
The Spy Who Loves Us

The Spy Who Loves Us
Pay no mind to the Mossad agent on the line.
by Philip Giraldi
June 2, 2008 Issue
Copyright © 2008 The American Conservative


Interesting blog on Urban Moving Systems and U.S. Federal financing

Last Friday, Matt made note of this Federal "Small Business" financing in this blog entry. A couple people have now sent this in;

Urban Moving Systems: the US-Israeli 9/11 Financial Nexus

911blogger user johndoraemi has done a couple blogs on Urban Moving Systems.

For more detail on the "Israeli DEA Groups"/alleged hijacker overlaps see the jpegs at the end of this blog;

Cooperative research returns for 'Urban Moving Systems' (send 'em a donation!);

The USS Liberty and U.S./Israeli Covert Cooperation

Today marks the 41st anniversary of the USS Liberty incident. Although perceived by many as a purely hostile attack on the part of Israel, recent documentaries make a strong case that the Liberty incident was a failed False Flag attempt, with the intent of drawing the U.S. into an attack on Egypt during the 6 Day War, which would have led to a massive bloodbath, and possibly a larger confrontation with the USSR. Further, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and President Lyndon B. Johnson were fully aware of what was going on that day, yet the Liberty was still not given air cover.* Proceeding from the possibility that the Liberty incident was a conscious, tandem act of deception, I offer a brief survey of U.S./Israeli covert cooperation.

The Liberty

What happened to the USS Liberty should not be looked upon as an isolated incident. It was preceded in 1964 with the infamous Tonkin Gulf fabrication, which kicked off a major escalation in the Vietnam War. The Liberty incident was probably destined to be the capstone for Israel's covert war against Egypt, now in overt mode during the 6 Day War. Also, the Liberty incident was followed in 1968 by another incident involving North Korea and the USS Pueblo, another Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) ship, which also appears to have been a failed attempt at a provocation.(1) The intent: to provoke U.S. retaliaiton against North Korea, and get the North/South Korean standoff to heat up again.

The covert mission against the Liberty failed because the boat was not sunk, and the survivors were able to talk about what had happened to them. Had the U.S. launched an attack against Egypt, there would have been some serious problems explaining away the stories of the survivors, who knew they had been surveilled by Israeli aircraft.

In 2002, the BBC broadcast "Dead in the Water", a documentary by Christopher Mitchell which proposed the general theory that the Liberty incident was a False Flag failure to a broad (British) audience. Alex Jones came to the same conclusion in his 2006 film "Terrorstorm", based mostly on his own original interview work.

If you have not seen Christopher Mitchell's film, I strongly encourage you to watch it, most visitors to this site have probably already seen Terrorstorm. It's just over an hour long, and it's a fine way to honor the casualties of the Liberty on this anniversary;

(article continues below the fold)

Rethinking 9/11: Why Truth and Reconciliation are Better Strategies Than Global War

Completed last February, Rethinking 9/11: Why Truth and Reconciliation are Better Strategies Than Global War from Ground Zero Minnesota (providers of education for informed democracy and human survival since 1982) is a sober, carefully argued introduction to the subject.

The full documentary (just under an hour) can be watched or downloaded here:

(YouTube playlist)

Odigo says workers were warned of (9-11) attack

Odigo says workers were warned of attack
By Yuval Dror

Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.

Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.

"I have no idea why the message was sent to these two workers, who don't know the sender. It may just have been someone who was joking and turned out they accidentally got it right. And I don't know if our information was useful in any of the arrests the FBI has made," said Macover. Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are in New York, with offices in Herzliya.

Montreal 9/11 Truth asks: "Montreal, The Next Terror Target?"

"Montreal 9/11 Truth has just produced a documentary film exposing a networked video surveillance contract that the Montreal Transit System (STM) has signed involving a company with an alleged shady history and very close ties to American and Israeli intelligence services."

This looks very well researched, with lots of original footage. Good job, Montreal 9/11 Truth.

(A good film to watch prior to this is 7/7 Ripple Effect which examines similar connections to the London Underground Bombings.)

Here is a YouTube playlist for the whole documentary;

Here are the direct links (below the fold);

An Open Letter to Amy Goodman

Dear Amy,

It's been a while since I've written, and I see that you have done a few segments that draw attention to some of the problems that swirl around 9/11. You had a "debate" between the "Loose Change" crew and "Popular Mechanics", you brodcast Sen. Leahy's statement; "...why did 9/11 happen on George Bush’s watch when he had clear warnings that it was going to happen? Why did they allow it to happen?", you confirmed via journalist Marc Perelman that indeed, two of the cheering "movers" spotted on the Jersey shore on 9/11 were MOSSAD agents, and this past week you had Philip Shenon on the show regarding his new book, you helped circulate the news that the CIA tortured the main 9/11 suspects upon which the 9/11 Commission built its foundation, and today (2/7) you somewhat aggresively interviewed Philip Zelikow.

So it does seem like Democracy Now! is finally snapping out of a kind of trance. It does seem like there is a willingness to challenge the official 9/11 narrative. Perhaps it's time to make amends with a 9/11 skeptic who has done plenty of work deconstructing the 9/11 Commission, David Ray Griffin. You had him on your show on May 26, 2004, and you said to him;

"Can you name an expert you have relied on, for example on the issue of the world trade center towers going down, expert in structural engineering who has said it is impossible for the explanation to be the planes hit, and the fires caused the towers to go down?...

...Name just one. Name just one structural engineering expert who said it is not feasible that the planes caused the towers to go down."

Well, there are at least 3 structural engineers now questioning the way that the towers came down, and a whole bunch of other engineers and architects over at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

It's time for the "debate" format to hit the skids, Amy. It's time to let 9/11 skeptics air their grievances on your program without an establishment shill shouting them down or insulting them, when it's clear that an earnest and balanced debate is not likely to happen on a live-broadcast news digest anyhow. (By the way, Griffin beat the tar out of the Popular Mechanics book last year, I highly recommend his book, "Debunking 9/11 Debunking".)

Orwell's Triumph - There is no van full of explosives reported at the George Washington Bridge.

There was never a van full of explosives reported at the George Washington Bridge.

A van full of explosives at the George Washington Bridge did not exist.

Crimes of the State Blog

The raison d'etre for the 9/11 Truth Movement in one easy step.

Dan Rather CBS News on September 11th 2001

Jerusalem Post,

September 12, 2001 (mirrored):

(08:45) Car bomb found on George Washington Bridge

American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge connecting New York and New Jersey.

The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge.

Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported.

New Fake Al Qaeda Threat From Suspected American/Mossad Agent Adam Gadahn

No doubt will have a full report on this soon. See below for previous articles about "Adam Gadahn" and his fake Al Qaeda threats. Also, be sure to vote the story one star on Yahoo. -Yarrow

New al-Qaida video threatens embassies
By PAUL SCHEMM, Associated Press Writer

CAIRO, Egypt - An American member of al-Qaida threatened foreign diplomats and embassies across the Islamic world in a new video Sunday, saying they would targeted as "spy dens."

The 1 hour, 17 minute video also featured a computer-animated recreation of a March 2006 suicide attack that killed U.S. diplomat David Foy in Karachi, Pakistan, and testimony from a man who claimed to be the bomber.

"We shall continue to target you, at home and abroad, just as you target us, at home and abroad, and these spy dens and military command and control centers from which you plotted your aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq," said Adam Gadahn, a Californian also known as Azzan al-Amriki.

Are the Hijackers-- the Real Ones-- Still Alive and With Us Today?

We are all aware of the "still-alive" hijackers. This of course is a facetious term referring to completely innocent men who may have had their identities stolen and used by the real culprits on 9/11. But what about the real hijackers, the men who actually commandeered the planes? Is it possible they could have escaped the planes before the crashes?

Some contend that there were no hijackers at all, that the planes were diverted solely by remote control. Several credible phone calls from the flights, however, such as those from Betty Ong (AAL11) and Tom Burnett (UAL93), provide pretty good evidence that there were indeed real hijackers on the planes for at least some period of time.

New Justin Raimondo Article on the Israelis - "The High Fivers"

The High-Fivers
More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers
by Justin Raimondo

It was the tail-end of a bleak November, 2001: a pall of shocked numbness hung over the country, and a rising war hysteria had nearly everyone cowed. Americans were just beginning to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and focus on what had happened, and how to react. It was very early on the morning of the 23rd when, scanning the headlines, I came across a Washington Post story by John Mintz: "60 Israelis Detained on Tourist Visas Since Sept. 11." Odd, I thought, why go after the Israelis, probably the least likely suspects?

