AE911Truth Challenges NIST's WTC 7 Floor 12 Fire Analysis

AE911Truth will soon publish its response to NIST's final report on WTC7. In the meantime, this graphic illustrates that NIST's analysis is NOT consistent with photographic and video evidence. A higher resolution PDF may be found here: Please forward this blog and document link to anyone you think can help spread the truth.
(graphic below the fold) - 2001 Anthrax Timeline Updated


Article by Erik Larson

The 2001 Anthrax Attacks Timeline at (aka has been moved from The Complete 9/11 Timeline to the main Timelines page, and updated with the recent developments regarding the FBI’s Anthrax investigations. New entries include the clearing of Steven Hatfill, the death of Bruce Ivins and the FBI’s case against him, and the objections and questions being raised by experts, mainstream media and critics, and members of Congress. The 2001 Anthrax Attacks Timeline now has nearly 200 unique entries, and like all the Timelines at, it will continue to grow as new and old information comes out.

Truth Action in Cincinnati on 9/11/08

On September 11, 2008 in Cincinnati, over twenty members of Cincinnati 9/11 Truth and WeAreChange Ohio gathered to distribute information about 9/11 to the public. Locations in this video include Fountain Square, the Cincinnati Masonic Temple, and a Homeland Security event at the Drake Center. -

22,000 Words.

Figured I'd post some of my personal pictures from the weekend. I didn't get a chance to take too many ... I spent too much time running around and making sure everything was running smoothly.

Russia state TV Channel One Discussion on 9/11 following "ZERO" broadcast (Russian)

YouTube links for Friday evening's historic telecast on Russia state TV Channel One have been posted, and the discussion following the telecast of "ZERO: Investigation into 9/11" begins halfway through Part 11 - anybody working on an English translation of this?

The full broadcast (including the film) can be found in 15 parts here:

Here are the discussion segments in need of English translation:

Part 11 (discussion begins in mid-clip)

Part 12

Palin Links Iraq To 9/11 In Talk To Troops In Alaska

GOP Memo Talks About Exploiting 9/11 Even Further To Re-sell The Iraq War
Cheney Again Links Iraq Invasion To 9/11 Attacks
9/11 Did Not Cause Iraq War
Bush: Pulling Out Of Iraq Would Cause Another 9/11
Ex-Bush Aides Conflate 9/11, Iraq In Pro-War Ad Campaign
Bush Ties Al-Qaeda In Iraq To 9/11
Bush Again Links Iraq Violence To 9/11
Richard Perle Says He Never Said Iraq Had Anything To Do With 9/11
Cheney Links 9/11 To Iraq Yet Again In Front Of The Heritage Foundation
Watch Bush Tie 9/11 To Iraq Again
Cheney Links 9/11 With Iraq Again
Bush Invokes 9/11 To Justify Staying In Iraq
9/11, Iraq: Cheney Again Claims Tie
Team Hillary's Latest Excuse For Iraq Vote: 9/11 Made Her Do It!
Rumsfeld Exploits 9/11 To Defend Failed Iraq Policy, And O'Reilly Gives Him A Pass
Cheney Link Of Iraq, 9/11 Challenged
Linking Iraq With 9/11

When the GOP exploited the 9/11 attacks during the RNC, I jokingly wrote a comment in this blog, "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" (a play on the 70's classic TV show The Incredible Hulk). Apparently, they're not listening. As you can see above, this Administration, and others have continually used 9/11 to justify the Iraq war. So much so, that as I said in the previously mentioned blog, "it is NOT crazy to think that 9/11 was "designed" for purposes like this, and why those in power today have EARNED the title of suspect for the 9/11 crimes." I wrote a long time ago that we need to take away their "9/11 Card" that justifies all of the criminality taking place. 9/11 Truth will do that. That is part of the reason we do what we do. People like Sarah Palin should no longer be allowed to exploit the attacks of that day. No more. - Jon

Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska


By Anne E. Kornblut
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 12, 2008; Page A01

FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska, Sept. 11 -- Gov. Sarah Palin linked the war in Iraq with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, telling an Iraq-bound brigade of soldiers that included her son that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."

