
Atlanta911truth Street Action 8/11/07

The Atlanta911truth street action in front of and around the CNN center and "freedom" park in Atlanta.

Trying to wake people up in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

This is some freeway blogging a friend known to this site as natty_warrior and I did on 08/11/07. Later that day we went down to the city hall where there was a blues festival going on and we gave out 300 flyers along with 50 dvds in an hour and a half. The overall response was good and we will continue to pound the pavement! Anyone in the area who would like to do some action please contact us. We are going to go out every weekend for an hour, handing out dvds and flyers and spreading the quest for truth.

Click here for more images:

Take to the streets NOW!! 8/11

Time to get out on the street's today people. It's the weekend so there is no excuse. Everybody get to and find your local event. Also once we are done with the actions today, it is of paramount importance that we post details of actions at We need to continue to build the momentum of these actions with inspirational photo's and videos. When people see the monthly actions, they will be completely geared up for 9/11/07. Peace to everybody going out. TAKE ACTION TODAY!!!


General Stike 9/11/07 site up! --

The momentum is building for the General Strike on 9/11/07. You can just feel it: people are fed up and ready to do something big!

At last count, the General Strike has over 4500 Diggs and 1000 comments. A Facebook group has been created as well, with already almost 300 members--mostly students.

The site will be an open hub of information for this event. Anyone can submit flyers, posters, or other graphics to promote the strike. The blog will be updated with all relevant information.

Check it out and get involved. If you want to get people on board with the General Strike this is a great place to send them! The email contact is info (AT)

One more month!

9/11 Truth embraced by the Vancouver Pride Parade and over 300,000 people!

High-res shots attached at bottom.

Shot at 2007-08-06

Shot at 2007-08-06

Well, yesterday was absolutely incredible. Clear blue skies, and perfect temperatures to be outside in the sun. Though some in our group at first had reservations about participating in a parade meant to show support and acceptance to Vancouver's gay and lesbian community, I am very happy to say it was our most successful group action so far. An estimated three hundred thousand open minded and curious people saw our message and unity, and we quite nearly ran out of free material to give away. Though I personally was manning the "home base" tent on the beach with a few others while the parade and crowds were winding their way towards us, there was a tremendous amount of positive feedback displayed during the parade, with some people erupting into spontaneous applause and chants of "9/11 was an inside job!" To be sure, there were a few negative outbursts as well, but these were outnumbered by far by the amount of cheers, support, and thanks that we received.

Rev. Rich Lang's Bold Call for Action on 9/11/07

Previously: Rev. Lang interviews David Ray Griffin


"First they came for the terrorists but I wasn't a terrorist so I stayed silent and went about my business. Then they came for those suspected of terrorism, but I certainly wasn't a suspect so I stayed silent and went about my business. Then they came for those who defended those who were suspected of terrorism, but I wasn't defending such people so I stayed silent and went about my business. Then, one day, they came and began to "suspect" me, so I stayed very, very silent and went about my business.

And that is how I lost my soul."

You can feel it in the air: many of us are living in the fear that we are one "bad event" away from this administration seizing power over the people in such a way that we will find ourselves swept up in a nightmare of tyranny such as we've never seen before.

Others before us have also lived in such times. Others before us have also witnessed the tyranny of empire, the fear it unleashes, and the trance it imposes on its population. There is a story in the Gospel of Mark (this Sunday I'll be preaching about it)* that has Jesus encountering a man in a graveyard, chained to the tombs and possessed by a powerful demon that has caused the man to become violent, insane, and out of control. The name of the demon is Legion, a military term that symbolizes the occupying army of Rome. In the story Jesus breaks through the silence, the denial, the trance and compels the demon to acknowledge its name. Once named, Jesus "exorcizes the demon", that is, he performs a direct public action that breaks through the denial and the trance while restoring the man to sanity and community.

We are gathered tonight because our nation has fallen into a trance: we've become possessed by a spirit that is causing us great harm. It is a spirit that causes great violence. It is a spirit that destroys community. It turns us against each other. It causes us to distrust each other. And it certainly causes us to question our sanity, our understanding of events and of basic human qualities like honesty, forthrightness, integrity, co-operation. This trance has caused us to lose our voice, we have become silent in the face of great evils. We have learned how to live in denial of the obvious. Indeed, we now know the answer to that old question, "how could good German citizens allow the Nazi Party to rise to power?" We need somehow to awaken from this trance, and find our voice. We need to break through the denial and compel the demon that possess' us to state forth its name, and having done that, then through direct public actions we can restore our citizenry to sanity and community. We need to awaken and reclaim our roots as a democracy.