The subhead was even more intriguing: "Government Calls Several Cases 'of Special Interest,’ Meaning Related to Post-Attacks Investigation." Apparently organized groups of Israelis had been arrested, and "dozens" held without bond. Inquiries to the Justice Department had yielded this response:

"In several cases, such as those in Cleveland and St. Louis, INS officials testified in court hearings that they were 'of special interest to the government,’ a term that federal agents have used in many of the hundreds of cases involving mostly Muslim Arab men who have been detained around the country since the terrorist attacks.

"An INS official who requested anonymity said the agency will not comment on the Israelis. But he said the use of the term 'special interest’ means the case in question is 'related to the investigation of September 11th.’"

It wasn’t some anti-Semitic conspiracy crank sitting in his parents’ basement, or Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who first linked Israeli nationals to the events of 9/11: it was the U.S. government, specifically its law enforcement arm.

Continued at:

Democracy NOW! - Counterpunch & 9/11 - "Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies" - UPDATE 3 - Video

The LINK TV broadcast featured an additional 8 minutes of commentary after the regular Democracy NOW! broadcast, linked below. The additional segment looks at Carl Cameron's piece a bit more, and Ketcham reveals that his FOX sources told him that Abe Foxman (ADL) put pressure on FOX's parent company, NEWSCORP to shut down Cameron's investigation.

Putfile video stream - Part 1 (original segment):
Click here to watch 'Democracy-NOW---2-8-2007'

Putfile video stream - Part 2 (additional segment only broadcast on LINK TV):
Click here to watch 'Democracy-NOW---2-8-2007---Part-2'

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before the 9/11 Attacks?

A new article in the newsletter Counterpunch examines unresolved questions over whether Israeli agents were tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th. ABC’s 20/20, The Forward, and have all covered the story. But where’s the follow up? We speak to the author of the article, Christopher Ketcham; Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn, and Marc Perelman, the Forward reporter who did one of the first reports on the story in 2002.

Were Israeli agents tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th? In 2002, ABC’s 20/20 and The Jewish newspaper The Forward all did this story. But where’s the follow up?

Freelance journalist Christopher Ketcham has just published a comprehensive piece on this story in the newsletter Counterpunch. The article highlights various interconnected stories: The five Israeli “movers” who witnesses say were cheering after the first plane struck the World Trade Center; the so-called Israeli art students who were living in concentrated areas where hijackers were living around the United States and how two of the hijackers ended up on the Watch List weeks before 9/11.

Christopher Ketcham, the author of the article, joins us on the line from upstate New York. Alexander Cockburn also joins us on the line. He is the editor of Couterpunch where the piece is published. And with us here in the firehouse studio is Marc Perelman he is the reporter who did one of the first reports on the story for The Forward in 2002.

* Marc Perelman. Diplomatic Correspondent for The Forward. He broke the story about Israeli spies in 2002.

* Alexander Cockburn. Editor of Counterpunch.

* Christopher Ketcham. Freelance journalist. Author of “What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?” in the latest edition of CounterPunch’s print newsletter.

Download MP3 at Democracy NOW!:

Segment starts at 45:35

(Transcript after jump...)

The Underlying Politics of 9/11

An excerpt from a Ralph Schoenman speech on the false flag aspects of the events of September 11, 2001.

should say 175, not 75 .....

Please comment...

Madsen has a good insight re- Russian-Israeli involvement in 9-11...

...and possible efforts to divert attention of the 911Truth movement from it. I was told that this is a valuable thing for 911 Blogger regs. to see. Wayne Madsen is not to be discounted, given his long history with the Intelligence world, and I find him to be on the cutting edge of information pertaining to BushCo chicanery, international "terrorism" events, etc.

Here is the paragraph from today's entry, which can be found and bookmarked at

"WMR can also report that there is a significant penetration of the so-called "9/11 Truth" movement by elements funded and supported by the Russian-Israeli Mafia and its supporters in the Bush administration and U.S. media. The reason for the penetration is primarily to deter the movement from looking at the role of the Russian-Israeli Mafia in the terrorist attacks and ensuring that more far out disinformation theories are accepted as credible explanations for the systematic and coordinated "failures" of the U.S. air defense, air traffic control, law enforcement, immigration, and intelligence systems."


Great piece by Raimondo on on the Litvinenko hit, and Berezovsky's ties to the R-I mob...