September 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit

USA wants to torture

two honest articles about US torture plans:

Whacko christian is a 911 truther.

Chomsky news:

Chomsky Addresses Crisis in Middle EastAlive and Well, Professor Emeritus
Speaks to Packed Audience in Kirsch Auditorium

Popular Mechanics Debunked

By Jon Gold

A few weeks ago, I went into a Barnes & Noble looking for Barrie Zwicker's latest book, "Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11."

Before I got to the counter to ask if they had it in stock, I saw several copies of Popular Mechanics' new John McCain endorsed book called, "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts." They had them prominently displayed so everyone could see them.

Holding back an "upchuck", I walked up to the counter, and asked the girl if they had any of Barrie's book in stock. As it turned out, they didn't. They were nice enough to order me a copy.

While I was there, I do what I always do in a book store. I looked for books by authors within the 9/11 Truth Movement. I was able to find one copy of Michael Ruppert's book, but nothing else.

Admittedly, I have never read Popular Mechanics' book. Wait a second. What's Jon pulling? How can he debunk a book without even reading it?

9/11 First Responder Illness

I responded to this on a mail list and then realized it was probably off-topic, so posted here.

--- In, Gritzle70 wrote:

> So the asbestos acts as a perfect cover for radioactive dust because
it, too, will kill. But I thought asbestosis was a progressive
disease. I don't know if the amount of asbestos released on that day
was sufficient to cause deaths by fact acting asbestosis.

It might be a cover, but as of yet the Federal gov will not even
admit the asbestos caused any trouble.

I can't imagine the story could hold RE: all the strange
cancers....caused by asbestos? But officials refuse even to admit
mesothelioma was a result of asbestos contamination from the "pile!"
And meso. is known to be caused by nothing other.

I don't put anything past these perps. No crazy story is too strange.
No re-writing of the laws of physics and nature too outlandish.

I have spoken to David Miller extensively. He is someone who worked on
the "pile" and is very sick with many illnesses concurrently. He now
wears an oxygen tube in his nose and carries a small oxygen tank.

He attends many of the 9/11 Sunday meetings and began his interest

What Energy Source Can Convert Concrete and Steel into Dust?

What Pulverized the South Tower's Concrete to Ultra-Fine Powder?



Was it a Nuclear Explosion, like this test in the Nevada Desert?


What Turned the North Tower's Spire into Steel Dust?


Here's a CNN Video of the spire AND what looks like the entire steel core turning to DUST!

Lauro Chavez Clarifies Points For His Critics

Lauro Chavez Clarifies Points For His Critics -

S spoke to me early today and asked if I could lay to rest some false claims being made against me. He asked if I bullet-ize them, if you’d post them on your site – under my article I presume. I’m not sure, but just contact him if you have any questions. Thanks a lot Kevin, and tell Alex that it was a pleasure to be on his show again. Let me know if I can be of any further help.
My letter was in no way intended to be my “Whistle blowing” statement.
- First let me start with telling everyone, that this letter, was a rant to the chief editor of the Cincinnati Post, Mr. Robert White. I sent it to him, after reading an article posted there called “1 in 3 believes in 911 conspiracy”. To which they proceed to debunk us good American people who know for a fact something about 911 does not add up. Mr. White never responded to my email. Again, it was a rant that included both fact from my time in the Army, facts I have learned from my extensive research on this topic, and my opinions. I’ve been asked to sign an affidavit, and I will, once I review it with my attorney.
How did I know Cheney was in charge of NORAD, prior to it becoming public?
- Easy, in the Army and whole of the DoD there is a thing called chain of command. Every solider is supposed to be aware of who his superiors are. When Cheney was announced to be taking over NORAD, the CoC was updated and passed out to all of us. This, I’m sure, was prior to the public release of this information. There were many military friends of mine, at the time, that questioned this action.

Please take the time to review this latest article regarding Lauro "LJ" Chavez and his statements on his experiences surrounding 9/11. Check out the link above for the full article. There will definitely be more on this subject in the coming days, including a sworn statement on his first hand experiences.

Thanks Little Pipe for the submission!

Bill Clinton on FOX "News" Sunday

Bill Clinton was interviewed on FOX "News" Sunday 9/24/2006. He was there to discuss the Clinton Global Initiative.

Chris Wallace attempted to lay blame of 9/11 on Clinton, and he did what no Democrats are willing to do today... He fought back.

I've never seen an "journalist" be this disrespectful of a former president. Smirking with every word, interrupting repeatedly, smiling as he asks pre-spun questions... Clearly, FOX was trying to egg him on, and Clinton got pissed.

I don't think much of Clinton, but I don't think he was involved in the conspiracy, and I think he attempted to stop it. His powers depend on people in key positions of power, un-elected officials in the FBI, CIA, DoD, and SS that held the strings to 9/11. But I might be wrong in that assumption. Thoughts?

Part 1

Part 2

9/11 And American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out - 9/25/2006, Berkeley CA

My sincere apologies to everyone, but I have been asked to remove this recording. It will be available again soon in a much higher quality format. I am sorry, but I apparently was in error in believing that I could post this freely. Please do not re-link the MP3 here, if you already downloaded it. Thanks for your understanding, and be assured that a much better version will be available soon!


9/11 & American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out
(Book here)

A KPFA original event gathering scholars who confront the unspeakable:

DAVID RAY GRIFFIN - Professor Of Philosophy and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont Graduate University. He is the author or editor of some 30 books, including The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005) and Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006)

For the French! Webster Tarpley interview...

While in Paris this past week to promote the French Edition of "Synthetic Terror", Tarpley gave an interview in the French language. Please pass this on to French-speaking truthseekers and fence-sitters everywhere!

French Synthetic Terror available here. (Editions Demi Lune)

37 minute Google video at link;

9/11 Vendetta -- You Tube

Archive: This video was first posted to YouTube on April 21, 2006. Links to several other 9/11 related videos also available.