911 Truth Rescue Me- Daniel Sunjata

911 Truth Rescue Me- Daniel Sunjata

D.S. is HOT!



9/11: 'the new Pearl Harbor' By William R. Woodward - OpEd in SeacoastOnline

9/11: 'the new Pearl Harbor' By William R. Woodward - December 07, 2008 6:00 AM

Editor's note: The author is a UNH professor who sparked a controversy in September 2006 when he was quoted in a newspaper story as saying "government elites orchestrated 9/11" while summarizing literature on the subject. The university defended his academic freedom and he chose to let the firestorm subside. Now, he breaks the silence with his first opinion piece on the topic.

By William R. Woodward

On Dec. 7, 1941, our country was attacked by Japan. What do our children know of the economic and political reasons for this tragic event?

Media Matters Catalogues Gibson-Bush Interview Spin, Omits PNAC!

Hyperlinks here:

Media Matters Catalogues Gibson-Bush Interview Spin, Omits PNAC!

Bush gave an interview to ABC's Charlie Gibson, in which Bush referred to the "intelligence failure" about WMD as his "biggest regret"., supposedly a right-wing spin watchdog, ignores PNAC and pre-Bush Administration Iraq War plans, but notes the corporate media's failure to point out that there are many instances in the public record that make it clear that the Bush Administration was planning to go to war with Iraq after 9/11. The ones Media Matters notes include as the "Downing Street Memo”, Richard Clarke's statement in his book that Bush asked him the day after 9/11 to find a link to Hussein, his report to Condi Rice a week later that there was none, the Senate Intelligence WMD Inquiry, and other media reports.

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Project For No American Century

The Project for a New American Century cut America's stability short by almost a century.

If the "New Pearl Harbor" that PNAC had so lustily recommended hadn't been allowed to "accidentally" happen, if its call for taking out Saddam and using preemptive war hadn't been carried out, the U.S. would still be solvent, and we wouldn't have created enemies all over the globe.

China may still have overtaken us as the world's leader eventually, but we would have at least had a century to live relatively peacefully and prosperously.

Instead, even before 2008, PNAC's agenda bankrupted America economically, socially, and spiritually.

Bill Kristol is thinking of cranking PNAC back up. But there is not much of America left for him and the boys to destroy, since the original Project for No American Century succeeded so brilliantly.

War or Peace? The World After the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

War or Peace? The World After the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

Richard C. Cook
Global Research
October 26, 2008


World war or world peace is the blunt choice that will face either Barack Obama or John McCain when one of them is elected president of the United States on Tuesday, November 4, 2008.

reflections on PNAC

Wendy S. Painting
October 6, 2008

Get Your Dollars Out Now! FAST!!! By Adrian Salbuchi

Edits: Blog Topics - "Bildergerg" to "Bilderberg"; "trilateral commission" to Trilateral Commission"

Get Your Dollars Out Now! FAST!!!

By Adrian Salbuchi

03/10/08 "ICH" -- - The events of the last two weeks have clearly revealed that the global financial, monetary and banking system imposed on the world by the power structures promoting "globalization" is fundamentally flawed, unviable and immoral in its effects upon the most all of Mankind. After allowing a small cabal of shady characters to illegitimately accumulate vast amounts of wealth and power over markets, corporations, industries, media, armed forces and entire nations, like the World Trade Center towers on 9/11, this entire System is now in free-fall, collapsing into itself in one massive implosion.

WAC London- The Truth about the War on Terror

We Are Change London broadcasts the truth about the War on Terror at Parliament Square:

Breaking the Spell with 9-11 Truth


Original Content at

September 7, 2008

Breaking the Spell with 9-11 Truth

By Carol Wolman

Here we are, 7 long years later, and they’re still getting away with it. There has been no real investigation of 9-11, and 9-11 truth advocates are still labelled “fringe”, “paranoid”, “conspiracy theorists”. The country has bought the lie. We are under a spell.

Someone asked my opponent in the coming election, Rep. Mike Thompson (Dem CA-1) whether he thought 9-11 might be an inside job. His response: “70% of the country thinks that Elvis is still alive”.

I attended a 9-11 truth rally yesterday.

Meet the New Boss

Why does this sound familiar?

Invest in a 21st Century Military

"Rebuild the Military for 21st Century Tasks: As we rebuild our armed forces, we must not simply recreate the military of the Cold War era. Obama believes that we must build up our special operations forces, civil affairs, information operations, and other units and capabilities that remain in chronic short supply; invest in foreign language training, cultural awareness, and human intelligence and other needed counterinsurgency and stabilization skill sets; and create a more robust capacity to train, equip, and advise foreign security forces, so that local allies are better prepared to confront mutual threats.

Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: Barack Obama supports plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families.

Bill Kristol attending event in Toronto, Ontario

If anyone is in the Toronto, Ontario, Canada area, you may wish to visit Bill Kristol's appearance at Roy Thomson Hall this evening.

Apparently, Kristol is launching a fund raising campaign for the United Jewish Appeal.

War criminals should not be celebrated like this.

How crazy are they?

"I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks." - General Buck Turgidson in "Doctor Strangelove"

"Vice President Dick Cheney was more blunt, telling Georgia's president that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States."

"Asked to explain Cheney's phrase "must not go unanswered," White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said, "It means it must not stand." White House officials refused to indicate what recourse the United States might have if the attacks continue."

"Surely we cannot simply stand by as an autocratic aggressor gobbles up part of — and perhaps destabilizes all of — a friendly democratic nation that we were sponsoring for NATO membership a few months ago." - William Kristol

A neocon proxy war against Russia while the Iran blockade fleet assembles?

Are they really that arrogant? That reckless? That death-loving insane?

Letter of Advice to a Young Warmonger

Another of the PNAC's "best and brightest" has added his voice to the chorus calling for a war of aggression against Iran.

The following letter to Kagan was forwarded from a friend. The linked images are disturbing.

"Dr. Kagan:

As you and your PNAC associates are working so assiduously to trigger a "pre-emptive" attack against Iran (a nation which has neither attacked nor threatened to attack either Israel or the US and is a signatory of the NNPT), and as you evidently take great pride in your "authorship" of the Iraq invasion, occupation and "surge", I am compelled to recommend a few photographs for your consideration. Although there are many thousands like them on the internet, somehow I sense you may not have had the opportunity to view them. As an academic myself, I understand how easily such abstractions as "war", "empire" and "national interest" can obscure the palpable facts of their realization.

McCain asked about PNAC and 9/11 at town hall

McCain asked about PNAC and 9/11 at town hall
David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Thursday July 10, 2008

During a town hall event in Portsmouth, OH on Wednesday, John McCain was asked by a member of the audience whether his links to the parent organization of the Project for a New American Century explain why he has been reluctant to support calls for a new investigation of 9/11.

The questioner began, "I was curious about a document. Back in September of 2000, the Project for a New American Century, or PNAC, whose members included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush and Paul Wolfowitz, wrote a document entitled 'Rebuilding Americans Defenses.'"