That's the assumption of this call to meeting. We face a multitude, a whole legion of evils that are silencing us, chaining us to fears and denial, possessing us with a spirit contrary to our nature. You have probably come here because you have seen this possession and have become restless and frustrated in "casting it out" of the body politic. Some of you are here because you think electing Democrats in 2008 will bring a new birth of hope. Some of you are here because you think our governing system has fallen into disrepair and needs a few tweaks and adjustments. Some of you want to fix our broken elections, or stop the impending war in Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Some of you want to get to the bottom of the 9/11 contradictions, and some of you are worried sick about the house of cards that is our economy. Many of you are greatly concerned about the growing power of the executive and the military. Many of you worry about the corruption of our political process through Corporate money. The urgency of multiple crisis (legion) is certainly before our nation this evening. But tonight the focus is really on one part of the crisis: breaking the trance, breaking through the denial and finding our voice.

This year, for the first time since 2001, 9/11 falls on a Tuesday. Tonight I want to call us to participate in a creative direct action goaled towards naming the demon and therefore awakening our people from their trance. Tonight I want to invite us into a city wide series of direct actions that will put thousands of people into the streets to perform, what might be called a Day of Democracy, but what I would call, a public exorcism of the tyranny of fear. Like Jesus, I want to invite us to "unchain" the possessed and let them go free.* Unchain the possessed and help them find their voice.

Let me get specific. Many of us are weary of the staged acts of street theater that have become commonplace in Seattle. You already know the script: we gather at Westlake in coalitions that represent many different agendas, we then march down to the Fed all under the guidance and control of our police force. We gather full of sound and fury, full of agitation, we hear a few speeches and then …. go home with little or no impact.

I want to call us into something a bit different. The empire has promoted our trance largely through the mechanism of stealing our voice, distorting our voice, controlling our voice, and then silencing our voice through shutting us out of the Corporate run media. So I say we should take our public assembly straight to them. It is in the graveyard of our media outlets, where once there was life, but now only death and distortion. I call upon us to gather in groups of tens, of hundreds, of thousands, and on Tuesday September 11th , the 6th anniversary, I call upon us to engage in several direct actions at each of the major Corporate media outlets: Seattle PI, King 5, KOMO, FOX etc etc etc …these direct actions will be public exorcisms acknowledging the name of the demon: the growing tyranny that has been inflicted upon our land.

Imagine surrounding the PI or King or KOMO with pots and pans, circling the building seven times and each time mounting a thunderous roar of IMPEACH THEM ALL. Or imagine, performing creative and bold actions of civil disobedience that compel the media to acknowledge and hear our voice, loud, strong and clear. Imagine thousands of people with tape on their mouth, muzzled and doing a die-in at FOX to demonstrate the logical consequence of a nuclear attack on Iran. Imagine the nude bicyclists of the Fremont Fair streaking throughout the city as a living reminder that this administration is stripping us of our civil rights. Imagine every kid from every high school walking out of class and surrounding Military Recruiter sites with the all day chant, "NO MORE LIES!". All on the same day, all in groups of tens, of hundreds, of thousands; and all without getting permits or permission from the authorities that would dare to bind us in chains in the graveyard of silence. Imagine rocking this entire city with direct actions to cast out the spirit of fear, the smog of deception, and the chains of silence. Imagine a Seattle Tea party with a citizenry that dares to act as if they are, in fact, a free people! Imagine a day of democracy. And then, that night, imagine a party that brings us together to celebrate our voice.

I issue forth this call because we can't simply stay asleep watching a treasonous band of lawbreakers bully our nation into tyranny. We must stand up to them. We must create a free space for our citizenry to take heart and as an example for other cities to do the same. This public act is a liturgy to inspire and motive those who are already hard at work in the trenches for electoral integrity, for impeachment, for stopping the war, for the reprioritizing of the political agendas of our representatives. This public act of liturgy is a tool to help our fellow citizens reconnect with their efforts. Democracy only works when the citizenry cares enough to move beyond concern to commitment.

What we don't have is the money to compete against the filthy rich who own our representatives, and who have distorted and silenced our voice. But what we do have is moral power. What we do have is a sacred narrative, a declaration of independence from the tyranny of empire. What we do have is a sacred code of conduct called the Constitution that tells in no uncertain terms that "we the people" are the rulers and those we elect are in service to us. We have forgotten this and need to reclaim the birthright of our heritage: our democracy. We need to compel those who dare to steal this birthright to respect our basic human rights. This is what it means to be a free people.

