
Prof. Steven E. Jones on Public Access Television Right now!

Prof. Steven E. Jones Lecture on Public Access Television Right now!

I am in Northern Virginia. Channel 10 (Comcast)

I'm not sure when or where it took place, but thanks to whoever got this on!


More 9/11 Videos than you can watch ...

The Great Deception - The War on Terrorism - An alternative view (2002)

Media critic Barrie Zwicker, the host of VisionTV Insight: Mediafile, is one of the few North American journalists to offer an alternative viewpoint on the Sept. 11 tragedy. In this provocative six-part series of Mediafile commentaries, he challenges the official explanation for the attacks and considers the troubling implications of Americas new war.

Poring over a wealth of published material, Zwicker finds much that has gone unexamined, from the apparent breakdown of American air defenses on Sept. 11, to the longstanding ties between U.S. intelligence and Osama bin Laden. He also takes a hard look at the actions of President George W. Bush in the midst of the crisis. And he ventures to ask what role U.S. oil interests may have played in these events.

Have the mainstream media failed to ask tough questions about September 11? They have generally accepted the official story, but skeptics believe there are still many unanswered questions. VisionTV Insight: Mediafile tackles this contentious issue in a provocative panel discussion that features American investigative journalist and whistle-blower Michael Ruppert, along with journalist and former Commissioner for the Somalia Inquiry Peter Desbarats, ethicist Phyllis Creighton and the former chair of Canada's Security Intelligence Review Committee, Ron Atkey.

Condi's Killer Pen

On September 24th, the NYPost reported that it was Condoleezza Rice's office that "gave final approval to the infamous Environmental Protection Agency press releases days after 9/11 claiming the air around Ground Zero was "safe to breathe."

That story has since been removed from the NYPost's servers.

The only other news agency to cover this story was NY1 News.

Isn't that "newsworthy" enough for our media? It is WELL KNOWN that there are sick and dying individuals from the toxins of Ground Zero. Why then doesn't our media think Condi's involvement warrants attention?

Is it not juicy enough for you media? Is it because we're in an election cycle, and news like this would be bad for the Republican party?

Well guess what. It gets even juicier.

Not only did Condi's office give final approval for the press release that has affected 1000's of New Yorkers, "two devastating memos, written by the U.S. and local governments, show they knew. They knew the toxic soup created at Ground Zero was a deadly health hazard. Yet they sent workers into the pit and people back into their homes."

What do you say to that media? U.S. and local Governments knowingly sent New Yorkers to their death.

Is that "newsworthy" enough for you?

Frank DeMartini: WTC Hero

I've been studying 911 truth for a number of years now, and just today realized that I had somehow missed something very important.

I was watching the Discovery Channel 9/11 documentary today (yes, it didn't cover the questions about the collapse, but it was informative nonetheless). From it, I've learned that Frank DeMartini was not only the construction manager for the WTC, he was also a hero on that day.

Most of us are aware of the video clip where Mr. DeMartini states that the towers were designed to withstand multiple plane impacts. If you've never seen it, here it is:

NEVER, in any of the many references I saw to this man or this clip, did I ever hear a reference to
his heroism. It was always something like "ironically, Frank DeMartini died at WTC".

I'm here to proclaim that Frank DeMartini didn't just die that day. He died saving many other people.
For one source of information on his herorism, see:

God bless Frank DeMartini.

Video Shows 2 9/11 Hijackers Laughing

Video Shows 2 9/11 Hijackers Laughing


LONDON Oct 1, 2006 (AP)— More than 18 months before they carried out the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, a new videotape shows two of the Sept. 11 hijackers laughing and smiling for a camera.

Mohamed Atta and Ziad Jarrah look much different in the tape than they do in photographs made famous after the attacks in New York and Washington....


Sunday, October 01, 2006 -

Source: FMNN


A faithful reader and commentator, "A. Magnus" writes has written the following email, posted to FMNN General Feedback:

"Do you like October suprises? Is there a big bang coming to hit the markets? If you believe that those in the know use insider information before major events then you might be interested on the HUGE number of October 6th put options for the big indexes. Check out the concentrated puts on the Diamonds DOW Trust (DIA):

See FMNN for specific financial data. (REQUIRES REGISTRATION)

According to the post: "Make no mistake - something wicked this way comes, and the smart money has already taken preventative steps."

