
9/11 Bloglines (09/07)

9/11 Bloglines (09/07)

JavaReport: Democrats Nominate 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist in Florida
Operation: Defend Ground Zero
Nico Haupt the grand old man of false-opposition gate-keeper
New Screw Loose Change Video
PrisonPlanet: White House Targets Conspiracy Theorists As Terrorist Recruiters
CB_Brooklyn: CGI Fakery is Already Fact
Louis Gray/BlueArc: 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Embarrassing
NationalLedger: 9/11 Attacks: It Must Have Been a Conspiracy The New Holocaust Deniers
Star Tribune: Some look back to 9/11 and see a U.S. conspiracy
William Rodriguez Gets Cover story of New York's Largest Spanish Newspaper
KXMB on Bowman -Democrat House Candidate A 9/11 Denier - Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck
Stone weighing up second 9/11 movie
Bush claims 9/11 organiser 'phantom' KSM planned Heathrow attack
CB_Brooklyn: Open Letter To Paul Joseph Watson of
New WTC 7 deal "is close"
Gatekeeper Clinton wants to pull ABC's 9/11 mini series
st911 scholar Watson on 9/11 TV Fakery: What price truth?
Bush announced to "transfer" KSM
October 2006: Scholars for 9/11 Truth Come to Colorado
"Altruist" about Thompson's new Hangout Movie

Lisa and Todd's Big Day

"I prepared for our wedding on May 14,1994. I had always wanted to move back East, ... Our wedding took place at the First Baptist Church in Peekskill, New York"

Page 97 "Let's Roll" by Lisa Beamer

Do a marriage license search at:

There are no marriage license records for Todd Beamer and Lisa Brosious!

9/11 'Hitman' Meigs on Frank Whalen Show today

Pop Mechanics 9/11 Hitman Miegs will be on Frank Whalen show this morning on RBN !


I believe he said
at 8 am Central

'Frankly Speaking' is a daily, 4 hour show, from 6 am to 10 am Central.

Hopefully Frank will accept calls !

If so, this is the number to call.

1 - 800 - 313 - 9443

The Logical Reconstruction of Reality: A Reply to Time

Time magazine, the flagship corporate-government mouthpiece, has always been good primarily for one thing--to let us know what Big Brother is thinking, and by the same token, to tell us what we should think. (If you have to ask who Big Brother is, see below.)

Before I reached the age of reason, at the age of 42 when I realized that the mainstream media had been lying for at least a quarter of a century, since the murder of JFK, Time and Newsweek were my teddy bears. Read them and before you know it, you're fast asleep in a world that is in control, no matter how bad it seems. The right people are doing the right things.

That was true, of course, only not in the way I thought. I was the one who was under control. Instead of shouting bloody murder from the rooftops, I was dutifully reading myself to sleep, taking my soma every week.

This latest attempt (Time, Sep. 3, 2006 ) to pacify the herd, to anesthetize us with the idea that "conspiracy theories" are defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from the big, bad, complex world, "empowering" us "to make sense of grand events" is striking, even for Time, in its illogic.

Far from "empowering," the notion that the government itself perpetrated 9/11 has the opposite effect on most people. Who wants to believe that our elected leaders are ruthless, mass-murdering demonic pigs? Fear of having to believe this, and subsequent denial of whatever evidence and arguments would lead to this belief, are by far the most common reactions. Lev Grossman, Big Brother's hack in this instance, knows this as well as anyone else with common sense, and the ploy here is to skirt the fear by making the denial easier. It's not the idea that our leaders are monsters that we have to deal with, he is telling us, but the idea that some people (actually, as he says, 36% of the population) need an idea like this to feel as if they are "participating in the great American tradition of self-reliance and nonconformist, antiauthoritarian dissent." A mature thinker, like Grossman himself, knows that "conspiracy theories are part of the process by which Americans deal with traumatic public events like Sept. 11, "an American form of national mourning," and that--here is the overriding wisdom--"the past, even the immediate past, is ultimately unknowable."

The 9/11 Commission : A Play on Nothing in Three Acts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- September 5, 2006

Contact: Sibel Edmonds, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition,

The 9/11 Commission: A Play on Nothing in Three Acts

Whether wide-body jets were used is unimportant. CGI Fakery is Already Fact

Just like controlled demolitions, CGI is already fact given that...

an aluminum airplane will not slice through 100s of feet of structural steel and reinforced concrete, not show any signs of crushing, breaking, bending, and have it's delicate nose pop out the otherside. And on top of that, not have an exit hole in the building.

Also, different flight paths prove TV Fakery as well.

People must know that this technology exists and is in the hands of TV Networks, and that improvements are being made all the time.

Any news, even live news, from Iraq could all be fake!


Quotes from a Founding member of S.P.I.N.E., and retired Software Engineer in the Aerospace Industry:


"The video is phony because airliners don’t meld into steel and concrete buildings, they crash against them!"

False flag attack imminent on Sept. 7th?