Imagine that on 9/11 of this year that everyone would suddenly "get sick" and leave work to assemble with groups of tens, of hundreds, of thousands, and perform acts of democracy. Imagine the entire police force of this city calling in with the "Blue Flu" so that they could join us in participating in a day of democracy. Imagine everyone walking around this city with a sign that says "I am not paralyzed by fear". Imagine reclaiming our courage, our moral vision, and our national idealism that strives for liberty and justice for all! Imagine shutting down this city for one day to make our voice heard, ending the shame of our silence, and the guilt of our cowardice in the face of fear. Imagine reestablishing our national self-respect.

On Tuesday September 11th I call upon "we the people" to gather in a series of direct actions to perform public actions exorcizing the fear of tyranny from out of the citizenry. I call upon us to make a noise and find our voice.

Certainly, it would be a good thing if every spiritual leader of every faith community would be front and center helping to lead our actions: but don't hold your breath. Certainly, it would be a good thing if our State and Federal representatives were there in solidarity with our actions, participating with us: but don't assume that they either care or even agree with the crisis before us. For this to happen we alone must make it happen. We alone are, as the proverb says: "the ones we are waiting for".

Full text.

* Reverend Lang is Pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle.

Confront Dog the Bounty Hunter about 9/11.

Dog the Bounty Hunter went on Larry King Live Friday Aug. 3rd and said he wanted a piece of Osama Bin Laden. Let's confront him with some questions about the truth on his ongoing book tour across America. He deserves the Truth and can probably handle it.

Meet and Greets
8/20/07 8:00 PM Lecture The Center Evansville, IN
8/22/07 8:00 PM Lecture Peoria Civic Center Theatre Peoria, IL
8/25/07 7:30 PM Lecture Halifax Forum Halifax Nova Scotia
9/11/07 7:00 PM Lecture Brandt Centre Regina, Canada

Upcoming Events
8/1/07 7:00 PM Lecture & Book Signing Barnes & Noble Honolulu, HI
8/3/07 7:30 PM Book Signing Borders Books Hollywood, CA
8/4/07 11:00 AM Book Signing Wal-Mart Santa Clarita, CA
8/5/07 7:00 PM Lecture Freedom Hall Civic Center Johnson City, TN
8/7/07 1:00 PM Book Signing Borders Books New York, NY
8/7/07 7:00 PM Lecture & Book Signing Barnes & Noble Staten Island, NY
8/8/07 6:30 PM Lecture & Book Signing Oxonian Society Cornell Club New York, NY
8/9/07 7:00 PM Book Signing Bookends Ridgewood, NJ
8/10/07 7:00 PM Book Signing Borders Books Ann Arbor, MI
8/11/07 12:00 PM Book Signing Borders Books Taylor, MI

Open Source Resistance



Open Source Resistance ( is a self-described "information militia" with two sides: content and platforms.

Artists create content (in various media) about issues that matter to them, and submit it to the Open Source Resistance site, which in turn matches the content to registered platforms such as:

- street teams for flyers;
- cable TV and YouTube enthusiasts for video;
- musicians for audio; and
- web designers for new media.

About the first image above:

- 2007, insofar as it is coming to resemble the patriotic proving grounds of the mid-sixties, offers us a chance to prove that we have learned from history - to refuse to swallow the "Magic Bullet"

- We can turn the surveillance society on its head. Recording technology in everyone's hands allows us to watch the watchers any ordinary citizen can instantly become an important figure in history - as Abraham Zapruder did;


- Every frame in this piece of art is a problematic or unexplained aspect of the 9/11 attacks - each with its own debates, proponents, and detractors. This artwork only deals with photographic and videographic evidence, but audio, seismic, written, and oral-history information is also available.

These artistic contributions are covered by the First Amendment and all media contained therein pass the balance test of the Fair use Doctrine.

Thanks for reading,

Thanks, Eric.

East Anglia Truth @ the Eastern Haze Festival, July 2007 (Video)

We hope you all enjoy this short video montage of our recent weekend at the Eastern Haze Festival in Somerleyton, Suffolk.

For a summary of the event including photos, you can go here:-

For more photos please visit the "pics" section of our MySpace profile @

Thanks again to all of our activists and the many members of public that made the weekend so special, we all came away feeling extremely positive and we're very much looking forward to our next festival in September. There certainly does appear to be a growing thirst for this information.

In the meantime, we'll be sure to keep you updated on all other East Anglia Truth activity.

Best Wishes,
East Anglia Truth

"The Floor Is Yours, Truthers" on

Hi all,

First off, this Steve Farrell guy is a 'dedicated' skeptic, but without the hate of the SLC and JREF crowd. However, in previous threads he's said such as things as "Hani Hanjour's poor flying skills aren't evidence of anything, kameelyun." He has also rigorously defended NORAD's 'incompetence,' as well as waving away all of the controlled demolition evidence. He has handwaved away Dutch demolitionist Danny Jowenko. He has even waved away the fact that a phone call to Controlled Demolition revealed that "pull it" IS a demolition term. So I'm a bit weary about how productive the thread would actually be... Should we take this guy's bait or not? There are those here who are more knowledgeable than I, and have read more books. (I still have yet to read Ruppert or Tarpley because those books are so huge.)

Having said all that, here's how Steve opens this new thread:

"All the attention so far has been paid to the flaws in the official theory of 9/11, the Al Qaeda hijacker scenario. But any alternative theory has to stand on its own. What if we abandoned the conventional scenario for good? What should we believe actually happened on 9/11?

Washington DC - 9/11/07

NYC and the First Responder Fund Raiser out of reach? If you live near the nation's capitol, there is a good alternative, four full days of action in DC. A benefit to activism at the capitol is that Congress will be in session, so the Representatives will really have to work to avoid seeing you. Especially if you spend some time being seen around the House.

Come to Washington this September for the historic union of the 9/11Truth, Peace and Impeachment movements.March with us as we honor the victims of 9/11 and the thousands of casualties of the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Call for the end of the bogus war on terror, impeachment of the criminals in the White House and restoration of our civil liberties.

Come for the Truth, stay for the Peace and Justice!

Tuesday, September 11 Noon - Rally at Lafayette Park,
Pennsylvania Ave., in front of the White House. Cross country walkers arrive.
Speakers: Webster Tarpley, Ralph Schoenman, David Lindorff, Carlo Hawk Walker, and others

Invite Gravel to NYC or Washington for 9/11/07

Senator Gravel has been very supportive of the idea of a new 9/11 investigation.

He has a staff that is very friendly to 9/11 skeptics, and if we can show the campaign that we want a candidate that will stand with us, Gravel could be that man.

All 9/11 skeptics are hereby called upon to write an email to the Gravel campaign to invite Mike to attend the WeAreChange/Alex Jones fundraiser in NYC, or to come and join the festivities in Washington on 9/11/07.

No form-letter-template here, use your own words, and let Gravel know that you want a candidate who isn't scared to look 9/11 in the eye.


(Feel free to make the letter an open letter and post as a comment below.)

Tampa 9/11 Rally at FOX 13

The Tampa 9/11 Truth group in front of FOX 13 on Saturday July 28th

In our debut warm up action getting ready for a 9/11 TRUTH presence the 11th of every month starting August in front of FOX NEWS (the state managed propaganda network in Amerika) at a high traffic/high visibility area in Tampa. We stand in solidarity with 9/11 Truth activists all over the world!

Thanks, Mia! - New Radio Ad calls for Activism on 9/11/07

"Cheney and Chertoff are warning us of another 9/11 attack in the U.S. this summer. A new false-flag event—a pretext to attack Iran—could plunge America into dictatorship and martial law, and the world into nuclear war.

It's time to confront the cancer of deception and corruption within our government, and to stop the ruthless war machine.

A tidal wave of truth seekers is rising in America—united by purpose, not politics—that will descend on New York City and Washington DC, and throughout the country on September 11th, to honor the victims of 9/11 and of the wars that followed.

Join the new revolution—before it's too late!"

Streaming and D/L at

Streaming mirror: encourages the placement of this ad on community radio, college radio, commercial radio (if you can afford it), and public radio (if they'll allow it!). Internet radio is free to play the spot at will.

East Anglia Truth at Eastern Haze

East Anglia Truth at the Eastern Haze Festival

Well, the sunshine finally broke through amidst the downpours and following a complete washout on the Friday, Truth was allowed to emerge at the Eastern Haze festival in Somerleyton, Suffolk last weekend. Having resigned to a day of watching the rain from the marquee, we were thankful that the weather changed to allow the festival's 10,000+ attendants to roam free - with the Sunday bringing a beautiful day of warm sunshine and subsequently many visitors to the East Anglia Truth area.