
The National Energy Policy Development Group - Energy Task Force

This falls under "What comes first, the chicken or the egg?"

Scalia says he's proud he didn't recuse himself in Cheney case


The West's Battle For Oil - The Energy Task Force
Document Says Oil Chiefs Met With Cheney Task Force
U.S. Court Dismisses Cheney Energy Task Force Case
May 2001 - The National Energy Policy Development Group


HARTFORD, Conn. -- Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had some advice Wednesday for those who questioned his impartiality after he refused to recuse himself from a case involving his hunting buddy, Vice President Dick Cheney.

"For Pete's sake, if you can't trust your Supreme Court justice more than that, get a life," Scalia said.

Scalia, addressing an audience at the University of Connecticut's law school on Wednesday, said recusing himself from the 2004 case _ which focused on an energy task force that Cheney led _ would only have given fuel to newspaper editorial writers and other detractors who have said he is too close to the vice president.

Truth Kit

No theories, no controversy, no references to opinion, no conspiricizing....just cold, hard science and reason.

....The first shows that, "...the explanations of the collapse that have been given by the 9/11 Commission Report and NIST are not physically possible."
Impossible must be taken in its most literal sense here:

From the rooftop of WTC1, drop one dark blue billiard ball over the edge. As it falls, it accelerates. If it were in a vacuum, it would hit the pavement, 1368 feet below, in 9.22 seconds, shown by the blue curve in the figure 1, below. It will take longer if air resistance is considered, but for simplicity, we'll neglect air resistance. This means that the calculated collapse times are more generous to the official story than they need to be.

Figure 1. Minimum Time for a Billiard Ball dropped from the roof of WTC1 to hit the pavement below, assuming no air resistance:
Notice that the billiard ball begins to drop very slowly, then accelerates with the pull of gravity. If in a vacuum, the blue ball will hit the pavement, 1368 ft. below, 9.22 seconds after it is dropped. That is, unless it is propelled by explosives, it will take at least 9.22 seconds to reach the ground (assuming no air resistance).

A lesson from "The Siege" with Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis?

now as it appears US troops are on the way to Iran and with the Rovian October surprise announcement, with the pope traveling to Turkeye under strange circumstances,
and other disturbing facts we all should watch this movie again. Back in 1999, when it was first shown, it may be a little bit far fetched.

But by watching this movie, I have to admit the director was a prophet. The speeches of the president in the movie were the same as G.W. Bush did once for real.

And even the story come true more and more.

So should the end- our last hope to stop the Neocon Fascist Madmen is to tell the military troops that their war is bogus and that their leaders are war criminals,
traitors and constant liars and that all of us support a military revolution, in the name of the constitution and the republic, to stop these bunch of criminals
who could not be stopped otherwise.

Come on you brave soldiers, support the US and get rid off these mass-murdering war criminals. On your shoulder lay the weight of the last hope of our future-
that's my dead earnest. Especially the high ranking officers. I heard the retired generals were threaten not to speak out their dissent anymore.

Al Qaeda moves to wherever neocons want them to be

Lucky for the neocons, who don't seem interested in Afghanistan anymore (now that the pipeline is in the works), Al Qaeda, that elusive would-be terrorist network, is moving to where the neocons want them: the Middle East. Do you think Al Qaeda will be merged with Iran in the coming weeks? Obviously, the article suggests Iraq is the new center of operations, a convenient twist for an administration that made bogus claims about Hussein and Bin Laden being in bed together. Now, Bush will claim, the US can't leave Iraq because it has become the center of the "global war on terra"....

Al Qaeda Members Moving to Middle East, Amid Speculation About Bin Laden

"Al Qaeda has scaled down its leadership structure in Afghanistan and is poised to shift its main decision making to somewhere in the Middle East, possibly Iraq, senior Arab officials have revealed to CBS News, as speculation continues over the fate of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden."

Bah Humbug and Ad Hominem Attacks!

