower; Tom & Beverly Burnett, Sr., Parents of Thomas E. Burnett, Jr., UA Flight 93; and Terry Strada, Wife of Thomas Strada, WTC North Tower on Behalf of the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism in Response to the Solicitor General's Refusal to Support The 9/11 Families' Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the Supreme Court: