
Russia state TV Channel One Discussion on 9/11 following "ZERO" broadcast (Russian)

YouTube links for Friday evening's historic telecast on Russia state TV Channel One have been posted, and the discussion following the telecast of "ZERO: Investigation into 9/11" begins halfway through Part 11 - anybody working on an English translation of this?

The full broadcast (including the film) can be found in 15 parts here:

Here are the discussion segments in need of English translation:

Part 11 (discussion begins in mid-clip)

Part 12

The "War on Terror" Fraud, and the Washington Post's "New Approach"

Hand-Off to Obama?


Crimes of the State


The Washington Post, today,1 has done a pretty good job of encapsulating the fraudulent "war on terrorism" without actually calling it a fraud. One would have to be in-the-know to understand the implications, but they are there if one is willing to study the article.

"There has been no confirmed trace of bin Laden since he narrowly escaped from the CIA and the U.S. military after the battle near Tora Bora, Afghanistan, in December 2001, according to U.S., Pakistani and European officials."

That's a pretty strong statement. No "trace?"

Jesse Ventura's latest appearance on Hannity & The Hot Blonde Subbing For Colmes

(Edit - from 7.28.2008 - missed this one.)

Not much needs to be said except Keep it Up Jesse!

As a high-profile 9/11 truther you may arguably be able to actually have MORE of an effect with this cause than you would have in the restrained PC, taboo-forbidden, controlled nature of the halls of our U.S. Senate. Don't let your wife's disgust with politics keep you from perpetually speaking the truth!

Excellent job spreading the Herman Goering quote!

Political Quickie: How to be a Media Pundit

Funny, and yet sad.

Short, humorous, Flash animated movie. Very well done.


Corporate Disobedience: A Shrill Hysteria in the Fascist Press

Crimes of the State Blog

It's not civil disobedience, but corporate disobedience -- upsetting the corporate control paradigm -- that just plain flips out the media oligarchs and their loyal proxies.

"It's not a debate. It's a debate between us. You're in the audience. Audience comes from the Latin, 'to listen'."
--Bill Maher, (confronted by WeAreChange LA regarding his 9/11 censorship

The most powerful weapon the corporate state has is editorial control. The information clampdown is total, on certain topics. No "debate" is allowed, and opposition voices are not permitted to appear despite the validity of their case, or the amount and quality of evidence they can provide. Opposition is routinely written out of history, and it is demonized when it refuses to remain silent.

Cramer: Bernanke, Wake Up

Economic Growth - A Gross Deception

A question I have: Would it be more efficient/necessary to create a seperate blog for these 2 videos?

Chico, CA: Chock up another MSM 9/11 Truth win

Our local weekly newspaper, Chico News & Review, has a front page story about 9/11 Truth (and Justice!).

It's a pretty good article. I don't like the article title, "Truth Believers", but I suppose it's okay.

chico news and review 9/11 truth cover

They tried to make it "balanced" by including a CSUC professor's comments (the same prof who did the "pancake theory" presentation at our 9/11 Truth-ish conference last week).

But it is more 9/11 Truth and Justice than anything. Mostly it profiles our group, Chico 9/11 Truth, and some of its "core group" members, showing that "normal, intelligent, professional people" can be pro-9/11 Truth.

Chock up another mainstream media win for our side.

Slowly but surely, step by step.....

Here's the online version:

Mark Davis: The Right to Free Speech Taken Too Far

Mark Davis: The right to free speech taken too far -

Mark Cuban is wrong to distribute 9/11 conspiracy film 'Loose Change'

06:53 AM CDT on Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A couple of months from now, I believe, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban will bathe in the well-deserved glow of adulation that comes with winning an NBA championship.

9/11 Truth at the Anti-War Protests This Weekend

I'm sure many Truthers are planning to make an appearance at the rallies and marches against the Iraq War this weekend. I'll be at Portland's protest tomorrow with a sign that says "End the 9/11 Lies, End the 9/11 Wars." I'm interested in accounts by Truthers of their experiences at these events, where 9/11 Truth is received with varying levels of enthusiasm, so to speak.

Just now, on C-SPAN's coverage of the event in DC, I saw two 9/11 Truth signs -- one right up front in the crowd, and one visible over Cynthia McKinney's shoulder as she was speaking. Good work, folks in DC!

Matt Lauer: Can KSM's "Tortured" Testimony be Trusted?

Current CNN Poll:

As far as I know, this is the first MSM news source to question the confession. Let's see if any other MSM commentators pick up on this. Of course, KSM may be dead. And he might have been a patsy and an asset. Or he might never have confessed, since we have only the Pentagon's word for it, and KSM's statements supposedly came through a military spokesman. But Lauer's questions about torture will hopefully be the first crack in this Pentagon psyops campaign.

Update: Reprehensor points out that KSM says he made false statements due to torture, and that his witness requests were not granted. And Prisonplanet has an absolutely hilarious take on the KSM confession story.

Raw Story's got the goods

On Thursday, NBC's Today show explored whether the confessions of alleged 9/11 'mastermind' Khalid Sheikh Mohammed can be trusted since he claimed to have been tortured after being detained.

"Let's talk about the issue of torture," NBC's Matt Lauer said. "He says in his statement that he didn't make this statement under duress or pressure, but he does also say that he was tortured by the CIA after his capture."

Last September, CIA sources told ABC News that the harshest technique they were authorized to use on "high-value detainees, such as the 9/11 attacks architect Khalid Sheikh Mohamed...was called 'water boarding,' in which a prisoner's face was covered with cellophane, and water is poured over it (pictured above) -- meant to trigger an unbearable gag reflex."

Portland's Willamette Week covers 9/11 Truth

Last week, Portland 9/11 Truth hosted an evening with Mary Starrett and representatives of Evangelicals Against the War. At the last minute, we were told we couldn't use the leftist bookstore where we usually hold our meetings and presentations, because members of the store's collective felt that Starrett and the evangelical folk (who are very savvy and very outspoken about 9/11 Truth) would be "violating their safe space." A reporter from one of the two local alternative weeklies thought this was an interesting angle (because clearly the truth about the events of 9/11 doesn't rate on its own /snark) and covered the event in both her online column and an editorial in today's print edition.

A video of Starrett's presentation was posted as a blog last week. I encourage people to watch it not just for Starrett, who was the Constitution Party's candidate for governor of Oregon last year, but for the speaker from Evangelicals Against the War, whose comments preceed her talk. I'll be the first to insist that we disagree on many important issues. At this juncture in history, however, I want to make some kind of alliance with anyone who recognizes that the lies about 9/11 are at the root of a genocidal war abroad, and an Orwellian subversion of our civil liberties at home, and these people do.

And feel free to offer a little truth to Portlanders in the comments here: Willy Week.

9/11 Truth on Vancouver's #1 MSM Talk Show

Barrie Zwicker talking 9/11 Truth on CKNW 98, Vancouver's 50,000 Watt Blow torch

This is from the Bill Good Show, heard daily from 9am til Noon on CKNW 98

Mr. Good hosts the biggest talk show in Vancouver, one of the biggest in Canada.

Barrie talks about his new book "The Media Cover-up of 9/11" tells how 9/11 was a 'False Flag Operation'.

Calls were welcomed and most agreed with Barry and were allowed to add more info regarding 9/11 anomalies. The only two naysayers said he could not beleive it as he felt that "the Bush and neocons were simply too stupid to carry such an operation out." And other said he Barry was "out to make money" and told him he "should leave the country!"

Kudos to Bill Good for this show, for being openminded and 'fair and balanced'! I hope he will entertain other guests on this topic.

Contact page:

This is from the archives which are available for a limited time only !

You may want to record it and save it. (Windows Media Player format)

