June 2008

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Bali Bombings, CIA Search for 9/11 Hijackers in Thailand – 9/11 Timeline Additions as of June 1, 2008

The largest chunk of new entries this week deal with al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia in general and the 2002 Bali bombings in particular. A 1994 phone tap in the Philippines indicated that Hambali, a leader of the al-Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiya (JI), was involved in the Bojinka plot, and after he was arrested in 2003 President Bush falsely promised he could be tried in Indonesia, where Jemaah Islamiya attacked the Philippine ambassador in 2000. Al-Qaeda-linked figures also helped militant Islamists fight Christians in the spice islands in 2000-2001, and the US unsuccessfully pressured Indonesia to allow the rendition of JI's spiritual leader in 2002.

Bush Replays Iraq Games on Iran By Ray McGovern June 1, 2008

Bush Replays Iraq Games on Iran

By Ray McGovern - consortiumnews.com
June 1, 2008

Stop! Please. Get beneath the hype over former White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception. Don’t miss forest for trees.

Not since John Dean told the truth about President Richard Nixon’s crimes have we had an account by a very close aide to a sitting president charging him with crimes of the most serious kind.

McClellan writes that George W. Bush abandoned “candor and honesty” to wage a “political campaign” that led the nation into an “unnecessary war.”

The chief U.S. prosecutor of senior Nazi officials at the post-World War II Nuremberg Trials, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, labeled such action – more correctly termed a war of aggression – the “supreme international crime.”

In other words, President Bush used propaganda and deception to lead the United States into what an earlier generation of American leaders judged not just a war crime, but the “supreme” war crime.

Scott McClellan as Whistleblower-- NOT! (But "there was something good in what McClellan did")

Comments from Rob Kall at OpEdNews.com

Scott McClellan as Whistleblower-- NOT!

after putting down my dog Vanilla, on Friday, I wrote an article about it, and feeling in a forgiving mood, spoke kindly about Scott McClellan. I decided to write more about it today, especially after reading right winger Peggy Noonan, in yesterday's Wall Street Journal Op-Ed, who says,

"When I finished the book I came out not admiring Mr. McClellan or liking him but, in terms of the larger arguments, believing him. One hopes more people who work or worked within the Bush White House will address the book's themes and interpretations. What he says may be inconvenient, and it may be painful, but that's not what matters. What matters is if it's true. Let the debate on the issues commence.

What's needed now? More memoirs, more data, more information, more testimony. More serious books..."

And I got to thinking and wrote, on Friday that there was something good in what McClellan did. Some readers agreed with me. So today, after seeing him on Meet The Press, with Tim Russert, I thought I'd write a bit more about it. After a few paragraphs, in which I was moving toward calling McClellan a whistleblower-- not a clean one, but a stinky one who, nonetheless was doing some good, I decided to ask one of my whistleblowing heroes-- Sibel Edmonds. Fortunately, she straightened me out, making it clear that he made money and really didn't disclose anything new. We ended up having a half hour conversation.

Sibel told me she absolutely did NOT see him as a whistle blower, based on the entire community of whistle blowers she's involved with-- the National Security whistleblowers coalition. She told me,

"We call these people opportunists, because that's exactly what he is. "

Meet Mike Walter: Watch Him Lie About 9/11.

Mr. Walter says in this interview that he heard the roar of the engines of the plane over head and looked up to see, quite clearly, the AA logo of American Airlines on the side of the jet.

Then he says that the plane dove and increased speed toward the Pentagon. Well, if that is the case, then he must have seen the plane a mile or so out because according to the FAA and Norad, that plane was flying low for quite a ways before it struck the Pentagon. How did he hear the “roar of the engines” so far out?

Then he adds the new story-line that he saw the wings of the plane fold back into the body of the jet when it hit.

Look at the pictures from the only release 5 frames of the actual video from the attack.

How did someone “see” the wings “fold back against the plane” in that millisecond of impact that was obscured by the fireball? He couldn’t have. It’s impossible.

But even more telling than all of this…

His original interview with CNN on the day of the attacks.

(This is a follow-up to Aidan Monaghan's blog entry)

This is about Mike Walter. Mike is a liar. He is lying about what he saw on 9/11. And here is the proof.

Cult of Deception By MAUREEN DOWD


June 1, 2008

Cult of Deception


They say that every president gets the psychoanalyst he deserves. And every Hamlet gets his Rosencrantz.

So now comes Scott McClellan, once the most loyal of the Texas Bushies, to reveal “What Happened,” as the title of his book promises, to turn W. from a genial, humble, bipartisan good ol’ boy to a delusional, disconnected, arrogant, ideological flop.

Although his analytical skills are extremely limited, the former White House press secretary — Secret Service code name Matrix — takes a stab at illuminating Junior’s bumpy and improbable boomerang journey from family black sheep and famous screw-up back to family black sheep and famous screw-up.

How did W. start out wanting to restore honor and dignity to the White House and end up scraping all the honor and dignity off the White House?

It turns out that our president is a one-man refutation of Malcolm Gladwell’s best seller “Blink,” about the value of trusting your gut.

Every gut instinct he had was wildly off the mark and hideously damaging to all concerned.

5 minutes of your time could have a huge impact!!!

It is the SUMMER OF TRUTH. ---> http://www.911blogger.com/node/15748

I will lay out how we can impact well over a million people DIRECTLY with the 9/11 TRUTH message.

This will cost each of us 5 minutes on the computer. This will work. Please hear me out.

Here is a synopsis:

Sign up (subscribe) for the free newsletter from Mercola.com. It is FREE. Be sure to sign up for blog entries with a password. When a tie-in article appears on a newsletter, make a blog entry similar to this:

"Handling the corrupt FDA, government agencies, politicians, big corporations, etc. will probably come about once the gateway to 9/11 Truth is opened.
"9/11 TRUTH is the key. When people open that doorway of 9/11 Truth, the road ahead becomes clear.
"Research the truth of 9/11/01.
"Hundreds of Architects and Engineers and Scientists and Scholars and high ranking government officials around the world are screaming loudly for people to take a look at the overwhelming evidence.
www.ae911truth.org (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth)
www.stj911.org -- Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice
www.journalof911studies.com -- Scientific Peer Reviewed Research

Hungry For Truth - Day 6

Hungry for Truth – Day 6


Blair is in terrific spirits and amazed at his own incredible energy. Temperatures reached 101F, but it’s a dry heat in Arizona. Blair is logging and maintaining his hydration. Traffic crews were out on 16th Street today diverting traffic into one lane which forced drivers to drive slowly past us for hours. We received about 15:1 ratio of well wishers for every negative gesture giving us a great emotional lift all day long. This is an amazing increase in the ratio from what we experienced 6 months ago with our street actions. Also of note, Blair is getting somewhat of a following from the folks that drive-by each day and live near McCain’s office, including lots of honking and yells of support. This is terrific stuff which I hope all of our supporters can envision and appreciate. We wish you all could be here with us.

FIREFIGHT: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon on 9/11

Book review: Firefighters at the Pentagon, public records, 150 interviews with participants and eye-witnesses... anyone reading this?

"It took five years for authors Patrick Creed, a volunteer firefighter and Army officer, and Rick Newman, a writer for U.S. News and World Report, to pull together this story. Combing public records and conducting 150 interviews, Creed and Newman have done a monumental reporting job. Firefight tells the tale moment by moment through the accounts of dozens of participants and eye-witnesses. The book needed an editor with a sharper blue pencil -- it's too long, and the writing can be monotonous. Not unlike the heroes whose stories they tell, however, Creed and Newman faced a daunting challenge, rose to the occasion and rescued a piece of history from the ashes."

Reviewed by John N. Maclean
Sunday, June 1, 2008; Page BW02
FIREFIGHT: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon on 9/11
By Patrick Creed and Rick Newman
Ballantine. 486 pp. $27

German former minister thinks Israel may attack Iran soon

"As things look, Israel may well attack Iran soon"

By Joschka Fischer (former German Minister of Defense)


Follow Bugiosi's lead

I have one suggestion and one question.

The suggestion is: Follow Bugliosi's lead and prosecute Bush et al. for murder in 3,000 cases for 9/11. Start by writing the book. I would do it, but I am not a lawyer. You lawyers out there, get together and write the book. Surely you can do as well as The Bug. Stop asking for a "new investigation" and start prosecuting. If Bugliosi can do it for the Iraq war, we can do it for 9/11. Not impeachment, because that is dependent on our lily-livered congresswimps.

The question is: Can anyone list up the past and ongoing suits so far on 9/11? This is for background info.

(I am referring of course to Vincent Bugliosi's recent book, "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder"; see my last blog for interview with him.)