August 2009

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Yesterday, it was reported that Blackwater, now known as Xe. is alleged to have taken part in some of the most horrific crimes I've seen to date.

To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades.

Mr. Prince operated his companies in a manner that encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life. For example, Mr. Prince's executives would openly speak about going over to Iraq to "lay Hajiis out on cardboard." Going to Iraq to shoot and kill Iraqis was viewed as a sport or game. Mr. Prince's employees openly and consistently used racist and derogatory terms for Iraqis and other Arabs, such as "ragheads" or "hajiis."

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Subpoenaed, Set to 'Break' Gag Order Unless DoJ Intercedes

[Bad link]
Former agency translator called to testify in Ohio election case this Saturday on Turkish infiltration of U.S. government...

Unless the Dept. of Justice re-invokes their twice-invoked "state secrets privilege" claim in order to once again gag former FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, her attorneys have notified the department by hand-delivered, sworn letter of declaration this week, that she intends to give a public deposition, open to the media, in response to a subpoena this Saturday in Washington D.C..

Edmonds has confirmed her intentions to answer any questions asked of her during the sworn proceedings, fully and publicly, during conversations with The BRAD BLOG this week. She notes that her agreement with her former employer, the FBI --- who fired her illegally after she filed whistleblower allegations about corruption and foreign infiltration in the linguistics department --- includes certain non-disclosure requirements. However, those requirements do not preclude her answering to a legally issued court subpoena.

8 years after the 11 sept attacks. Does anyone have a summary to send to journalists before 11th sept 2009 ?

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

the 8th year after the 911 attacks nears. Is there on the internet a document resuming summarising the important events since the last year or two years in the 911 truth movement.

I would like to have one to send to our French journalists before 11 th september 2009 to help them write an article.

Thanks for any links.



PS. It took me so long to do one for the 11th september 2007 that I do not have the courage to do another from scratch for 2009.

Unspun Newz story - Real Time problems with Bill Maher?

For some years, HBOs satirical talk show host Bill Maher - of Real Time, has repeatedly vocalized his ill opinion on his weekly live cable television show, of those who question the governments account of the events of September 11th. Whether its directed against a Real Time guest or used as a punch line to his entertainment offerings, activists known as 9/11 Truthers have been lambasted as tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. But, then again, Bill Maher also publicly states the Twin Towers burned for more than two hours. This would make little impact on national opinion if it were not for Mahers impressive viewership numbers. Ratings are the mark of a TV man and Bill seems to be holding the high cards however, when it comes to documentation of what actually occurred on that tragic day and the alleged evidence that has since surfaced, it seems, the time has come for Maher to rethink his hand and callor fold.

CIT transcript: Roosevelt Roberts

(Update: this transcript is now no longer a transcript of the edited interview seen in "National Security Alert", but a transcript of the full version of the interview as shown in "The North Side Flyover", part 2.)

This is a first in a series of transcripts of CIT interviews. It is not an endorsement of CIT or flyover.

Transcripts can help to eliminate confusion about what witnesses literally said. If you find any crucial errors in this transcript, report them with a comment. If justified they'll eventually be corrected. Since blog posts go through a moderation queue the number of updates will be minimized.

You can either link to this blog post or you can copy & paste from it. For copying and pasting there is a HTML version at the bottom that you can use to improve readability.

Interviewer Interviewee Date Type of interview
Aldo Marquis, Craig Ranke Roosevelt Roberts May 2008 Phone conversation

MI5 officer visited Morocco three times while Binyam Mohamed was tortured

(Updated with further developments from Democracy Now. Essentially, the Obama administration is threatening the security of British citizens to prevent disclosure of torture crimes; a less roundabout way to describe it would be that the White House is "threatening with increased risk of mass murder by ending intelligence sharing" -- SnowCrash)

British Lawmaker David Davis Challenges US Threats to Suppress Evidence of CIA Torture

Democracy Now, August 5, 2009

A British court heard evidence last week that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to prevent the disclosure of details regarding the CIA’s role in the alleged torture of former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Binyam Mohamed. We hear from conservative British parliamentarian David Davis about the Obama administration’s attempts to suppress evidence in this case.

MI5 officer visited Morocco three times while Binyam Mohamed was 'tortured'

Polls show broad skepticism among Americans of official 9/11 narrative

Below is a summary of opinion polls querying the American public on the viability of the official government narrative for 9/11. Polls have been conducted by such pollsters as Zogby, Scripps Howard, Reuters and Angus Reid and cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC. Apparently, the official conspiracy theory isn't doing very well. In fact, the numbers are scaring the bejesus out of some of the pollsters, who are left looking for ways to trivialize such large numbers of their fellow citizens as "fringe elements". Tactics include suggesting the respondents are misguided because of ethnocentric bias, inability to cope with events of large magnitude, lack of intelligence, factual ignorance, one-sidedness, the internet or deeply embedded distrust of government. The last suggestion appears to have a chicken-or-egg problem.

Keith Olbermann On Blackwater

This Is Just Horrible...

A.B. Buzzy Krongard sat on the advisory board of Blackwater.

Blackwater Chief Accused of Murder, Threats

Democracy Now! had two important interviews regarding policies of corruption and terror in today's program:

"In Explosive Allegations, Ex-Employees Link Blackwater Founder to Murder, Threats"

In sworn statements, two ex-employees claim Blackwater’s owner, Erik Prince, murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company. One also charged Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe.” We speak with investigative journalist and bestselling author Jeremy Scahill, who broke the story for The Nation magazine.

[includes rush transcript] -


"British Lawmaker David Davis Challenges US Threats to Suppress Evidence of CIA Torture".

New DVD - Steven Jones: Nano-Thermite – Order Today!

Here’s the one we’ve been waiting for! Currently available only from AE911Truth. Pre-order! – Ships Aug 12

Nanothermite: What in the World is High-tech Explosive material Doing in the Dust Clouds Generated on 9/11/2001?

This DVD, hot off the press, contains the dynamic multimedia presentation given by Dr. Jones in Sacramento, CA on April 30th, 2009.

Yellow Nanothermite DVD Cover