June 2007

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Paul Sheridan's Letter to Purdue

Below is a letter Paul Sheridan sent to the head of the Purdue simulation team, Ayhan Irfanoglu. The letter was emailed to me today.

Mr. Ayhan Irfanoglu:

Thank you so much for your recent interjections into the "research" about September 11, 2001 as such relates to the events in my hometown of New York City. I can assure you with certainty that your work will prove VERY useful to the ongoing research efforts by those of us not paid to do so; doing so ONLY for the purposes of exposing the truth. Alternatively, your interjections are completely expected in the context of Purdue's inclusion in the Michael Chertoff Department of Homeland Security "Center of Excellence," and the multi-million-dollar taxpayer-funded programs associated with that inclusion.

(1) In the following link: http://www.wkrn.com/nashville/news/ap-simulation-finds-911-fireproofing-key/102602.htm you are quoted:

"We design structures with some extra capacity to cover some uncertainties, but we never anticipate such heavy demand coming from an aircraft impact. If the columns were distributed, maybe, the fire could not take them out so easily."


If you are not already aware there is an international grassroots movement that is growing like wild fire by taking action the Eleventh Day of Every Month for 9/11 Truth and Justice. The movement was hatched in a tiny San Francisco apartment by Cosmos/YT, a single man with the vision of 9/11 Truth and Justice. Since that first blog entry posted on February 6 we have seen this Call to Action capture the citizens of the world.

First there was an exceptionally well put together film called "The Third Stage." I know the first time I watched it I was brought to tears. The video was so powerful that Alex Jones brought Cosmos on to his show to talk about the Call to Action and the website TRUTHACTION.ORG. We saw a surge in participation immediately after that. But if I remember correctly that was back in April. Where is the love? Can't we get this movement promoted every month?

SF Truth Action on CBS 5


A direct result of our demonstrations outside CBS News. Please drop Manny Ramos a line and urge him to follow up with Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: ramos@kpix.cbs.com

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Michael Tsarion on Sinn Fein April 26th 2006.

This is taken from an interview on the Rob Simone Radio Show last year.

The entire 2 hr interview can be downloaded here: (27mb, .mp3, 2hr)


The file is also downloadable in eight segments i.e. for the car - just replace 'Simone' with 'Part1', 'Part2' etc



The people who know

We all know that the official conspiracy is a grand fiction.

What we do not have is whistelblowers and people that were involved in the operation.


We MUST find whisteblowers that were involved in the operation. This will no doubt be a difficult task. But without our "Pentagon Papers"... we will always seem as the conspriacy theorists and summarily dismissed. All the doumentaries have been made. All the books have been written.

We need people that were involved to come forward and tell how those buildings were demolished, and how this operation was planned and executed. Without them, we are talking to ourselves.

Our entire mission should focus on this area and we as a group of organized citizens should raise money to support and protect these people. Without them, we are simply blowing smoke,

NTSB Cites Tax Case Law As Refusal To Answer Questions

NTSB Cites Tax Case Law As Refusal To Answer Questions


A prominent 9/11 Researcher and colleague of Pilots For 9/11 Truth, John Farmer, submitted a request to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) seeking answers for the various discrepancies within the American Airlines Flight 77 Flight Data Recorder. The NTSB responded in the form of case law as an excuse and precedent to not address the questions raised regarding the information the NTSB provided through the FOIA which does not support the govt story. It is no surpise one case the NTSB sources is a tax case seeking recent federal tax court rulings. Click picture for full article.



Kucinich to hold hearing on some 911 issues in September

Davis Fleetwood interviews Dennis Kucinich


It's a long interview, but at the 5 minute mark, Kucinich is asked if Americans know the whole truth about 911. He answers "I would say no. That's why in September I intend to hold a hearing, albeit it's going to be in a tightly focused area dealing with 911 and some of the economic issues..." I wonder what issues he's going to raise... Maybe some truth will come out of it.


Contact your representative voicing support for HR 333, the articles of impeachment against Cheney.

A Call Again to Call: Talk-Radio Shows Offer Free Access to Millions

Being that we are approaching the 2nd anniversary of the false-flag terror event in London on 7-7-05 and creeping ever closer to another false-flag op directed at American reluctance to bomb Iran, it is extra important right now to bomb Our airwaves with Truth and History. Remind the massive corporate-ist media conglomerates that they rent our airwaves by bringing up the elucidating idea of state-sponsored, false-flag operations throughout history, including 9-11-01, 3-11-04 and 7-7-05 of course. Use Brezinski "the Butcher's" own warnings in February to Congress to contemporize and contextualize the current s(h)ituation. Rip the 9-11 (C)omission Report to shreds. Be aggressive and act like you know, cuz you do.