9/11 Truth Radio Show with Lt. Col. Robert M. Bowman, Ph.D. , USAF, ret. & Michael Maxwell, Sept 15th- 10 pm- 12 am Central Time

Listen Monday, September 18th, 2008 10:00 pm - 12:00 am (Central Time) to Questioning War-Organizing Resistance on the and to our guests- Lt. Col. Robert M. Bowman, Ph.D. , USAF, ret and Michael Maxwell.

RFK Jr. Needs Educatin' on 9/11

RFK Jr. interviews Philip Shenon, and reveals that he doesn't know diddly about 9/11, and is mired in the "conspiracy theories" pigeon-holing of 9/11 Truth. Shenon has apparently looked moderately at WTC7. The relevant segment begins at the 14:20 mark;

From RFK Jr. for;

"Before anyone turns this into a flame war, keep this in mind: Kennedy openly admits in the above interview that he hasn’t taken the time to really look into the evidence. Maybe he should. So our readers who hope to convince Mr. Kennedy can be most helpful by pointing out where he can find the info he needs. Post external links to reputable sources and documents online, or better yet, print out a stack of documentation and mail it to him (that’s the stuff he’ll actually look at - he doesn’t have much time for websurfing). Or call him up on his radio show and ask him about specific 9/11 facts. Perhaps you’ll bump into him at a booksigning and have the chance to talk to him in person. Respectful disagreement is what America is all about, with an emphasis on respectful. At least that’s our motto here.

It’s a tough issue, this whole 9/11 “inside job” thing - one that divides my own family and even this blog’s own editorial staff argues amongst ourselves as to whether “the gubberment did it” or not. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Kennedys themselves are divided over what really happened on Sept. 11. What about RFK Jr.’s supporters? Where do you stand, and do you think Bobby is right or wrong? Let us know…"

9/11/2008 Truther Beach Protest (San Diego, CA)

Besides a bunch of Marines showing up on the beach next to our beach tent (See video below), the locals and tourists were quite receptive. We gave away a couple hundred DVDs and had many interesting and constructive conversations.


Please log onto the Truther Photobucket to see more photos...

Newsmagazine "Hintergrund" launched in Germany

"Hintergrund" is being sold at newsstands in Germany since September 5, 2008

The 68-page newsmagazine will be published every 3 months. It features authors who are covering international events and their ramifications on current politics, interviews with MP Yukihisa Fujita from Japan and Peter Dale Scott as well as a translation of an article from Michel Chossudovsky titled "The CIA and Al Qaida" Author Jürgen Elsässer covers the terror events in Madrid, London and in Germany. Another in depth article proves the numerous inconsistencies in the official 9/11 report.

The price of the magazin is 4.40 Euro


Germany: exposes CIA link to "Islamic" terror plot

English translation from;


The CIA Contact From Ludwigsburg

According to information from sources within the German authorities, a German contact person for the CIA was involved in the planning of what would have been the largest Islamic terror attacks on German soil. He supposedly helped transport 20 detonators.

It was a hot day in August last year, when the 15-year old Alaeddine T. from Braunschweig met a tall, sporty man, who called himself Obeida, in a mosque in Istanbul. The boy later told officials of the Federal Criminal Investigation Office, that Obeida gave him a bag with jeans and a few shoes and told him to take the bag to Germany.

On August 26 Alaeddine gave the bag to T. at a mosque in Braunschweig.

A week later the young man, who received the bag was presented to the world by the international media: Fritz Gelowicz, 29 years old, a muslim convert from Ulm.

Together with its fellow believers Adem Yilmaz, 29, and Daniel Schneider, 22, he had supposedly planned attacks on American and Uzbek installations in Germany.

Hidden in the shoes from Turkey were 20 detonators. The person who had originally handed over the bag in Istanbul was apparently a CIA contact and came from the Pfalz region, as the STERN has learned from security circles.

Change Ohio Finds Themselves In a Lebanon Twilight Zone

Discovered this little gem late last night. My apologies to We Are Change Ohio if you were planning on posting this here and I beat you to it, but I couldn't resist. I loves me some Twilight Zone and the woman in this clip reminds me of some of the buffoons in the Crawford section of Alex Jones' Terrorstorm. Enjoy...