9/11/06 Tribute To Truth

This is a video of my own design with most, but not all, of the pictures and videos taken with my camera. The 9/11 Truth Movement has really changed my life and you guys are some of the greatest people in the world. This is my way of saying "Thank You."

Abolish the Secret Service -- US legalizes Torture

FIJI has done it.

It has been demonstrated that it *can* be done...

Abolishing the secret service. Shut down the intelligence agencies.

Over the years there have been many voices saying
DEMOCRACY survives DESPITE the spy agencies.

Seems that in the USA that is no longer the case.

Abolishing the CIA will be the only way to return to accountability,
to the rule of law.

The CIA, simply put, is unlawful. In other words... you can choose.. either CIA or democracy. Both is not possible.


Military Commissions Act of 2006

Any alien unlawful enemy combatant engaged in hostilities or having supported hostilities against the United States is subject to trial by military commission as set forth in this chapter.

US representatives LEGALIZE crimes against humanity.

Congress LEGALISES crimes retroactively!

No impact!

First of all thanks to the mods for lifting my ban.

 "Don't let them provoke you. Don't let them provoke you..

There was no impact, no splash of aluminium, steel and concrete. 

The area on the building between the left engine and body appears intact. How?

Spreadin' the Gospel

Last night, I showed 911 Mysteries to my friend who is a metallurgist. I could see he was very interested and
paused the film several times to bring up a point or ask a question. I cannot say he was immediately
converted but as this very nice and intelligent fellow likes to play devil's advocate, this came as no surprise
to me.

We had some spirited but respectful discussions. I continued to remind myself that, while I
had seen this and similar movies about the collapse of the WTC towers and WTC 7 sooo many times,
this was his first and it is a lot to absorb.

That said, I do feel that his interest was piqued and that he will continue to ponder the points
and questions raised in the movie, in his own time. I left 911 Mysteries with him at his request. He
plans to show it to his parents when he returns to visit his home state.

Ray McGovern at Camp Democracy

Caught a portion of this on CSPAN yesterday. Wondered if any of you saw it (and hopefully caught more
than I did), and, if so, what are your thoughts/comments?

July 7th London, was an inside job too. Please watch the videos and consider signing the petition!

For those of you who have not as yet realised that July 7th 2005, 7/7 was also an inside job and I encourage all truth seekers to watch the following two very good videos!

Also please consider signing the petition to "release the evidence" ( concerning the events on that day, which to this day the police and intelligence services have denied under 'national security reasons', the petition is hosted on the following website in the UK which contains pertinent information and news relating to 7-7.

This first video is by David Shayler (FORMER MI5 SPY AND WHISTLE BLOWER), and includes issues concerning 9/11 too.


Idea for the next 911blogger blogad

I think it's very cool that Dz uses the ads to promote other things besides 911blogger in the blogads, that shows real selflessness and solid teamwork. But this time I recon the next blogad should be purely an advertisement for the Blogger. There's no big news about at the minuet and documentaries like “911 Mysteries” and “911: Press for truth” are spreading themselves. What do ppl think?

U.S. Arms Great Lakes Boats

Knowing what we know about the supposed terrorist threat to the United States, what is the true motive for this?

The Canadian Press     

Canada - Thursday, September 28, 2006 @ 02:00

HALIFAX — The U.S. Coast Guard’s plans to arm boats on the great lakes with machine-guns — a measure that has drawn fire from Canadian residents — were sanctioned by Ottawa three years ago, officials from both countries confirmed today.

Earlier this year, the American coast guard started training exercises on the lakes with live .30-calibre machine-guns attached to several small boats.

The practice was temporarily suspended until November after complaints from residents and Canadian politicians, including Toronto Mayor David Miller who claimed the move violated a treaty signed after the War of 1812.

But the commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard said it’s become necessary to protect the border that runs through the lakes, and he said the treaty no longer applies.