My primary interest is not in 911 at all. It is Peak Oil - and Peak Oil from a Norwegian viewpoint. Since July, I have regularly blogged about it at However, it became apparent to me that the Peak Oil and the 911 were two sides of the same thing.
Consequently the question of 911 has come up in my blog. Indeed it has been mentioned in two other prominent Norwegian blogs that also concentrate on Peak Oil. The response from our readers brings out the worst in people. They can get very angry about the issue (just as they can with Peak Oil, though even more so).
Yesterday (23rd September), my blog entry was about the Thomas-Scott Affadavit. To me the idea that the Twin Towers might not have been so structurally sound as we all thought, and that this would have led to a financial catastrophe is one of the more interesting things to come out in recent months. Obviously, Thomas-Scott's claims must now at some point be tested, preferably in a Court of Law, and if true this raises a whole load of new questions.

dentist poisoned in Louisiana

after providing a transcript to FBI of meeting with hijackers

(copied from

A dentist who claims he met three of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Shreveport one year before the attacks has mysteriously fallen ill and is on life support.

Dr. David Graham was driving back to Shreveport from Houston on Saturday night when he became sick. A friend said Graham began suffering organ failure and medical tests show possible poisoning. He is hospitalized in Houston.

Graham is trying to publish a book that claims meetings with the hijackers and another Middle Eastern man who is a federal fugitive here.

Mike Sledge, a friend of Graham, has a manuscript of Graham's book, "The Graham Report: The true story of three 9-11 hijackers who were reported to the FBI 10 months before 9-11." In it, Graham claims he met the hijackers at a home in Shreveport in September 2000 and thought they were plotting an attack on Barksdale Air Force Base. He said he reported them to the FBI.

* * *

Graham also knew Jamal Khan, a Bossier City man who was convicted of trying to hide his wiring of $9,999 to his native Pakistan.
* * *
Graham was scheduled to testify against Khan at a deportation hearing that was postponed because of a crowded docket. That hearing had not been held when Khan skipped town after federal authorities moved to put him back in jail for violating probation on the financial crime conviction.

Does West want Bin Laden to appear?

This story appeared on Reuters today. The premise that the French intelligence report of Bin Laden's death is actually an attempt to "smoke him out" sounds rather odd in the mainstream press. I know it's a long shot, but I thought perhaps this story was building a premise for an October Surprise?

Bin Laden may feel lure to disprove his "death"

24 Sep 2006 13:44:02 GMT
Source: Reuters

By Mark Trevelyan, Security Correspondent

LONDON, Sept 24 (Reuters) - A leaked intelligence report of Osama bin Laden's death has met scepticism from Western and Muslim governments but may increase a clamour from his followers to show himself on video for the first time in nearly two years.

One theory surrounding the mysterious French leak is that it was designed precisely to flush the al Qaeda leader into the open, prompting him to release a new tape that might give a clue to his whereabouts and state of health.

"Western intelligence, the Americans, the Saudis want bin Laden to appear," said Diaa Rashwan, an expert on Islamist groups at the al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo.

"Perhaps they're try

Hack the Orificial Comic Book!

Fair use/satire, so feck off! Enjoy, folks! More to come...

Why isn't this talked about?

Hi, I'm new to the Blog, but I,ve come to the site for @ 2 years. Something has bugged me for a couple of years now. I was reading an article by a guy named Kent Southard a couple of years ago. He stated that in July of 2001 the FAA rescinded a little known rule that since 1961 ( The Cuban Missle Crisis) airline pilots had been allowed to carry guns in the cockpit. When I saw this I thought it was a huge smoking gun. I researched it and the only corraboration I could find was on the Right Wing website World Net Daily. Their article claimed it was true but they blamed it on the FAA ( Federal Government, Duh!) and the airlines. Does anyone else have info on this and why isn't it talked about? Has it been disproved?

9/11 Flyers

I'm working on some 9/11 flyers for my college campus and I thought I'd share them with folks and also ask for input/ideas. As we're a pretty intellectual community, these are fairly text heavy (or rather, there are no pictures) but that's part of the point--to contrast from all the rest of the flyers on campus that have drunk party photos, etc. etc.

I'm mostly gathering quotes as I think it's best to let others do the speaking. You can grab all the ones I've got so far here:

(zip with 16 flyers in EPS format)

New Sibel Edmonds Documentary

"Kill the Messenger" Documentary

AIRED on the French CANAL network:


Out of love for her newly-adopted country, Sibel Edmonds agreed to join the FBI as a translator in the wake of 9/11. But her world
gets turned upside-down when Sibel reports wrongdoings to her supervisors: one of her colleagues from the Translation Unit is
secretly working for the same Turkish officials who are “targetted” by the top-secret FBI investigations that Sibel is working on. As a “reward” for her whistle-blowing, Sibel is fired from the FBI. Today, she is fighting for the very ideals that American democracy relies on, and is facing, against overwhelming odds, some of the most reckless and powerful officials in the U.S. government.

