
DHS backtracks on 9/11-Canada tie - 05/27/09

US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said Wednesday she now knows 9/11 terrorists did not enter the United States from Canada, seeking to bury controversy over a diplomatic gaffe.

"I know that 9/11 terrorists did not cross the Canadian border," Napolitano told reporters, referring to an "earlier misstatement" used to justify increased security at the United States' northern frontier.

She had made the comment in a television interview with Canadian public broadcaster CBC in April, provoking outrage in this country.

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Simulator Proves “Impossible Speed” was “probable” for Flt 11 and Flt 175

Simulator Proves “Impossible Speed” was “probable” for Flt 11 and Flt 175

By John Bursill – Licensed Avionics Aircraft Engineer, Boeing 767/737/747 Series


MSNBC screen shot 5/29/09 4:17 p.m EST

MSNBC screen shot 5/29/09 4:17 p.m EST

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The Socratic Method of 9/11 Truth

An ancient philosopher discovered that his students learned more if he asked a series of questions than if he gave them the answers.

By asking questions which challenged his students' faulty beliefs, and allowing them to think through it themselves, Socrates moved them slowly - using a series of questions - from false thinking towards truth.

Indeed, law schools today primarily use this "Socratic Method" of teaching.

A 9/11 activist wrote a good example of the use of the Socratic Method for 9/11 truth in an email:

US News and World Report 911 hit piece backfires against the Propagandists

U.S. News and World Report ran an article on May 26th entitled “The Inner Worlds of Conspiracy Believers”. The intention was to demonize the truth/freedom movement by implying that anyone who doesn’t believe the official story of 911 or anyone who mistrusts the government all-together is mentally ill. But the real story isn’t the obvious moronic drivel concocted by this yellow-journalistic rag of disinformation, it is the collection of well-informed comments left on their site…. 147 so far, the overwhelming majority of which are critical of the official conspiracy theory and also of this collection of nonsense that tries to pass itself off as news. Here are the comments...

Revolutionary Politics

There's a Reason that Jon Stewart is the Word's Most Popular Truth-Teller

Jon Stewart does more truth-telling than any other mainstream reporter (Olbermann and some others are good, but not as popular as Stewart).

Conspiracies and the Martha Mitchell Effect

John Mitchell was the Attorney-General during the Nixon administration.

His wife - Martha Mitchell - told her psychologist that top White House officials were engaged in illegal activities. Her psychologist labeled these claims as caused by mental illness.

Ultimately, however, the relevant facts of the Watergate scandal vindicated her.

In fact, psychologists have now given a label - the "Martha Mitchell Effect" - to "the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health clinician mistakes the patient's perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly".

The authors of a paper on this phenomenon ( Bell, V., Halligan, P.W., Ellis, H.D. (2003) Beliefs About Delusions. The Psychologist, 6 (8), 418-422) conclude:

Richard Gage AIA on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA

UPDATE: from;

PLEASE NOTE: Although supportive notes to the station are a kind thought, and many of us have now sent them, we have been asked by the KMPH Executive Producer to not send anymore. Apparently, they've been so overwhelmed with 'thank you notes' they're missing other important emails like press releases and news tips, necessary to the continuing excellent production of Great Day. We encourage you to mail a thank you, if you feel compelled to do so, to their street address: KMPH FOX 26, 5111 E. McKinley Ave., Fresno, CA 93727.

Interview Transcription

Vote for Answers - Spread Far and Wide

9-11 family members ask unanswered questions about September 11th, part of an appeal by the New York Coalition for Accountability Now (NYCCAN) for a new, independent 9-11 commission. For more information go to

Index of /wtc_blueprints

Editors Note: This appears to be a new release of blueprints. It's 585 images. Some of them have the same date (02/09/84) as the previous release of 261 WTC1 drawings. -jkeogh

This is always essential info. The more that get it the merrier.



Richard Perle Bilderberg Attendee Confronted at John Deutch MIT B-Day Bash

Richard Perle Bilderberg Attendee Confronted at John Deutch MIT B-Day Bash

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NYT's Pentagon Propaganda Misleading report on Guantánamo and terrorism 5/27/09 F A I R

Action Alert

NYT's Pentagon Propaganda
Misleading report on Guantánamo and terrorism


While former Vice President Dick Cheney has been front and center in the media debate over the current White House's national security policies, he's not the only one trying to challenge the White House's message. The New York Times published a front-page article (5/21/09) that bolstered the notion that former Guantánamo prisoners "return" to terrorist activity.

The remarkably credulous Times story, under the headline "1 in 7 Freed Detainees Rejoins Fight, Report Finds," was based on a Pentagon report leaked to the paper before its release yesterday evening. The article emphasized the notion that former prisoners "returned to terrorism or militant activity"--without adequately explaining the definition of either term, or examining whether those former detainees were ever "terrorists" in the first place.
And as Talking Points Memo has noted (5/26/09), the Times' front-page headline claiming that "1 in 7" detainees had returned to the fight glossed over the DOD's own distinction between "confirmed" and "suspected" cases.

Psychologists Weigh In On 9/11

A new article in U.S. News & World Report quotes a couple of psychologists, one sociologist and one historian to argue that people who question the government's version of 9/11 are prone to false thinking.

Initially, remember that, while there are many honorable psychologists and psychiatrists, psychologists helped to create the U.S. torture program, and actively participated in it.