According to, a synthetic terrorist attack- or at the very least, a major terror diversion- may be imminent. Apparently, there are two extensive terror drills set to be conducted later on today: a massive flu pandemic in Virginia, as well as a Loop evacuation of about a dozen buildings in Chicago.

Unfortunately, that's not all that's happening over the next 24 hours. The next trial date regarding illegal wiretapping/surveillance is also set to take place. Anthrax or explosive gel, anyone?

And to put an exclamation point on it all, Bush came out yesterday and did the unthinkable: he actually admitted that the CIA runs secret prisons- which obviously goes against everything he said in the past, including his laughable claim, "The United States does not torture."

I'm headed to NYC for 9/11

I'll get into the city at roughly midnight and will be up and about the entire day.

dz back in da house

Been out of pocket for about the last 5 days (maybe 10?) because of a ton of other things I have going on in my personal life right now, but figured I would check in now that I am back in da house.

I mentioned in passing a week or so ago that I won't be headed to NYC as I had originally planed. I did want to try to contribute somehow though, so I made use of about $400 of our generous donations to get a banner made for the 5th anniversary events. Basically it is a 3ft by 20ft banner which simply states 'ASK QUESTIONS, DEMAND ANSWERS!'. It doesn't say anything about 9/11, and it doesn't have any web addresses, so it will probably serve little use anywhere but Ground Zero, so I have asked that it be given to the folks at NY911Truth for their weekly vigils. I've also shipped 16 sharpies along with the sign for people to sign in memorial of those that suffered from the events of 9/11.

Here is a quick shot of the banner all rolled up on my way to overnight it to NYC, all you can see in the photo is the '!', but it should give an idea as to its size:

big ole sign for NYC

Other than that I did little tonight other than post a couple of news entries, fix an issue with an extra div tag which was throwing off the footer, and work with one of our users on the new layout. I had mentioned that the new site was primarily a change for increased functionality and improved maintenance abilities for our team members. I said that the layout/design would be the next major step, but didn't see that coming anytime soon. Out of the blue I got an offer from an incredibly generous user to redesign the site, and I must say I am in love with the new theme he is working on.

Bush Targets "Conspiracy Theorists"


The terrorism we confront today springs from:

Subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation. Terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda.

Strategy for Winning The War on Terror

Infowars weighs in...

Open Letter To Paul Joseph Watson (regarding your article on

in regards to this article


Mr Watson:

I ask that you follow Alex Jones' advice and look at the data.

You claim the fuselage of flight 175 poked through the opposite side of the south tower. If so, where is the exit hole? An exit hole is not visible in any of the photographs.

What you see on the film footage is a CGI fuselage, a "special effect".


This video shows what happens when an F4 slams into a concrete wall at 500MPH. Note that F4s are built to much higher standards than wide-body aircraft, and are designed to fly 1500MPH. You'll see the F4 pulverizes into dust.


What happens on 9/11? The flimsy wide-body "airplane" penetrates the structural steel / concrete building just as it glides through the air! Wing tips don't break off, tail doesn't bend, the "plane" doesn't even change direction. It shows no change at all.

ABC's "Path to 9/11" and the Liberal Blogosphere

The Liberal Blogosphere is up in arms right now over ABC's faux-documentary "Path to 9/11", and rightfully so. The only contributors to the film were conservatives. It was produced by Rush Limbaugh's friend. And Kean was the only 9/11 Commissioner to be a contributor. Oh, and they made fake scenes.

But the blogger's arguments are that the movie should have been based off of the "9/11 Commission Report". The fatal flaw in their argument is that they don't trust Kean for "Path to 9/11", but they trust him for the 9/11 Commission - Which he was Co-Commissioner of !!!

The other major flaw in the bloggers responses is that they are only fighting for the immediate future. They don't understand the larger picture that is taking place. I think this propaganda movie, in conjunction with Bush now wanting to try KSM and others (behind closed doors) for 9/11, they are trying to get out ahead of the 9/11 Truth movement before we break through. The Administration is setting the ground work for the next 2 1/2 years...they know we are gaining strength everyday.

If they weren't worried about our movement, they would have just made another film for ABC that put out the common wisdom of the 9/11 Commission. They took a risk with this ABC film because they know they're in trouble.


I think the way to aproach this situation is two fold.

  • We need to pressure the bloggers to watch "9/11: Press for Truth". It's coming out this week. This is a film that will help break down the universal thought that the 9/11 Commission is the end all solution and final chapter to 9/11. And most of all, the film is accessable. Not in-your-face like Loose Change is. (I still like LC though...let's not fight about that)
  • I think the issue of Pakistan and bin Laden should be pressed (which is done in "9/11 Press for Truth").
    • Obviously the Pakistan/CIA/ISI connection is a smoking gun. That info needs to get out there more.
    • But the recent revelation (in the Washington Post) that bin Laden isn't wanted by the FBI for 9/11 is something that I could really see the bloggers pushing. In addition to the news that Pakistan is giving safe-haven to the Taliban (or not) and the closing down of the CIA unit assigned to capturing him. All of this really helps break down the myth of bin Laden

So how are we going to go about this?