Sibel has granted a film crew full and exclusive access to document
her story, and her struggle, as we zero in on her “secret”. KILL THE MESSENGER (UNE FEMME A ABATTRE) is a true spy story about the only American citizen who dared stand up to the FBI in an attempt to expose the truth on some specific yet hidden aspects of today’s War on Terror and give the American people the protection and security the U.S.

was NORAD aware of hijackings?

reposted (without permission, hope that's ok) from screwloosechange (one of the replies to a post)

Just curious if you guys have examined (a) the number of MIL ATC sites (military air traffic control) that were in the multiple 9-11 incident zones (b) the number of joint military/civilian ATC facilities in the same multiple incident zones.

In addition, factor in the # of MIL RAPCON (radar approach and control facilities) in the multiple incident zone. How many are there? And where are they located?

How many of you are completely familiar with MIL ATC SOP - the military air traffic control -standard operating procedure? A good percentage is classified minimally w/a FOUO (For Official Use Only) - so I propose that unless you have served in that capacity and/or have an associated clearance - you probably have no clue.

So while you guys spend your time pointing out alleged inconsistencies in the 9-11 movies - I find it interesting that you ignore (perhaps out of pure ignorance) the above questions - that would likely indicate that the military was fully aware of one or all of the planes as soon as it went off transponder.

Additionally, many of the corridors in the incident area - require constant hand-off & coordination between civiilan and military ATC. On a daily basis the Air Force and other branches have thousands of planes/helos intersecting civilian and/or shared air corridors - which require seemless communication betwen the various centers.

Questions That Ronald "pomeroo" Wieck Hasn't Addressed

I figured this would be a good place to compile a list of all of the questions Ronald Wieck, for whatever reason, refuses to answer. Here's what I have so far. Ronald is more than welcome to, in a respectful way, addess these questions.

Please feel free to add to this list.

1) What time did Dick Cheney arrive at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center?

2) What do you make of this Ronald?

"We took an oath not to talk about it during the campaign, I think correctly so, to increase the capacity of that commission's report to be heard by the people's Congress. Now it's beyond the campaign, so the promise I had to keep this out of the campaign is over. Mr. President, you knew they were in the United States. You were warned by the CIA. You knew in July they were inside the United States. You were told again by briefing officers in August that it was a dire threat. Didn't do anything to harden our border security. Didn't do anything to harden airport security. Didn't do anything to engage local law enforcement. Didn't do anything to round up INS and the consular office, and say we have to shut this down, and didn't warn the American people. What did you do? Nothing so far as we can see ."

Bob Kerrey - 9/11 Commissioner

The Great 9/11-Truth Debate: A Call to Progressives and Anti-war Activists

This debate is expanding to include and welcome anyone from Progressive or Anti-War circles, to partake in a civil debate over the truth of 9/11, and the importance of it as an issue. Topics of discussion can vary between the following bullet points and other related issues, (anything that deviates to widely from these guidelines will be moderated);

  • The truth about 9/11 (being that we still don't know the truth about it).
  • The importance of the truth about 9/11, and how it relates to the shared goals of those in the Anti-War Movement and others.
  • Why for some in the Anti-War movement 9/11-Truth is viewed as unimportant (those who hold such views are encouraged to politely voice them).
  • The Anthrax attacks which came one week after 9/11 on 18/11. The issues surrounding those attacks and the importance of the truth about them in conjunction with 9/11.
  • And the arguments for and against a new, truly independent inquiry in the September 11th attacks of 2001.

 For those just joining now this how it started;

9/11: Press For Truth - Local newspaper publishes my Letter To The Editor

The local newspaper where I live published my Letter To The Editor in the Friday, September 22, 2006 edition regarding 9/11: Press For Truth. The newspaper reaches at least a few thousand homes directly, and is also delivered to many public places and businesses, such as Libraries, government buildings, Hospital and medical clinics, restaurants and coffee shops, as well as being sold at all gas stations, most convenience stores and supermarkets, etc.

The Editor slightly altered the letter. But it's still very similar to the original in most respects. And it's prominently featured on the first page of the letters section, titled as I requested, so I have no complaints.

The following are two images hosted at ImageShack.

1. Screen capture of the original letter

2. Newspaper scan of the published version