April 2009

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Richard Gage sera à Montréal ce samedi / Richard Gage in Montreal this Saturday le 18 avril 2009

English message follows below

L'architecte Richard Gage donnera une conférence à Montréal ce samedi soir.

Où: au Centre St-Pierre, 1212 rue Panet, Montréal
Quand: Samedi le 18 avril 2009 @ 19h00
Prix à l'entrée: 10$ afin de nous aider à couvrir les frais d'administration.

La conférence sera donnée en anglais et présidée par le professeur Michel Chossudovsky, érudit de renommée mondiale, chercheur, auteur et directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation.

Pour réserver, envoyez-nous svp un courriel à reservations@mtl911truth.org en précisant le nombre de participants.

De nombreuses personnes ont déjà réservé leur place. Parmi elles se retrouvent des architectes et ingénieurs, des pompiers, des représentants municipaux et provinciaux, et des journalistes. L'espace est limité. Afin de s'assurer l'accès à un siège, nous vous recommandons de réserver à l'avance.

The New World Order Is Taking Over the Patriot and Truth Movements

The New World Order Is Taking Over the Patriot and Truth Movements

Jeffrey Grupp
April 13, 2009


We all know that there are infiltrators into the various patriot movements. Old news. But that is not what I discuss in this article. I may be wrong, but I think something far more serious is going on: I think that the biggest, strongest patriot movements (Alex Jones and the Truth Movement, Campaign for Liberty, etc.) are about to completely damaged or hijacked so that they no longer exist, and are completely destroyed. This is the New World Order tactic, so none of us should be surprised, just like I was not surprised when the Ron Paul Presidential run was run off the road and taken over almost effortlessly, it seems, before the first votes in New Hampshire were cast. So let’s get into this issue…

The Poppy Palace

Source: electricpolitics.com

Click Here

Connect the dots. According to the UN's latest report, under U.S. occupation 92% of the world's opium production comes from Afghan poppies. Most of the heroin going to Europe is manufactured in or transits Turkey. The exact value to Turkey of its heroin exports is unknown but experts estimate a range in the tens of billions of dollars per year. The neocons helped establish and remain closely associated with Turkish lobbying efforts in the U.S. The question is, then: does the seamy side of Turkish influence peddling involve, among other things, money laundering, narcotics trafficking, espionage, bribery of U.S. officials, nuclear proliferation, and aid to terrorist front groups (not to mention whatever motivated the previous administration to invade Afghanistan)? Put differently, how and to what extent has the Turkish "deep state" joined forces with the American "deep state"? To consider some of these questions, and others, I turned to Sibel Edmonds, the renowned whistleblower. It was great to talk with Sibel and I have the highest regard for her courage and principled stand. Total runtime an hour and sixteen minutes. A cover-up is not the answer!

'FOOTNOTE 44' - Seeking Funds For Important New Documentary

(Re-posted from MySpace)

'FOOTNOTE 44' - Seeking Funds For Important New Documentary

Dear Fans:

The makers of 'PRESS FOR TRUTH' are reaching out to you, our loyal supporters, to help get our next project off the ground. We need matching funds for an important new project -- investors, loaners, or donors. Any amount will help. If you are interested in a business opportunity, or have a "rich uncle" you can approach on our behalves, you would be doing your part to help us investigate a major story of possible criminal wrongdoing by a number of individuals within the United States government.

'PRESS FOR TRUTH' was an underground hit seen by nearly 10,000 people theatrically, 1 million people on the Internet, and over 10 million people on televisions in twenty-eight nations around the world. Countless others have rented the movie from Netflix, viewed it at a Brave New Theaters house party, or watched it at a film festival. More than 20,000 homes have the DVD sitting on their video racks. Over 3,000 new visitors each month discover the web site. And the movie recently made it's iTunes debut at #8 for Documentaries.

The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America's Defense on 9/11

Another book from the 9/11 Commission that claims the whole thing was a fraud, this time from Senior Counsel John Farmer. I know most of you won't trust Farmer because of his bio, but I think we should consider his opinion as a member of the Commission, especially since he seems to be very critical of it. The book is supposed to come out April 14. - simuvac

The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America's Defense on 9/11

Product Description

23e Onze Bouge 11 April 2009 in Paris + Herblay FRANCE ( World action every 11 of the month )


Report on the 23rd Onze Bouge in Paris this 11th of April 2009 by Yves Ducourneau
John Mitchell and me were at the Saint-Michel Fountain this afternoon to distribute 9/11 flyers and to inform the public. The weather was nice and warm. Good reception for John's signs (seeing Bush and Cheney
behind the bars gives obvious pleasure for many people!), even joy full outcries from an Afghan and a
Pakistanis family who passed by there. We discussed with 4 young girls around 20 years old who had a great scholarship in geopolitics which completely amazed me. The 11 of September interested them a lot.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Long Arm of Justice: Fujimori’s Lesson for Bush

Fujimori’s Lesson for Bush
by Jacob G. Hornberger


If President Bush and Vice-President Cheney think that time is on their side with respect to crimes committed by their administration, this week’s criminal conviction of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori should put those thoughts to rest. Returning to Peru in the hope of returning to power, Fujimori was instead put on trial and convicted of “crimes against humanity,” including the killing of 25 people by military death squad.

Meanwhile, a Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzon, has opened a criminal investigation of six former Bush officials — Alberto Gonzalez, Douglas Feith, David Addington, John Yoo, Jay Bybee, and William Haynes — for torture allegations arising out of the Pentagon’s operations at Guantanamo.

Garzon was the judge who secured a criminal indictment of former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet, which led to Spain’s extradition request for Pinochet when he visited London. While the request was ultimately unsuccessful, Pinochet was detained in London for a year awaiting the final disposition of the request.

JREF, Paint, Kaolin, Bentham and Media Coverage of the ‘Active Thermitic Material’ Paper by Erik Larson

EDIT- corrected typos and my mistake about Farmer (thanks Tanabear- see comments), added more details incl. a number of quotes from the paper, and made hyperlinks- visit 911Reports for the links)

JREF, Paint, Kaolin, Bentham and Media Coverage of the ‘Active Thermitic Material’ Paper by Erik Larson

The paper “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe” was published April 3, 2009 in The Open Chemical Physics Journal (Bentham.org)

It is currently the subject of much debate (mostly attacks) at JREF, beginning with this thread, now closed- it has gotten 1831 comments and 30,413 views as of this posting:

[Closed]Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe- JREF

9/11 Media Breakthrough in Denmark

The excellent work by Niels Harrit, Farrer, Jones and Ryan et. al in the recent journal article (Thermitic Material Discovered in WTC Dust) has paved the way for some very good media coverage in Denmark. At around 10:30 pm on Monday April 6, Harrit was interviewed for 10 minutes during the late news program on one of the two most respected Danish television channels (TV2). On Wednesday April 8, Harrit was interviewed for 6 minutes at 8:45 am during a live news and entertainment program on the same channel. In both cases, Harrit, and the claims of the article, were treated with refreshing seriousness and respect.

The first interview has been subtitled in English and loaded onto youtube (direct link), and should appear (embedded) below: