
Grillage = Meteor from 9/11 Mysteries?

Is this the "meteor" from 9/11 Mysteries?  Rebar / Concrete / Tall I-Beams and what looks like FeO?

Browse the links on this page...

This should send a chill...

If nothing else, pay attention to the third-to-last paragraph. World Can't Wait is trying to organize a national boycott/demonstartion on October 5. Get involved! Check out their website and find a local chapter:

There is information at as well:

All 911 truthers should participate, as this could be a great opportunity to spread the word.

Mineta's testimony or no plane theory?

What can anyone tell me about how the testimony of Norman Mineta to the 911 commission fits in with the no planes at the Pentagon theory. I believe no plane hit the Pentagon yet Mineta's tesimony would seem to contradict this.


Nafeez Ahmed's Uncle Assassinated in Bangladesh

Biting Mangos... and Bullets: from Bradford to Bangladesh -- a Tribute to my Uncle

"...We got back from Bradford on Sunday evening. I had forgotten my mobile at home, and had a backlog of messages, one from my Dad, so I called him back. He had very bad news.

My uncle in Bangladesh had been shot on Saturday morning while I was speaking on my panel in Bradford. A nationally-respected professor of political science at Dhaka University, Dr. Aftab Ahmed, had been attacked in his own home on the university premises by unidentified gun-men, who had pushed their way into the apartment and shot him four times at close range in the upper body, in the presence of his wife (my aunt) and 9-year old disabled daughter (my cousin).

This evening, at around 8 pm, my Dad called to let me know that my uncle passed away earlier this morning. He had been recently demoted from a government-appointed post as Vice-Chancellor at Bangladesh's National University. In that position, he had tackled entrenched issues of political corruption and bribery, the legacy of the previous Allawi League government, when hundreds of university staff had been systematically recruited solely for their political support of the govt, as opposed to their merits as teachers. In a politically explosive and unpopular move, he had fired all staff recruited on the basis of corruption and moved to revitalize academic standards in university recruitment.

This wasn't the first time my uncle had made enemies. He was well-known as a Marxist dissident, and had often been imprisoned by previous governments for his loud opposition and participation in demonstrations and strikes. In 1995, he co-authored a powerful critique of the lack of accountability Bangladesh's purportedly democratic institutions, warning of "the intransigent attitude of the bureaucracy" and highlighting "the lack of willingness and ability ofMPs to seriously enquire into government policies and operations."

In another notorious episode, my uncle had made a few off-hand televised remarks suggesting the Bangladeshi national anthem be amended for a new time, and to give new impetus to the people. He was harshly criticized by hardline nationalists in a concerted campaign that almost lost him his job. But such things never bothered him.

My uncle was a courageous academic who stuck by his principles, and spoke what he believed. For unswervingly doing what he was convinced was just, he was murdered in a brutal assassination, unprecedented in the history of Bangladesh. As the world turns and the newsbites chatter, I pray for uncle's soul, and hope that his legacy of political activism on behalf of freedom and, always, against oppression and corruption, will be carried forward in Bangladesh, this beleaguered icon of Third World devastation from which I am descended. To those out there who believe, please pray with me..."

Ahmed's post continued...


911blogger regulars,

Instead of clogging Ahmed's inbox and blogger account with messages, please feel free to post your condolences in the comments thread below, and I'll make sure Ahmed sees this.

Looks like that dissident bone runs in the family.

My deepest sympathy to you and your family, Nafeez. I hope that justice is served on the assassins.


In case you want to send something more tactile, here is an address to send cards, etc.;

Institute for Policy Research & Development
Suite 301, 20 Harewood Avenue
London, England

A picture's worth a thousand words: the video that says it all

To anyone still not quite convinced themselves, or wanting to convince someone else about 9/11 truth, watch this incredible video.

This is the ONE piece of evidence we'll ever need.

I'm an extreme skeptic, and have always been skeptical of 9/11 truth.
but after seeing the debris flying out in this video the case is closed.
Those towers were blown up. period.
I'd like to see someone argue that what you see on this video is caused by gravity.

I think we should make our cause to the NIST and the public with this video, NOONE will be able to challenge this, it could be a turning point for 9/11 truth.

This video says it all!

Slightly OT: My money issue 101- as money is the force behind the curtain

that makes the world look like it is.

This is my money issue 101.

As long as we have debt based interest loaded fiat currency all over the

world, we will have the same old problems.

My sources: Congressman Jerry Voorhill, "Out of debt, out of danger". 1943.

Nobel-price-award-winner: Frederick Soddy. 1926:

"Wealth, virtual wealth and debt. The solution of the economic paradox"

Gertrude Coogan: Money Creators. 1935. with a forword of Robert Latham Owen,

Sen. and chairman senate financial and currency committee 1913 at the time of the Fed act.

He himself wrote the book: "The federal reserve system". Back in 1919.

Later he changes his mind completely:

Stephen Zarlenga: Lost science of money.

Silvio Gesell: Natural economic order.

Bernard Lietaer:

C&L’s interview with Kristen Breitweiser: Wake Up Call

Kristen-Breitweiser.jpg I interviewed Kristen last week and talked about her new book" Wake Up Call", Coulter and what she had to do to get the 9/11 commision off the ground. I hope you enjoy. She’s been through more than most and still keeps on fighting…


Full transcript;

Peter Dale Scott: The 9/11 Report and Ali Mohamed, Al Qaeda's Chief Terrorism Trainer

(From - thanks for posting the PDF, Sitting-Bull.)

The 9/11 Report and Ali Mohamed, Al Qaeda's Chief Terrorism Trainer

Peter Dale Scott Talk September 24, 2006, Berkeley, "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out"

I want to talk tonight about using the 9/11 Report as evidence - evidence of what is being suppressed. We can use it in this way because some parts of the Report are accurate and reliable. This base line of reliability helps define other parts of the Report which are misleading, and in a few places I believe dead wrong. These relevant omissions and deceptions should be taken as clues as to what is being suppressed, and where the hidden truth lies.

I shall talk of the Report's occasional resistance to the truth. Let me give an easy and incontrovertible analogy from the Warren Report. The Warren Report got many things right; but it also minimized the links between Jack Ruby and organized crime.[1] This resistance was a clue that Ruby in fact was crime-related and that this was important. The House Select Committee on Assassinations, even though they got many things wrong, amply confirmed the importance of Ruby's crime links.

We find similar symptomatic resistance in the 9/11 Report.

Final Post from Lauro Chavez (and My Response)

(Reposted from a previous blog)

Final Post (on 9/11 Blogger) from Lauro Chavez:

Honestly, you know what - I’m done with all of this. Every time I log onto this site, it just makes me sick. I cant believe I actually told myself this was the right thing to do. You all proceed on with your investigative studies - I'm going to continue to tell my story to people who actually care; not people who question the questioners. I'm on your side - remember?

Look - I spoke with Alfons yesterday from Veterans for 911 truth - honestly, I cannot prove anything. I cannot prove that I saw a document stating the scenarios for our exercise. I cannot remember the name of the officer that told me and about 8 other people there was an order for NORAD to stand down. I cannot prove either of those things - but I heard them with my own ears. You know excuse the fuck out of me for not remembering to bring in my recorder - oh wait - or my digital camera.

My point is that we all know something about 911 isn’t right. Lots of things are not right. I agree 190% (now you'll probably ask, "why doesnt he agree 200% - he must be a fake")

I'm absolutely convinced there are mis-info agents in this blogger and this will be the last time I log on to it. I refuse to be subjected to negative energy - I will tell you the same I told James Bennett from (Screw Loose Change), who asked me to clairify his points about my letter - I will use my energy only for the positive. Just like Mother Theresa said "Do not invite me to an anti-war protest, because it still supports war. I'll gladly attend a peace rally anytime" Thought manifests our reality, and I always keep my thoughts positive. I will not battle for my character, my friends and family know the man I am - and thats all that matters to me. I think that military people who know things will see what you have tried to do to me, and shun away from coming forward. As even now I am having second thoughts.

Mass and Velocity of 767 vs Thickness of Trade Tower Perimeter Walls.

[I just spent a long time writing an amendment to this blog. I'm at a public terminal and lost the text i worked on. I have to go not but will re-write later tonights.

The blog entry is incorrect since my calculations were wrong. I apologize for the sloppiness.

More later.]

From the Journal of Engineering Mechanics:
"Impact of the Boeing 767 Aircraft into the World Trade Center"

J. Engrg. Mech., Volume 131, Issue 10, pp. 1066-1072 (October 2005)

Here's the abstract from ASCE Research Library

Oops, I left out the funniest part...

How could I forgotten to mention page 6? Oh yeah...its 4:30 a.m...

Anyway, read this quote from page 6 and try not to piss yourself laughing.

"When they took over the plane, it was already in flight,” says Brian Marsh, a flight instructor at Airline Transport Professionals Flight School, which has classes in 25 cities nationwide. “All they had to do was pretty much point and go. It’s even easier than driving a car because there are no roads.”

A fellow 9/11 Truther reading Popular Mechanics ‘Debunking 9/11 Myths’ PART 1

I'm not even 6 pages into the beginning of the book, and twice they've discussed Alex Jones and twice they've only talked about his Charlie Sheen interview, never mind all the experts that have come on The Alex Jones show, or Stanley Hilton, the man suing the Administration on behalf on 9/11 families. No, let's attack Charlie Sheen, an actor. Thank you, Charlie Sheen for the sacrifice of your career because you have now become the official scapegoat that all the 9/11 Truth skeptics get to point and laugh at to make the rest of us look ridiculous.

Also, the book has already twice referred to Iran President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's, letter to George W. Bush in May 2006, claiming that the American government was involved in organizing the attack. Are we truthers now being compared to him? I'm sure that comparison has absolutely NOTHING to do with the impending strike on Iran. Oops, there I go being paranoid again.

Also, it discusses the hijacker's training, especially focusing on our friend, Hani Hanjour, the man who pulled off the incredible 330 degree loop-de-loop, descending 7,000 feet in 2 1/2 minutes to crash American 77 into the Pentagon after tearing 5 light posts completely out of the ground. Not once does it mention the 9/14/01 MSNBC or CNN news reports of the hijackers training at secure military bases. Guess they missed those two. If you don’t believe me, go to my website at and go to my videos, bring up ALL my videos, there are 20 or so, and click on the CNN report about hijackers training at U.S. military bases. You can also search the web for the MSNBC report that talked about them training at the Pensacola Naval Air Station. Thank Alex Jones for bringing that one to light.

Groupthink and 9/11

Groupthink and 9/11

The official story given to explain the events of 9/11 has been perpetuated and allowed to stand in large part due to the American
public's suffering from a psychological phenomenon known as Groupthink. Groupthink is "a mode of thought whereby individuals
intentionally conform to what they perceive to be the consensus of the group. Groupthink may cause the group to make bad or
irrational decisions which each member might individually consider to be unwise." This mode of thought is molded into existance
through the major media outlets, which have pushed the offical myth day one, immediately becoming THE answer to the
question of what happened. After this myth was established, the publics understandings and opinions regarding the event were
shaped and voiced in conformity with this official story. By selecting what information reaches the public, and by spinning the
information that is chosen to be discussed, the media in effect controls the 9/11 public discourse. When discourse is controlled, acaged paradigm is created in which the public is forced to think within a screened reality.Confucius once said, "How best to govern the state? First rectify the language." Only able to draw upon the controlled information provided to them, the public begins to form a group concensus as to what happened. In addition, everyone they see on TV believes this way, which leads them to believe this must be the dominant view. In or around this time is when the psycholigical mode of thought known as Groupthink takes a firm hold, in effect, severly limiting a persons ability to act upon information contradictory / harmful to the worldview which has now been created for 9/11 Truth.

Definition of a Disinfo Agent

A disinfo agent can be described as someone who...


  • discourages others from looking at information
  • encourages others to make assumptions instead of examining evidence

These people are causing great harm to the Truth Movement and are a very bad influence to newbies.

USA wants to torture

two honest articles about US torture plans:

Whacko christian is a 911 truther.

Chomsky news:

Chomsky Addresses Crisis in Middle EastAlive and Well, Professor Emeritus
Speaks to Packed Audience in Kirsch Auditorium